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八年级英语第二十四单元You mustn\t play on the road !_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力

章节 第二十四单元




1.tidy one’s room整理某人的房间

2. go out for a walk出去散步

3.instead/ instead of …代替/代替……

4.every five minutes每5分钟

5.look over检查

6. take enough exercise做足够运动

7.keep …clean and tidy保持……的干净、整洁

8.No problem. 没问题。


1.Do you have to tidy the room ?

Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

2. What does she have to do ?


状态动词“have to ”的用法,及其与must在意义上,用法上的区别。


A.情态动词:have to (do sth )

has to (do sth )

had to (do sth )

1.情态动词have to常可代替情态动词must。从意义上讲must强调说话人主观的看法,意思是“应该”、“必须”、“一定要”,have to表示客观需要做的事,意为“必须”、“不得不”。


a)You must tell me. 你必须告诉我。

b)He has to work on Sundays. 星期天他得上班。

2)从形式上说,must适用于所有人称,无时态变化,而have to有人称、时态的变化。第三人 称单数的变化为has to,一般过去时的变化为had to,一般将来时的变化为will have to。


a)Yesterday afternoon I had to stay at home to look after my younger brother.昨天下午我不得不呆在家里照顾我弟弟。

3.have to的一般疑问句及其简略答语与其他的情态动词不同,需用助动词do/does(did)或will等构成;它的特殊疑问句同样也需用这些助动词构成。


a)do you have to leave now ?你现在必须得离开吗?

Yes, I do.是的,我必须得走。

b)why does she have to work on Sundays ?


4.have to的否定式don’t have to可以与情态动词needn’t互换,表示“不必”。


a)You don’t have to /needn’t wash all the clothes.



1.Come out for a walk in the park.


2.I may come later.我可能过会来。



a)I’ll see you later.过会儿见。

3.Why don’t you come and play volleyball instead ?


(1)Why don’t …?表示一种建议,也可改用“Why not +动词原形……”结构。比如,此句 就可以改写为:

Why not come and play volleyball instead ?



a)Let him go instead.让他代你去。

4.She has to help with the washing.她得帮忙洗衣服。

此句help后省略了宾语her mother。

5.Mommy是mommy的大写形式。mommy是mom的儿语,都是美国英语,意思是“妈妈”。英国英 语称之为mummy和mum。

6.He can’t make it today.他今天不行(“不成”或“做不到”)。

make it是口语用法,一般用作不及物动词,意为“做成”、“成功”或“达到目的”。


A: Can we catch the train ?我们能赶上火车吗?

B:I hope we can make it.希望来得及。

7.Find out three jobs your friends have to do at home.


(1)job意思是“工作”、“零活”或“杂务”,是个可数名词。例如:He found a good job.他找到一份好工作。

(2)your friends have to do at home是个定语从句,省略了引导词which或that。句子后置作定语,修饰前面的名词“three jobs”。

8.I have to sit down and rest every five minutes.




a)Buses come every ten minutes.


b)They have a test every two weeks.


9.—What do you mean?你说的是什么意思?

—I mean you eat too much food, but you don’t take enough exercise.


(1)mean此处是一个动词,译为“含有……意思”,“意指”。例如:I mean you made a mistake.我的意思是说你犯了个错误。

(2)food是不可数名词,故此处用much,而不用many,too是个程度副词,用以修饰后面的形 容词much。


a)There are too many people in the room.


(3)exercise这个名词,作为可数名词,意为“练习”、“训练”;作为不可数名词,意为 “运动”。


a)Please do these exercises.请做这些练习。

b)You should take some exercise.你该做些运动。



a)morning/eye exercises早/眼操

10.Not before or after meals──instead of them.


instead of …,后面可接名词、代词、—ing形式,译为“代替”,“而不”。


a)I will go to see her instead of you.


b)I have to finish my work instead of going out.







a)This is a tidy room.这是个整洁的房间。

b)You must keep the room tidy.你必须保持房间的整洁。

c)He is tidying his room at home. 他正在家整理房间呢。


(1)look after…(同:take care of…)照料

(2)look for…寻找

(3)look like…看起来像,像是……的样子

(4)look out向外看,当心

(5)look over检查


a)The nurse looked after the babies. 护士照料婴儿。

b)What are you looking for ?你在找什么?

c)You look like your father.你长得像你父亲。

d)It looks like rain.看起来像是要下雨了。

e)He was looking out of the window.他正向窗外看。

f)Look out! The train is coming.小心!火车就要来了。

g)The doctor is looking over him.医生在给他作检查。


①dinner意为“正餐”,指一天中吃得较丰富的一顿饭,一般在中午或晚上吃,此时dinner 为抽象名词,一般不带冠词。



a)Would you like to have dinner with us ?


b)We have three meals a day.



