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中考英语复习 语法(词法Ⅰ)


(5) 常用句型有like A better than B和like A(the)best of(in)…



(1) too, either

Too 一般用于肯定句,常放在句末,否定句时用either。

(2) ago,before

ago 以现在为起点,和动词的过去时连用。before以过去某个时间为起点,常和过去完成时连用。当before前没有“一段时间”而单独使用时,泛指“以前”,常和完成时连用。如:I have heard the man before。我以前听说过那个人。





(1)在某具体时刻之前,如at seven o’ clock,at 7:30。

(2)在固定短语中,如:at noon,at night,at that time,at the age of at the weekend,at Christmas。

On用来表示“在……天”,如:On Monday,On May lst,On Children’s Day。



(2)在—段时间之后,如:in two hours,in a few days。

注意:在纯粹地表示在上午/下午/晚上时,用in the morning/afternoon/evening,但在某一天的上午、下午、晚上前要用介词on。如:on Monday morning,on the morning of Children’ s Day。

2. 表示地点的at,in,on的用法区别

(1) at通常指小地方,in一般指大地方。

(2) at 所指范围不太明确,in指“在……里”。

(3) in指在内部,on指“在……之上”。







There is a bridge over the river

Our plane flew above the clouds.



We see with our eyes.

We go there by bike.

Please say it out in English.

He cut it open with a knife.


表示时间介词at, on, in 的省略

(1) 在 next, last, this, these, today, yesterday, tomorrow, one, every, each, all等词前,一般不用 at, in, on.

(2) 在某些名词词组前,可以省略(也可不省)如: (on) that day, (in)the year before last



listen to, laugh at, write to, hear from, get to, look at, shout at, shout to, knock at, look for, look at, ask for, wait for, get on, get to, put on, turn on, operate on, take off, turn off, learn from, worry about ...


afraid of, full of, angry with, strict with, busy with, good at, good/bad for, late for, sorry for, ready for, famous for, polite to, far from...

3.名词+介词 / 介词+名词

key to, visit to, at home, in surprise, after class, for ever, on time, at last, at first, for example...



[例1](1)—How far is your school from here?

—Not very far. It's about twenty ______ walk.

A. minute's B. minutes’ C. minutes D. minute

(2)It is about ______ from the school to my home.

A. ten minutes walk B. ten minutes’ walk

C. ten minutes’ s walk D. ten minute’s walk

分析 上述两题考查名词所有格的构成及用法。由句意可知空格处所填内容是表示距离的名词,选项中的名词minute和walk存在所有关系,因此必须用名词的所有格。名词所有格的’s也可以加在一个短语之后,若该短语最后一个名词的词尾是-s,则只加“’’。如:an hour’s ride, two weeks’ time。因而(1)、(2)小题答案均为B。

[例2] Have you seen ______ at the foot of the hill?

A. any sheep B. some sheeps C. any sheeps D. some sheep

分析 此题考查名词复数的特殊例子。sheep的单复数同形;any一般用在疑问句和否定句里,some用在肯定句里。


[例3]—Who is the man in the blue car?

—He is ______father.

A. Kate's and Mary's B. Kate and Mary's C. Kate and Mary D. of Kate and Mary

分析 本题考查名词所有格的构成及方法。两个并列的所有格,只给第二个名词加“’s”。

[例4] (哈尔滨市,2003)---Where is Tom?

--- He’ s left a saying that he has something important to do.

A. excuse B. message C. exercise D. news

分析 此题考查名词的用法,由a知道选项A、C、D不行,故选B。

答案 选B

解后反思 an excuse(一个借口),an exercise(一个练习)……,news(新闻)是不可数名词。

[例5] (天津市,2003)He had something to write down and asked me for

A. a paper B. some papers C. some pieces of papers D. a piece of paper

分析 此题考查不可数名词的用法。Paper作“纸”讲时是不可数名词,故A、B、C可排除。


解后反思 paper当“试卷”、“文件”讲时是可数名词。类似的词还有:fish,chicken等。


[例1] 用所给词的适当形式填空。

1)This isn’t _______ (I) book, it must be _______ (you).

2)Is there any milk in the bottle?

Yes, there is ______ (little).

分析 第1小题第一空要用形容词性物主代词my,用于修饰名词book,第二空则要用名词性物主代词yours,相当于your book。第2小题应用a little表示肯定:“有一点儿”。

[例2] There are many trees on________ of the road.

A. both side B. each sides C. both sides D. every side

分析 此题主要考查不定代词both, each和every的用法。both为“两者”(都)”,作定语时,其后接复数名词;作主语时,要用复数谓语动词。either为“两者中间的任何一个(的)”,作定语时,后接单数可数名词;作主语时,要用单数谓语动词。every意为“每个(的)”,作定语,只用于三者或三者以上。又因马路road(rive,street等)只有两侧,所以正确答案只能是C。

[例3] 1) “Help ______ to some mooncakes”, Han Meimei said to the twins.

A. you B. oneself C. yourself D. yourselves

2) —Put on your clothes when you go out.

—Thank you. Mum. I can look after______.

A. me B.I C. ourselves D. myself

分析 这是一组考查反身代词用法的试题。反身代词在句中可作宾语、表语和同位语,不能单独使用、不能替代主格代词,但可用在主格代词后以加强语气。还常用于某些短语中,如:by oneself独自,enjoy oneself 玩得愉快,teach oneself 自学,help oneself to…随便

《中考英语复习 语法(词法Ⅰ)(第3页)》

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