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Unit 16 Fire

find out what to do if they hear the fire alarm. Check comprehension by asking Yes/ No questions:

  1.Should I stay in my room? ( No)

  2.Should I leave the building at once? (Yes )

  3.Should I take my room key? (Yes )

  4.Should I take the lift? ( No )

Step IV Play a role

  The T let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs a few minutes, The T can write some main sentences on the Bb, for example: 

  1) cooking in the kitchen; 2) the pan of oil; 3) catch fire) 4) turn off the gas; 5) cover the pan; 6) the fire (be) out

  Then the T asks one pair to act the scene in front of the class.

Step V Language focus  

  1.Take care: be careful.

  2. Is the fire out? If there are no flames, the fire is out.

  3. You might…burning oil: If you carried the pan out of the kitchen, you might get burnt by the fire and you might drop the pan. Might here indicates possibility.

Step VI Examination

Complete the dialogues with suitable words.

1.A: Be _______! The pan is very ______. You might get _______.

 B: Thanks, Mum. But what _______I do?

 A: You’d ______turn off the gas first. Leave the pan there _______it gets cooler.

2. A: Look ________! Your coat has ______fire.

 B: Oh dear!

 A: Take it _______and put it ________the water.

3. A: Take__________! You ________throw the cigarette end(烟头) here. Look at those newspapers .They might _________fire.

 B: Oh, I’m terribly ________.

4. A: _________careful! Your clothes _______get caught in that machine..

 B: Thank you. I didn’t know I was so close ________it.

Step VII Homework

  1.Finish off the Workbook exercises.

  2.Preparation the Lesson 62.

《Unit 16 Fire(第4页)》

  • 上一篇范文: Unit 14 Mainly revision
  • 下一篇范文: 教学设计方案Lesson 70

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