1.I/You/We/They have to …

(help with the housework帮做家务wear more clothes多穿些衣服)

2.She/He has to …

(mend her/ his bike修自行车do her /his homework做作业)

3.I/He/She/You/We/They had to …

(stay at home yesterday昨天呆在家里do some washing last night昨晚洗些衣服)

4.Do I have to…?Yes, you do (have to ).No, you don’t …

(eat less food少吃些食物look after the baby照顾婴儿)

Does he/she have to …? Yes, he/she does.

No, he/she doesn’t.

(do all the exercises做所有的练习bring some food带些食物来)

5.Who/Whom do we have to visit ?我们必须拜访谁?


a)What does he have to say in the meeting?


b)Which exercise does he have to do ?他必须做哪个练习?

“have to ”与when引导的时间状语从句,或if引导的条件状语从句连用的句型训练:



a)You want to be thinner and healthier. You have to eat less food.(if )

→If you want to be thinner and healthier, you have to eat less food.

(1)What do you have to do ? Your mother is ill.

(2)You don’t feel well. You have to see a doctor.

(3)It will rain tomorrow. We have to stay at home.

(4)Mother isn’t at home. I have to do the cooking.



a)You are at home. What do you have to do round the house ?(When)

→What do you have to do round the house when you are at home ?

(1)I am at school. I have to study hard.

(2)You are ill. You have to stay in bed.

(3)It will be 10 o’clock. We have to go.

(4)We are still young. Our parents have to look after us carefully.

1.(1)If your mother is ill, what do you have to do ?

(2)If you don’t feel well, you have to see a doctor.

(3)If it rains tomorrow, we have to stay at home.

(4)If mother isn’t at home, I have to do the cooking.

2.(1)When I’m at school, I have to study hard.

(2)When you’re ill, you have to stay in bed.

(3)When it is 10 o’clock, we have to go.

(4)When we’re still young, our parents have to look after us carefully.




1.tidy[ ] 2.washing[ ] 3.garden[ ]

4.instead[ ] 5.problem[ ]


1.thin(比较级)____ 2.forget(现在分词)____

3.rest(过去式)____ 4.quickly(比较级)_____



1.I have to tidy my room. (划线提问)

2.He may have to stay at home. I think so. (合并成一个复合句)

3.I have to sit down and rest every five minutes.(划线提问)

4.Mrs. Brown has to take these medicine before meals.(变为一般疑问句)

5.He had to wash all the plates and things after meals.(反意疑问句)


1.They have time.

A. much too B. much more C. too much D. very much

2.Tom runs the fastest the school.

A. in B. of C. to D. for

3.I don’t like watching TV tonight. Let’s go out for a walk .

A. but B. too C. instead D. except

4.Please show your tickets me.

A. on B. as C. to D. with

5.Is there tonight ?

A. delicious something B. something delicious

C. delicious anything D. anything delicious

6.Will you stay at home this afternoon to help me the cooking ?

A. make B. doing C. with D. making

7.I think he is staying at the moment.

A. in home B. in the home C. at the home D. at home

8.What does Mr. Wang often do after ?

A. eating B. meal C. meals D. have supper

9.Please answer the following(以下的) .

A. question B. questions C. problem D. problems

10.I know your watch is two minutes .

A. slow B. slowly C. slower D. more slowly

11. The temperature in the south is much higher than .

A. the north B. in the north C. it in the north D. that in the north

12.Give me four bread.

A. piece B. piece of C. pieces D. piece of

13. I took a photo my sister.

A. for B. off C. of D. about

14.Hurry up, we’ll be late for the meeting.

