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  Although both these shops sell vegetables, they are quite separate. 虽然这两个商店都卖蔬菜,但是他们是独立经营。

  v. —make, become or keep separate 使分离,分开,隔开

  England is separated from France by the Channel. 英法两国由英吉利海峡隔开。

  separate sth. /sb. / from sth. (some place)把……与……分开;把……与某地分开

  We should never separate from the masses. 我们绝不应该脱离群众。


  vt.-break into pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭,毁坏,破坏

  The houses were destroyed by a fire [a flood, an earthquake].房屋被火灾[水灾, 地震]所毁。

  It can easily be destroyed by the burning and by the cows.它很容易被烧毁和被牛损坏。

  Don't destroy that box, it may be useful.不要把那个盒子毁掉,它也许有用。

  3) guide

  n.-person who shows the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or visit 向导

  Our guide buys some food from the villagers and we cook it ourselves.我们的向导从村民那儿买了些食物后,我们亲自烹调。

  The guide led us into that mountain. 导游带我们进山了。

  v.-act as guide to 引导;指导

  The Party guides us forward from victory to victory. 党指引我们从胜利走向胜利。

guide 和 lead 的区别

  1) guide指充当向导,率先而行,对所走的路或所干的事非常精通。

  He guided the child across the forest. 他领着孩子穿过森林。

  2) lead指在前面带路,让别人跟着走。

  He led us to a room upstairs. 他把我们带到楼上的一个房间里。


  1)n.—sth. that is seen, esp. sth. remarkable; sth. which looks very bad or laugh景象,景物,尤指显著物;很难看或很可笑的事物

  What a sad sight it was! 那是多么凄惨的景象啊!

  What a sight you are! 你多惹人注意啊!

  2)-the power of the eye; limit within which seeing is possible 视力,视觉

  The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world. 大峡谷是世界名胜之一。

  have good( poor) sight( eyesight) 视力良好(不好)/ in( within) sight; out of sight看得见;看不见

  Land was not yet in sight. 陆地仍然望不见 / Victory was still out of sight. 胜利尚不可及

  7)see sb. off

  —go to the railway station, dock, airport, etc. with sb., who is starting on a journey 到火车站,码头,飞机场等送某人

  Is anybody seeing you off? 有人送你吗?

  the same usage:

  1) see something (somebody) out (through)办好某事(送某人出去);使某事顺利通过

  2) see somebody later (again)再见

  注意:以上例句中out, off, through, later (again)都是adv.。如果动词宾语是代词,应把宾语置于以上副词之前。



  A. Give my regards/ best wishes / love to…

  B. Say “Hi/Hello/ Sorry/ Yes/ No” to sb.


  Have a nice/ good/ wonderful time.

  —Have a nice weekend!

  —The same to you.


  How about sb./ sth.?


be + v-ing表一般将来时态

  go, come, leave, start, arrive, move, stay等瞬间动词用于进行时态时,表示将来含义。如:

  I’m leaving for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我要去北京。


  l)will/ shall +动词原形。

  They will go to visit the Great Wall tomorrow.

  2)be going to do sth. 表示打算要做或准备要做某事,或将要发生或肯定要发生的事。如:It is going to snow.天要下雪了。

  3)一般现在时表将来时,表示按计划或时刻表要发生的事,仅用于come, get, go, leave, start, stay等表来去的少数动词。如:

  The plane leaves at seven. So I think we’ll take a taxi to the airport.飞机7点起飞,所以我们将要乘出租车去机场。

  4)be about to do sth. 表正要做某事,但不和具体的时间连用。如:

  I was about to leave when he came to see me. 我正要离开,这时他来看我。

4.Jane and Betty are going on separate holidays in a few days’ time.

   I’m going there for holiday with my parents.


   Sunday is a holiday.

  The summer holidays begin.

  They had a five day’s holiday.

  They had a five-day holiday.

  They had a holiday of five days.

  搭配一:for holiday 度假

  A French student went to London for his holiday.

  搭配二:on holiday 正在休假

  She is on holiday in France.

  [注意]表示放多少天假时,只能用 “a holiday of … days”, “…days’ holiday”或 “…day holiday”.

  This summer we have 50 days’ holidays.

  This summer we have a holiday of 50 (days).

  搭配三:have/take/spend a holiday 度假

  I spent my holiday in the village.

  搭配四:summer vacation 暑假


  搭配五:sick leave病假

  [注意] leave多指军队等的假期,亦指病假。

  辨析 shout at/shout to

  shout at 的意思是“对某人大声叫嚷”含有警告责备等含义。shout to 则是“大声喊叫某人”,使对方能听到喊声。例如:

   (1)Why shout at me all the time? Is it possible that I have done something wrong?   为什么老对我大叫大嚷?莫非我做错了什么?


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