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Unit Four

. (Or local places of interest.)
Task 2. Read the passage: A trip to Sichuan
During the first week of May, the three boys went on a holiday to Sichuan. Read and find what made the writer unforgettable. (Buddha in Leshan; Monkeys on Mount Emei.)
Read again and complete the form:
Task-cycle: M-M-C practice
① mechanical practice
Task 1. Find out some key words in the text for the following pictures:
For example: Buddha; big; taller than; old temple; forests; beautiful; wild monkeys; exciting; not at all afraid of ; etc
② meaningful practice
Task 2. Put the key words together to make a sentence, with one or two Attributive Clause.
Students may refer to the sentences in the text or develop their own.
③ communicative practice
Task 1. Pair work: Retell the trip to Sichuan, with the help of the notes, pictures and the following:
 During the first week of May I went on a holiday to Sichuan. First….Next….
The next day…Leshan
The next morning …Emei
Task 2. Write about their own trip, following the steps here.
1. First, students quickly write down 20 short sentences about their trip, with the help of questions in the text.
2. Next, students try to put the sentences in order, using "First, Next, Then, Finally"
3. Then, students write the story, using linking words and relative pronouns.
Post-task: Evaluate students writings
Task 1. Evaluate in pairs
Task 2. Evaluate in Class
Task 3. Evaluate by the teacher
Task 4. Exhibit some good writings
In the rest of our life, we still have many chances to travel. How can we make our trips unforgettable? Any advice?
Besides the tips in the text, any others?

3、按一定顺序排列,恰当使用First, Then, Next, Finally等。
Ⅰ. Multiple choice
1. - A ship makes me unforgettable after I saw a famous movie.
- Do you mean the ship, Titanic, ______ sank after hitting an iceberg?
A. who B. which C. whose D. where
2. - Do you know Zhang Heng?
- Is he the man _______ made the earliest seismograph in 132?
A. who B. he C. whose D. which
3. Flora, _______ garden was swallowed by the flood, was crying.
A. who B. that C. whose D. where
4. On the top of Leshan, there is a really big Buddha, in front ________ Wei Bin took photos of us.
A. its B. on which C. from which D. of which
5. - Three young school boys were ______ by the water when swimming on a hot afternoon!
- What a bad accident!
A. swallowed B. swept C. got D. caught
6. The lamplight ______ out through the heavy fog, which gave travelers a light of hope.
A. struggled B. dragged C. turned D. found
7. On October 17th, 1989 a strong earthquake _____ San Francisco and killed over 100 people.
A. advanced B. took place C. struck D. seized
8. Look, the baby lion, which was just born two days ago, is trying to ______ its feet.
A. get on B. get onto C. get up D. get in
9. Trees ______ badly during the terrible storm.
A. pulled B. shook C. destroyed D. flowed
10. Tree after tree was ______ by the water, which must have been three metres.
A. cut up B. cut down C. cut off D. cut in
Ⅱ. Cloze test
What an unforgettable day! At the moment Flora was so surprised at the big _11_ of water which was advancing quickly towards her in her garden that she couldn't move. Jeff rushed to seize her arm and they ran together to the house. _12 they got to the house, the waves _13_ them down twice. Jeff pulled Flora up with a lot of difficulty, _14_ onto a tree that grew against the wall. The water, _15_ was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river, was above her knees. They looked into each other's faces, _16_.
The chance of being rescued was slim. They opened the door to the hall and got the chance to climb _17_ to the second floor. The water moved up like a sea. Flora started crying. The house would fall down!
They had to find the 18_ because it would stand. Jeff looked out of the window. Tree after tree _19_. The garden was completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water. A terrible noise went through the house. Before the whole house went down in the _20_, they saw the chimney.
11. A. group B. collection C. mass D. crowd
12. A. Before B. After C. Until D. Once
13. A. cut B. swept C. pulled D. went
14. A. cracking B. flowing C. holding D. catching
15. A. which B. it C. that D. where
16. A. frightened B. surprised C. relieved(松口气) D. excited
17. A. downstairs B. upstairs C. above D. under
18. A. tree B. hall C. tower D. chimney
19. A. swept away B. swallowed C. went down D. pulled down
20. A. storm B. flood C. earthquake D. fire
Ⅲ. Translation. Put the Chinese into English to complete the following sentences.
21. The climate ___________________________(全球的科学家们在担心的

《Unit Four(第4页)》

  • 上一篇范文: learning to learn
  • 下一篇范文: make our world beautiful

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