A. or B. then C. and D. so

15.“Who keeps the windows ?”

“I then just now”.

A. open, open B. open, opened C. opening, opened D. opened, open

16.People will have on new clothes New Year’s Day.

A. on B. at C. in D. by

17.He has brother.

A. only B. only C. only one D. only two

18.It’s important a foreign language.

A. of us to learn B. of us learning

C. for us to learn D. for us to learning

19. Let me as soon as you receive it.

A. know B. to know C. D. to be told

20.I can’t it to you because I have just from Li Hong.

A. lend, borrow B. borrowed, lent C. lend, borrowed D. borrow, lent


1.Let’s______ .(出去散散步)

2.Mary has to_________ .(整理房间)

3.Uncle Zhang________.(可能过会儿来)

4.Do you have to__________ ?(呆在家里)

5.Mrs. Brown must________.(多做运动)



1.A. face B. bee C. see D. these

2.A. twice B. wise C. white D. will

3.A. leaf B. idea C. clean D. team

4.A. watch B. school C. cheap D. China

5.A. then B. than C. that D. third


1.The girl was (thank)to her teacher.

2.After the match I was (true) tired.

3. It will be a (please) trip to go to Shanghai by ship.

4.Hungary(匈牙利)is a (Europe) country.

5.My uncle is a medical (work).


1.She often helps her mother________.

A. do some wash B. do some washing

C. washes D. do washing clothes

2.We are going to play_______ volleyball next Saturday.

A. a B. the C. our D./

3.If you can’t do it, let Zhao Rong do it________ .

A. instead of B. instead

C. instead of D. insteed

4. Give me the red one_________the green one.

A. instead of B instead off.

C. instead of D. insted of

5.A long walk made her________.

A. tire B. tires C. tired D. tiring

6.Let’s stop and_____ rest.

A. take B. take a C. have a D. both Band C

7.______! Wand is she ?

A. Look at, look at B. Look at, looking at

C. look at, looking D. look, looking at

8.Perhaps he will ask _______ .

A. us some questions B. our questions

C. some question of us D. both A and C

9.Every day we must do lots of exercises_______maths after class.

` A. in B. on C. to D.of

10.Taking_______is good for your health.

A. exercises B. more exercise C. many exercises D. your exercise

11.The moon moves_______ the earth.

A. near B. by C. beside D. round

12.It’s the wrong answer_______ the question.

A. to B. for C. of D. on

13.—Are you going John’s car.

—No, I’m going John’s car.

A. by, on B. by, by C. by, in D. in, on

14.We’re interested in work.

A. ours B. ourselves C. each other D. one another’s

15. are you going to be, a teacher or a doctor?

A.Who B. Whom C. Which D.What

16.Would you like tea, please ?

A. some B. any C. few D. a few

17.“ have you been to Beijing?”

“Only twice.”

A. How often B. How many times

C. How much D. How soon

18. December is month of the year.

A. twelve B. the twelveth C. the twelfth D. twelfth

19.My first wish is to pass the English exam.

A. a B. an C. the D./

20.We have to do.

A. many works B. much work C. a lot of works D. a number of work


A man was setting o 1 to visit his friends early in the morning. He brought some cakes with him f 2 breakfast. As he went along, he thought, “My friend is sure to g 3 me a nice meal.”So he threw a 4 the cakes on the road.

He went on and finally came to a river. To h 5 surprise, the river had become very wide and he couldn’t c 6 it .He had to wait f 7 a boat. As the sun was beginning to set, he

h 8 to come back.

He walked a 9 walked and soon he felt very hungry. Suddenly he found some hard cakes by the roadside. He picked them u 10 happily and ate them all with difficulty.




One day Mr. Murphy saw a woman in the street with ten children. He was very surprised because all the children were wearing the same clothes—white caps, blue coats and black trousers.

“Are all those children yours?”he asked the mother.

“Yes, they are,”she answered.

“Do you always put them on the same clothes?”asked Mr. Murphy.

“Yes,”answered the mother. “When we had only four children, we Put them on the same clothes because we did not want to lost any of them. It was easy to see our children when they were among other children, because they were all wearing the same clothes. And now, when we have ten, we put them on this because we do not want to take other children home too by mistake(错误).when there are other children among ours, it is easy to see them, because their clothes are different.”

