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  (2)I heard someone shout to me in the distance. 我听到有人在远处叫我。

教学设计方案----Lesson 13

(一)Teaching Aims

  1. To understand the dialogue fully.

  2. To develop the Ss' ability to make similar dialogues using present continuous tense for the plan in the near future.

  3. To study the usage of some words and expressions in the dialogues.

 (二) Teaching procedures

Step I Introduction

  Tell the Ss that in this period we are going to study a dialogue between two girls and learn to talk about the future plan in the Present Continuous Tense and try to make a travel plan for a holiday.

Step II Dialogue

  1. T: National Day is coming. We will have a holiday. How are you going to spend it? Are you going to travel? If “yes”, answer the questions below:

  1 ) Where are you going?         2) Why are you going there?

  3) When are you starting off?     4) How are you travelling there?

  5) Is anybody seeing you off or meeting you?

  6) How long are you going to stay?

   ( Ask these questions in the Present Continuous Tense. )

  2. Introduce the dialogue in brief to the Ss

Step Ⅲ Listening

  1. Listen to the dialogue twice with the books closed.

  2. After listening, ask the Ss to fill in the following form with the information in the dialogue.


Where to go

When to leave

How to go

Whom to stay with

How long to stay





Step ⅣReading

1.T play the recorder one or twice, the Ss follow it to read. Then ask them read loudly by themselves.

  2.After reading, let the Ss judge whether the following statements are true or false according to the information in the dialogue. Do it orally.

  1) Betty is going off to Guangzhou next Friday afternoon. (False)

  2) Nobody is seeing her off. (False) .

  3) Her plane leaves at seven and they'll take a taxi to the airport. (True)

  4) Betty is staying with her friend in a hotel although the hotels in Guangzhou are expensive.  (False)

  5) She is going there by train. (False)

  6) She is staying there just for the weekend. (True)

  7) Betty and Jane wish each other a good trip. (True)

Step Ⅴ Language points

  1.Prepare some sentences and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks using the words and expressions in the dialogue.

  1).Jane and Betty are going on ____holidays in a few ____time.

  2)When are you going to ____Guangzhou?

  3)Is anybody ____you off?

  4)Do give her my____.

  5)____a good trip!

  2. Point out some of the words and expressions.

  1.separate   2.see..off    3.in a few weeks’ time= in a few weeks  5.Please say “Hi” to sb.

  6.The Present Continuous Tense----Future Use  

Step Ⅵ Practice

  1. Make a summary of the Present Continuous Tense. Tell the Ss that the present continuous tense. can be used for a plan in the future. Come, go, leave, start and so on are often used in this way.

  2. Make similar dialogues. Given situations:

  1) You are going to have a football match.

  2) You are going to see a film.

  3) You are going to meet a friend on Sunday.

  Allow them a few minutes to make dialogues in pairs. Then ask them to play in the front of the class.

Step Ⅶ Workbook

  Finish Ex. I and 2 on Page 72 as quickly as possible.

StepⅧ Homework

  Make a travel plan     

教学设计方案---Lesson 14-15

(一)Teaching Aims

  1. To make clear the meanin


  • 上一篇范文: Lesson 104 教学设计方案
  • 下一篇范文: Computer

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