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stening:Play the tape, play again when it is needed. Help students understand the following expressions. (1)interview    (2)leading part     (3)studio        (4)Melbourne (5)How did that come about?          (6)Dream Machine Ask Ss individually to fill in the blanks. Teachers can go to P102 of the teacher’s book for help Speaking:Play the tape. Ask Ss to read by themselves Ask Ss do role play in small groups: They can use the expressions in the box on Page 30. if time permits, ask some of them to demonstrate Homework: vocabulary  p 110—p 111 Hour Two

Step One : Check the homework in class orally Step Two: Pre-reading          Questions by teachers (1)What kind of movie will you make?      (fiction film, fantasy film, animation film, historical film) (2)Which one would you like to become?      An actor/actress,  producer or director? (3)If you are a director what actors/actress will you choose?      (Ask them to use imagination) Step Three: (1)Play the tape and Ss books closed (2)Ss read the material freely (3)Ss look for the general information for each paragraph with the help of the teacher The general idea for each paragraph:

Paragraph 1: years Events 1946 Spielberg was born in a small town 1958 He made his first real film with real actors 1959 He won a prize for a short film 1962 He made film called Fire lightParagraph 2: He couldn’t go to the film Academy because of his low grades. He finally got a job which won him the youngest director in the world. Paragraph 3: His first blockbuster was Jaws made in 1975. Paragraph 4: Spielberg made two films about creatures that come from outer space. ET is one of the two. Paragraph 5: Another blockbuster Jurassic Park was made in 1993. Paragraph 6: His later films such as Schinder’s list and Saving Private Ryan are about the cruelty of war. Paragraph 7: He owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children because he spends most of the time working. Homework: Ss recite any 2 paragraphs Hour Three

Step One:(1)Ask some of the Ss to recite the reading material Step Tw study Each paragraph. Point out the attributive clause with prepositions before. (L.3 and L16) and attributive clause with relative adverbs: where, when and why. Step Three: Language Points: ①词典备用

silver n. a shiny grey metal that is very valuable 银 hero n. a person who has done something brave or good 英雄 scene n. part of a play or film 场面;情景 law n. a rule of a country that says what people may and may not do 法律 career n. a job that you learn to do and then do for many years 事业;生涯 drama n. a story that you watch in the theatre or on television or listen to on the radio 戏剧 role n. the person you are in a play or film 角色 award n. a prize or money that you give to somebody who has done something very well 奖;奖品 actress n. a woman who acts in plays, films or television programmes 女演员 actor n. a man who acts in plays, films or television programmes 男演员 prize n. something that you give to the person who wins a game, race, etc. 奖赏;奖金 choice n. act of choosing 选择;抉择 degree n. universities and colleges give degrees to students who have completed special courses there 学位 director n. a person who controls a film or play, for example by telling the actors what to do导演 speed n. how fast something goes 速度 script n. the written words that actors speak in a play or film 剧本 studio n. a room where people make films, radio and television programmes, or records 演播室 creature n. any living thing that is not a plant 生物;动物 outer adj. on the outside 外部的;外面的 adult n. a person who has grown to the full size 成年人 follow-up n. something done to continue what has already been started or done 后续 cruelty n. being cruel 残忍;残酷 peace n. a time where there is no war, fighting or trouble between people or countries 和平 industry n. all the companies that make the same thing 行业 owe vt. to be indebted to as the source of 把……归功于 happiness n. being happy 幸福;快乐 accept vt. say “yes” when somebody asks you to have or do something 接受;认可 boss n. a person who controls a place where people work and tells people what they must to 老板;上司 live adj. (of a broadcast) transmitted while actually happening, not recorded edited 实况转 转的 comment n. words that you say about something to show what you think 评论 action n. doing things 动作 ②学生易错题练习: (1)The ice began/ started            .  A. melting               B. to melt          (B)因为主语为物 (2)She is beginning  &nb


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