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Step Two  Pro-reading
1. Show the Ss some pictures about some great cities, like Paris and Beijing and then ask some questions about them.
1) In your opinion, what makes a city great?
2) What are your favorite cities? Why?
3) What cultural relics are there in the place where you live?
4) How important are they?
2. Discuss the questions above in pairs or in groups.
3. The teacher may check the students’ answers and help them.
Step Three  Reading
1. Read the passage quickly and then answer the following.
1) What is the name of the city?
2) Who are the heroes of the city?
3) What is the difference between “A City of Heroes” and “Heroes of a City”?
4) Where has the city been built?
5) Who tried to destroy the city?
6) What did the Germans do as they left?
7) Is the city great? / What do you think of the city?
8) How about its people?
2. Read the text again and sum it up.
1) Speak out what the text implies.
2) Please point out the topic sentence of each paragraph.
3) Sum up what the text tells us in each paragraph.
Step Four  Post-reading
Read the text again and finish the exercises.
Workbook  Talking(P121---122)
The 3rd Period(第三课时)
Step One  Revision
1. Check the homework
2. Retell the text by the students.
Step Two  Deal with the language points in the text
1. give away    ---give freely; distribute; act so that sth. is lost:  赠送; 分送; 泄露
give back    ---restore; send back:    恢复; 归还
give in      ---surrender; yield; stop fighting or arguing:  投降; 屈服; 终止争吵或辩论
give off     ---send out(vapor, smoke, etc.):     放出(蒸气,烟等)
give out   ---distribute; tired out; send out(smell, heat etc.)分发;精疲力竭;发出(气味,热等)
give up     ---resign; stop(doing sth.); surrender(oneself) to sb. 放弃; 停止(做某事);使(自己)向某人屈服
give way to  ---abandon oneself (to); retire: 放弃; 后退
2. burn  v.t., v.i. & n. --- destroy, or hurt by fire, heat, or the action of acid 烧/焚毁, 烧焦/伤
e.g.   The coffee is very hot, don’t burn your mouth.
      Wood burns easily.
      All the lights were burning .
      He was burning with anger.
3. restore  v.t.  ---rebuild as before; make well or normal again  修复,重建; 复归
e.g.  The workers are restoring a ruined abbey.
     Law and order have been restored.
4. be used to do sth.
be used to doing sth.
get used to doing sth.
used to do sth.
5. beauty   n.(u) (c) 
e.g.  Everyone must admire the beauty of a mother’s love.
     We are always finding new beauties in Shakespeare’s poetry.
     She is known as a great beauty.
6. unite   v.t. & v.i. ---make or become one; join; act or work together联合;结合;协力
e.g.   Unite to win still greater victories.
      Unite all the forces that can be united.
  Writing (P126)
The 4th Period(第四课时)
Step One  Revision
  Revise the Present Perfect Tense.
Step Two  Word study
1.  Rewrite the following sentences using the words formed by the prefix “re-”.
1)  He drank the coffee at one mouthful, and filled his pot again.
2)  After three hours’ terrible fight, they gained the control of the top of the hill again.
3)  With the disappearance of SARS, some theatres and restaurants opened again.
4)  The students are asked to tell the text again in their own words.
5)  I think all of us need to think again about our attitudes toward the public health after SARS.
2.  Do Ex. 1.
3.  Do Ex. 2.
Step Three  Grammar
  The Present Perfect Passive Voice
1.   Forming:    To form the Present Perfect Passive Voice, use has/have been done.
2.   Directions:
A. The Present Perfect Passive Voice gives the idea that something happened                     before now, having the effect to now (the exact time is not important).   
e.g.  The palace has been rebuilt by modern Russian artists.
     Something has been done to protect the cultural relics in this village.
 B. The Present Perfect Passive Voice gives the idea that something started to happen in the past, but it has been finished just now.
e.g.  The classroom has not been cleaned for three days.


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