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Essential Readings, Chicago:Lyceum Books/Nelson HallPeters,G.,1996, The future of
Governing ,university of kansasPollitt, 1990, Managerialism and the Public Services,
Basil Black-wellRainey,Hal G.1991,Understanding and Managing Public Organisations ,Jossey-BassRanson,S. And Stewart,1994 Management For Public Domain ,St.Martin's
PressRosenbloom,D,1998, Public Administration ,McGraw-HillTerry,L.,1998,Administrative Leadership, Neo-management and the public management movement ,PAR,Vo l.58,No.4Waldo,D.1948, The Administrative State, Holmes and Meier publishersWamsley,
G.L.andWolf,1996, Refounding Democratic Public Administration,Sage