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A new factory

eir own   words.
  3. To learn some useful expressions.
Step I Introduction
  1. With books open. Refer the Ss to the picture. Ask:
  What can you see?
  What kind of factory is it?
  Where can you find car factories in China?
  (Wuhan, Shanghai, Beijing, etc.)
  2. The T may tell the Ss the picture is about the car factory built in Wuhan , and it was finished by the year 2000.
Step II Discussion
  Get the Ss to discuss this question.
  “What will be one of the results of the new car factory?”
  Help them to answers: offering new jobs, bringing other new business, leading to the growth of economy, etc.
Step III Preparation for reading
  Prepare the Ss for reading by teaching the new words in the passage. Get the Ss to say the new words or phrases after hearing   their teachers explanation.
  1. in or to a foreign country ( abroad)
  2. to give sb. things needed (supply)
  3. a piece of work (job)
  4. a lot of; a large number of (plenty of)
  5. a plan for building a school, a hospital or other things (project)
  6. no less than (at least)
  7. person who has finished studying at school and who wants to find jobs (school leaver)
Step Ⅳ Reading
  Get the Ss to read the passage again. And answer the following questions.
  1.As the result of the new car factory, there will be _____for workers.
  A. a great many new cars
  B. A lot of telephones and computers
  C. a large number of new jobs
  2.How many cars will be produced each year at the beginning? _____.
  A.300,000   B.15,000   C. 150,00
  3.More new companies will produce things like_______.
  A. the lights and the windows
  B. telephones and computers
  C. new houses and new roads
  4.Cars will be taken to many parts of the country_______.
  A. by railway  B. by sea  C. by air
  While the Ss are answering them, the teacher writes the answers on the Bb. 1.C 2.C 3. B 4. A
Step Ⅴ Practice
  Get the Ss to retell the passage and use their own words .They can use the passive voice in the future tense. At first they can do it with their partners and then encourage some of them to do it in front of the class.
Step Ⅵ Workbook
  Part 2 on Page 83. Let the Ss do it alone. Before doing it, explain how to do it.
Step Ⅶ Homework
  1. Rewrite the passage, and try to use the passive voice.
  2. Review the grammar: Language Study “The Passive Voice”
  3. Go over the expressions on Page 22.



  There will be a great many new jobs for workers and school—leavers in this city. A lot of new cars will be supplied to people all over the country. At least some houses will be built for the workers. New roads will be built too. The port near the city will be opened to foreign ships so that the cars will be sent abroad by sea. The city will become rich. New business will be stated in the city. For example, factories and other buildings for more new companies ;they will produce things like telephones and computers. The new car factory can bring more jobs to the province.

《A new factory(第4页)》

  • 上一篇范文: American English
  • 下一篇范文: English programmes

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