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Unit Four

dialogue (pair work)
Make up a dialogue according to the situation
A is having some difficulty in learning English,
B is helping him.

B. While-dialogue
Task 1: Learn the dialogue
1. Read the dialogue.
2. Find out all the expressions about offering help, encouraging others and giving advice (Well done/ Just try/ That was a very good ball.)
Task 2: Mechanical Practice( pair work)
1.Read after the tape.
2.Act it out.
Task 3 Drill
The teacher presents three situations, and let some students act as Mother to encourage her child, using the above useful expressions.
Picture 1: A little child is learning to walk, his mother is ahead of him.
Picture 2: A schoolgirl is disappointed because she failed to pass the exam.
Picture 3: A young boy is very sad at his dead pet.

C. Post-dialogue
Task 1: Make dialogues according to the following situations (pair work):
Situation 1: You have just been saved from a terrible earthquake and you are worrying about your family.
Situation 2: Your neighbour will take care of your pet while your are on holiday.
Situation 3: Your house is on fire, but there is a little girl sleeping in bed on the second floor.
Task 2.Performance
Four students act as psychologists. They are good at dealing with the problems on life and study, such as having sports, making friends, getting along with parents and keeping healthy. Let students speak out freely and ask one of them to give them some advice.
Task 3. Homework:
Collect the information about natural disasters and describe them. (work in group of four)
本课围绕难忘的经历这一主题,描写洪水来临时的凶猛及Jeff与Flora在这次经历中的体验。通过本课学习,学生能理解和掌握一些新词汇,如:roar、mass、fright、crack、boom、advance、seize、destroy、sweep、swallow、drag、struggle、flow、strike,etc. 理解文章中出现的定语从句,如:
1) Before she could move, she heard a great noise, which grew to a terrible roar.
2) She looked at Jeff who waved his arms.
3) There she saw big mass of water that was quickly advancing towards her.
4) Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying.
Ⅲ、 教学设计
A. Warming up
Task 1: Report (group leaders report their research voluntarily)
Task 2. Describing unreal experiences.(pair work)
What would you do in the following situations?
You're in the classroom
You're sleeping in your bedroom
You're riding a bicycle on the road.
You're shopping in a supermarket.
What would you do?

B. Pre-reading
Task : Look and guess
1. What can you see in the picture?
2. What happened to them finally?
3. What words will you use to describe this disaster?
e.g : scare, mass of water, sweep, struggle, swallow, frightened, flow, etc.

C. While-reading
a. Fast reading
Question 1. What natural disaster did Flora and Jeff suffer? (Flood)
Question 2. What rescued them? (Chimney)
b. Careful reading
Task 1: Divide the whole passage according to the change of the places.
Para 1:In the garden
Para2:On the way to the house
Para3:Inside the house
Task 2: Imagination
Question 1:What was the house like? ( B )
A、a flat B、a house with two floors
Question 2:What words support your idea?
Task 3 :Read the passage for the second time and finish the following form
Task 4 Imagine the end of the story
c. Practice for understanding and word study
1、What does the word"there"in para.1 refer to ?
2、"However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her"
Which is Not the correct explanation to this sentence?(D)
A、She has no idea that the water came upon her so soon.
B、She had no time to think more before the water was upon her.
C、The water came upon her so soon that she had no time to think more.
D、The water came upon her so soon that she didn't think it for the second time.
3、What's the Chinese for the phrase "get on her feet"?(A)
A、双脚站立  B、爬到脚上  C、淹没脚部  D、踩到脚上
4、Which of the following statements is Not true?(D)
A、Flora was so surprised by the coming water that she couldn't do anything .
B、The garden was completely destroyed by the water.
C、Jeff and Flora were saved by holding the chimney.
D、It was Flora who first found the flood.
5、How many times did Flora fall over on her way to the house? (twice)
6. The word " after" in " Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water." has the same meaning as _________.(C)
A. We will come back after 10 o'clock.
B. He would look after my baby when I went shopping.
C. Many tourists will come to visit this temple year after year.
D. The place was named after a famous explorer Columbus.
d. Consolidation
Task 5、Retell the story according to the form

D. P

《Unit Four(第2页)》

  • 上一篇范文: learning to learn
  • 下一篇范文: make our world beautiful

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