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Abraham Lincoln

firemen arrived and controlled the fire.在火灾发生后很短的时间内,消防队员们就到达现场并控制住了火势。
  I don't know why a quarrel broke out between the two neighbours because they used to be close friends.我不知道为什么这两个邻居之间会发生争吵,因为他们以前曾是很亲密的朋友。

  作“认为”讲,后跟不定式的复合结构。“consider sb./sth. to be”,这一结构表示“认为某人/某事……”,“把……当作……”。与 “regard sb./sth. as” 相同。
  Jenny is considered (to be) warm-hearted. 珍尼被认为是个热心人。
  The Great Wall is considered as one of the most interesting places in the world. 长城被认为是世界上最有趣的地方之一。

分析be sad at…
  说明]作“听到/看到……而难过”解,表示引起某种情绪的原因。类似的词还有be surprised at;
  be angry at; be glad at; be happy at; be frightened at 等等。
  He was angry at losing the chance to go abroad.他失去了出国的机会,很生气。


关系副词  用法     例句(关系副词=介词=关系代词)
where  地点/场所   This is the place where / in which I was              born.
why   理由/原因  This is the reason why / for which they cannot            come today.
when   时间    I know the time when / at which he will              leave.
不可用how 方式   This is the way in which I study / which I            study in. This is the way that I study.
  1)when指时间,相当于at that time,在从句中作时间状语。如:
  I still remember the day when( = on which) I first came to Beijing.我还记得第一次来到北京那天的情景。
  She came at a time when we needed her most.她在我们最需要的时候来了。
  2)where相当于at that place,在从句中作地点状语。如:
  This is the house where (in which) my father used to live.这就是我父亲以前住过的房子。
  Do you know the street where Li Fang lives?你知道李芳居住的那条街吗?
  The building ( which/that) they built 10 years ago was destroyed in the storm last night.他们十年前建的那栋房子在昨晚的风暴中毁坏了。
  The village ( that/which) we visited is very beautiful.我们参观的那个村子景色很美。
  We'll never forget the day ( that/which) we spent together in Wuhan.我们将不会忘记我们在武汉一起度过的日子。
  1. I'll never forget the day _____ we spent together last week.
  2. I'll never forget the day _____ we met each other last week.
  3. Do you still remember the hall _____ we visited the painting exhibition?
  4. After living in New York for 10 years, he returned to the small town _____ he grew up as a child.
  5. It is the third time _____ you have made the same mistake.
Key: that/ which, when, where, where, that

Lesson 49教学设计方案

Teaching Aims
  1 To learn the following words and expressions.

  fight against/for, in the end, set free, end v., What’s on….?, That sounds interesting.

  2.To train the Ss’ ability of telling stories.

  3.10 train the Ss’ ability of making up dialogues.

Teaching procedures

Step I Warming-up
  1.Get the Ss to talk about the films or the TV plays they have seen/watched recently. The teacher may start asking.

  1).Do you know that many years ago in America, there were a lot of slaves?

  2). Do you know where these slaves came from? and who knows how they came to America?

  3). Do you know what life they were living?

  4).Do you know who let the slaves become free men?

  2.Show the pictures find the right sentence for each of the pictures on Page 49

Step II Listening

  1.The SB Lesson 49 Part 2. Say to the Ss:

  T: A new film “Fight for Freedom” is on at the cinema this week. Explain: “on” here means “being shown” and “freedom” is the noun form of “free”. And now two friends are talking about it. Listen to the dialogue and try to find the answers to the following questions.

  1) What’s the new movie about?

  2) When did the story take place?

  2. Play the tape for the Ss to listen to with their books closed. Then get some Ss to answer the above questions.

Suggested answers:

  1) About black slaves’ fighting for freedom and the great leader, Lincoln.

  2) The story took place in a time when there were black slaves in North America.

Step III Practice
  1.Get the Ss to practise the dialogue in pairs. Then ask some pairs to act it out.

  2.Ask the Ss to talk about their favourite films or TV plays. Encourage them to use the expressions like:

  What’s on...?

  What's it about?

  It s about a time when. . .

  That sounds interesting.

  In the newspaper. . .

  3. After a few minutes, get some pail's to act theirs out in front of the class.

Step ⅣLanguage points

  1. The SB Lesson 49, Part I. First get the Ss to learn the new words by explain

《Abraham Lincoln(第3页)》

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