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Mainly revision

oking for.
  Notes: which, whom在从句中作介词的宾语时,介词一般可置于关系代词之前或放在从句原来的位置。但在含有介词的动词固定短语中介词只能放在原来的位置上,而不能放在which之前,如例4则不能改为
  This is the magazine for which you are looking.
  This is the photo that (which) I took in Beijing last year.
  This is the man that/who lives next door.
  Is this the professor that you talked about yesterday? (about不能放在that前面)
  This is one of the best novels that I have ever read.
  The first English song that I learned was the ABC song.
  2)all ,much, everything, nothing, something, anything作先行词时用that。(但先行词是everybody,everyone时因应用who,one指人时也用who)
  Everything that we saw at the exhibition greatly interested us.
  Is there anything that belongs to you?
  All that we need is more time.
  Nothing that parents do doesn’t influence their children.
  That is the only way that we can find at present.
  This is the very museum that we visited for the first time.
  4) that可以用来引导限制性定语从句,当它在从句中作介宾时,介词应后移。
  This is the good student that the teachers talked about just now.
  My mother and her old friends talked of the things and persons  that they remembered in the school.

  1. Yesterday I met Doctor Wang, ____ told me the good news of his son's passing the examination.
  2. The two pupils ____ you taught three yeas ago have become  teachers.
  3. He began to work in Beijing in the year ____ New China was founded.
  4. I don’t know the reason ____ she didn't agree to our plan.
  5. This is Carry ____ son died in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
  6. He told us everything ____ he had seen in the traffic accident.
  7. This was the best model of the TV set ____ the factory produced last year..
  8. They have visited the Museum of Chinese History ____ Premier Zhou’s life and deeds are being shown.
  9. Alice, ____ dress is all red, looks very pretty.
  10. The first thing ____ I am going to do this evening is to write a report about the experiment.
  1. He is an American, ____ I know from his accent.
  2. She was not discouraged, ____ can be seen from her eyes.
  3. The sun heats the earth, ____ makes it possible for plants to grow.
  4. ____ was usual with him, the old man went out for a walk after supper.
  5. It was raining, ____ was a pity.
  6. He said he had been to America, ____ is untrue.
  7. ____ is well known, China is in Asia.
  8. Edison was one of the greatest scientist, ____ is well-known.
  9. He must be from Africa, ____ can be seen from his skin.
  10. Air, ____ we breathe every day, is a mixture of gases.

教学设计方案Lesson 29

Teaching Aims

  1. To train the students’ ability of listening and improve their spoken English.

  2. To learn how to make an offer of food.

  3. To learn how to use the following useful words and expressions: offer a piece of help oneself to.

  4. To get the Ss to know some table manners.

Teaching procedures

Step I Presentation

  1.T: We are going to learn some table manners and new words. (Write these on the blackboard).

  2. Competition: Write these columns on the Bb.


  The Ss work in groups. They have to write down the names of as many items of food as they can think of in English. See which group can write down the most items for each category.

  3. Teach the names of food, using some pictures on the projector or the real things. Then ask the Ss what kind of food they like to eat most.

Step 3 Listening

  Tell the Ss that we are going to learn a dialogue. In the dialogue Jim and Bob are at Li Jia’s house for dinner.

1. Get the Ss to listen to the tape.

  2. After listening, ask the Ss to answer the questions.

  3. Get the Ss to listen to the tape again. This time listen and repeat.

Step 4 Reading

  Ask the Ss to see how Li Jia offers food to the guests.

  T: Please listen to the tape carefully with your books closed. After that, you are to   answer some questions.

  1) How many kinds of food do the friends talk about in the dialogue? (five)

  2) What are they? (beancurd, beef, chicken, pancake, soup)

Step 5 Language study

  T allow the Ss enough

《Mainly revision(第4页)》

  • 上一篇范文: American English
  • 下一篇范文: English programmes

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