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Lesson 18 教学案例

; Practice

Wb Lesson16 Ex.1

Step6  Workbook

WbLesson18, Exx2and3

Step7  Consolidation

Discussus about the question: What can we learn from this lesson?

Step8  Homework

Write what the can learn from this lesson.



一、Warming up

二. Revision

T: Do you still remember the words what we learned in Lesson17?           

(The teacher writes words on the Bb: chemical, experiment, observe and observation)

Ss: Read together.

T: Do you know which word “observation”comes from?

S1:(Stand up) “Observation” comes from “observe”.

T: What’s the difference between them?

S2: “Observation”is n. and “Observe” is v.

T: ( 赞许地  ) .You are right.

三. Pre-reading (Task1)

T: Now let’s discussing two questions.(on Page22)

1. In what ways do you think obserevation is important?

2. How good are you at observing things? Give the examples.


T:OK.Who’d like to tell us the results first?

S3: I think observation is very important in many ways. For example , in my srudy, especially,my chemistry and physics.But, I am not good at observing things.

T: Well done.

S4: I think in my composition is very important because if we give an careful observation to the things we have seen, we will write a good composition.

S5: I’m not good at observing things . For example, When I write English words. I always makes some mistakes.

S6: Neither am I.



T:Thank you. All of you gave me many examples.I hope you are good at observing things. It is important for your study and work in the future.

四. Presentation(Task2)

T: Today,let’s look at an examples about observation. Now look at the picture at the top of Page22. Give me the answers to my questions. Who is t

《Lesson 18 教学案例(第4页)》

  • 上一篇范文: 第一册Unit Three Going Places
  • 下一篇范文: In the lab

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