1. Mr. Murphy was surprised because the ten children were wearing the same clothes.( )

2.The children’s caps were white, their coats were blue, and their trousers were blue, too.( )

3.The woman was the mother of the ten children.( )

4.When the woman had only four children, she put them on different clothes.( )

5.The woman put her children on the same clothes because it was easy to see them when there were other children.( )



In Britain the weather never gets too hot or too cold. There is not a great difference between summer and winter. Why is this ?

Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it is an island(岛屿) country. In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to Britain. In summer the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain.

The winds from the west blow over Britain all the year. They blow from the southwest across the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋). They are wet winds. They bring rain to Britain all the year. Britain has a lot of rain all the year. The west of Britain is wetter than the east.

The winds must blow across the high land in the west. The east of Britain is drier than the west.

6.What’s the weather like in Britain ?

A. It’s either too hot or too cold.

B. It’s both too hot and too cold.

C. It’s neither too hot nor too cold.

D. We don’t know.

7.When do the winds bring cool air to Britain ?

A. In spring B. In summer C. In autumn D. In winter.

8.Why is the weather in summer and in winter almost the same ?

A. There is not difference between summer and winter in Britain.

B. There is sea air around this country.

C. There are winds from the high land.

D. There is much rain in the Atlantic Ocean.

9.Which of the following is right ?

A. There is more rain in the east than in the west.

B. There is as much rain in the west as in the east.

C. There is less rain in the east than in the west.

D. There is less rain in the east than in the west.

10.The short passage tells us .

A. the seasons in Britain

B. the rain in Britain

C. the weather in Britain

D. the winds in Britain


A:Do you know John’s address ?

B:No, I (1) . But I saw you wrote (2) his address on a piece of paper.

A:Yes, (3) I can’t find it.

B:It may be in your inside pocket.

A:No, it isn’t there.

B:It (4) be in your pencil—box.

A:No, I looked there.

B:Your mother may know the address.

A:Well, Let me ask her. Thank you.

B:Not at (5) .


1.I spent half an hour in studying violin.

It me half an hour to_______violin

2.The book is very interesting. Everybody in our class wants to read it .

The book is______ interesting_______everybody in our class wants to read it .

3. After breakfast Jenny horried to school.

After breakfast Jenny_______ to school______ a lunch.

4.Tom has filled the bottle with blue ink.

The bottle is____ ______blue ink.

5.The boy began to the violin when he was only four.

______The______ of four, the boy began to play the violin.



She has to help_____ ______ ______.


He can’t_____ ______ today.


We’ll____ _____ ask Zhang Li_____.


I______ you eat____ ______ ______ , but you don’t_____ ______ ______ .



Ⅱ.1.thinner 2. forgetting 3. rested 4. more quickly 5. easy

Ⅲ.1. What do you have to do ?

2. I think he may have to stay at home.

3. How often do you have to sit down and rest ?

4. Does Mrs. Brown have to take these medicine before meals ?

5.He had to wash all the plates and things after meals, didn’t he ?

Ⅳ.1~5 CACCD 6~10 CDCBA 11~16DDCAB 16~20 A C C AC

Ⅴ.1. go out for a walk 2. tidy her room

3. may come later 4. stay at home

5. take more exercise


Ⅰ.1.A 2.D 3. B 4. B 5. D

Ⅱ.1.thankful 2. truly 3. pleasant 4. European 5. worker

Ⅲ.1~5BDBAC 6~10 D D A B B 11~16DACDD 16~20ABCDB

Ⅳ.1.out 2. for 3. give 4.away 5. his 6. cross 7. for 8. had 9. and 10.up

Ⅴ.1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. C 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. C

Ⅵ.1.don’t 2. down 3. but 4. may 5. all

Ⅶ.1.took, study 2. so, that 3. went, in 4. full, of 5. At, age

Ⅷ.1. with, the, washing 2. make, it 3. have, to, instead 4. mean, too, much, food, take, enough, exercise



《八年级英语第二十四单元You mustn\t play on the road !_八年级英语教案-英语教案,试题,论文,听力》


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