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Unit 24 The science of farmingle

e wheat?”

  →The students asked the farmer when he harvested the wheat.

  →“What are you doing here, Mary?” John asked.

  →John asked Mary what she was doing there.

  →“When will she leave for Beijing?” Mr Smith asked me.

  →Mr Smith asked me when she would leave for Beijing.


  He said to the farmers, “Do things at the right fame of year.”

  →He told the farmers to do things at the right time of the year.

  “Open your books. Please,” he said.

  →He asked us to open our books,

  “Don't turn off the light,” the teacher said.

  →The teacher told me not to turn off the light.

辨析condition, situation




  Their wages and working conditions must be improved. 他们的工资、工作条件必须改进。

  What are conditions like in your country? 你们国家的情形如何?

  How do you analyze the present economic situation? 你怎样分析当前的经济形势?

辨析advise, suggest

  相同点:两个动词都有“建议”之意,并且二者都可接+that –clause

  We wish to advise you that you now owe the bank $500.你现欠银行五百美元,特此通知。

  I suggested that it would be quicker to travel by train. 我建议说坐火车旅行要快一些。


  1)  advise sb. to do sth.

  2)  suggest doing sth.

  He advised farmers to choose the best-heads. 他劝告农民要挑选最好的谷穗。

  He suggested changing the plan.他建议改变这个计划。

辨析point out, point in, point to

  point out指出,常用于借喻中,后接名词和that从句。

  point in表示具体的“指”。英语可以说point a finger (gun) at ab. (用手指(枪)指某人)。但更常见的是其不及物动词的用法。例如:

  point to指着;指向,有时与point at同义,但一般用于较远的事物。此外,point to还有“指向”,“显示”等意义。例如:

  He pointed out the mistakes in my composition. 他指出了我作文中的错误。

  “That’s the man who did it,” she said, pointing at me. “那就是干那件事的人,”她手指着我说。

  She pointed to the house on the corner and said, “That’s where I lived.”她指着拐角处的房子说,那就是我住的地方。

辨析it, one, ones, that, those





  those用来代替可数名词复数,表示特指。有时the ones和 those可互换,要求有后置定语。

  I don't want to drink the tea. It is too hot. 我不想喝茶,太烫了。

  She looked for her watch everywhere, but she couldn't find it anywhere. 她四处找她的手表,结果哪儿也没找到。

  He needs a new dictionary. He is going to buy one.他需要新字典,打算去买一本。

  The new designs are much better than the old one. 这些新的设计比旧的(设计)好多了。

  The weather here is colder than that in Hainan.这里的天气要比海南的天气冷一些。

  The book is more difficult than those we have read before.这本书比我们以前读过的书要难些。





  land意为:“陆地,土地”。与海洋和河流相对,也可指“田地”,可耕种的田地就叫做 land,它可以指“国士”、“国家”。

  Snakes creep on the earth 蛇在地上爬行。

  I’ll fill in the hole with earth.我将用泥土把洞填起来。

  The soil is very thin in the forest.森林里的土层非常薄。

  He studied how to improve soil conditions.他研究怎样改善土壤条件。

  The ground is covered with leaves in the woods.地上落满了树叶。

  We travelled by land until we reached the sea.我们从陆地去,一直旅行到大海。

  Then we'd better pick the rest of these cabbages before the weather changes.那咱们最好在变天前把这些剩下的卷心菜收回去。


  2)有些 before引导的从句译成“在……之前”意思很别扭,不合乎汉语的表达习惯、这时,应根据不同的语境灵活地译成其他各种含义,句意才能自然通顺。    其译法主要有下列几种:


  The fire lasted about four hours before the fire-fighters could control it.大火持续了大约四个小时后,消防人员才将它控制住。


  I didn't sleep long before day broke.我没睡多长时间就亮了。


  He laughed before I could finish the humorous story.不等我讲完那幽默故事他就笑起来了。

  Before I could get in a word, he had measured me. 不等我插话,他已经给我量好了尺寸。


  Be a pupil before you become a teacher.先做学生,后做先生。


  Then we can leave early in the morning before it gets too hot. 这样我们可以一清早就动身,以免天气太热。

  Write it down before you forget it.趁你还没忘记,把它写下来。

《Unit 24 The science of farmingle(第2页)》

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