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At that moment, Tiffany knew what the spirit of Christmas was. The star that Jason colored for her meant more to her than all the presents her parents would give her. Jason had given all e had to her. She understood that the spirit of Christmas wasn’t in the getting, but in the giving.

Judge the following sentences.

Tiffany was always happy on Christmas Day.

The orphanage is a place where homeless children live.

There were many coloring balls and stars on the Christmas tree in the orphanage.

Jason made a very beautiful star with an angel on it for Tiffany.

Tiffany knew at last that the spirit of Christmas was in giving, not in getting.

步骤8 小节


步骤9  写作



步骤10  布置作业



通过学生自己上网查阅资料,培养了科研精神,激发了学生的兴趣。课前展示预习满足了学生的展现自我能力的欲望。本课的设计主线以Christmas 为中心。课堂上通过师生共同活动,对圣诞节常识的提问和学生对圣诞老人图片的描述以及归纳总结与圣诞节相关的词语,使学生对圣诞节常识有了更进一步了解。学生小组讨论问题及难点,形成互助互动的学习环境,增加了口语练习机会.。学生主动参与,大脑处于积极活跃状态,对于接受新知识大有好处。难点讲解之后,配以同义句填空练习,使师生得以及时了解自己的教学情况,巩固所学知识。各种形式的讲述圣诞,为学生提供了巩固所学知识,发展语言技能的平台,使所学语言活起来,学生从书本走进现实生活中,在日常交往中有效地进行表达。另外,补充材料使学生增加了阅读兴趣,拓宽了知识面,加深了对基督精神和西方文化的理解。


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