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nbsp;  The building has been built for more than a year.
Step Four  Practice
1. Rewrite the sentences in Ex. 1 using the Present Perfect Passive Voice. (P47)
2. Read the two news stories in Ex. 2 and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs, using the Passive Voice. (P47)
Language Points
1. damage  n.   ---harm or injury that causes loss of value  损害; 损毁(使失去价值)
           v.t.   ---cause damage to     使受损害; 损坏
e.g.   The storm did great damage to the crops.
      The furniture was damaged in the fire yesterday.
*Compare: destroy  v.t.---break to pieces; make useless; put an end to 毁灭;毁坏;破灭
     e.g.   Don’t destroy that box; it may be useful.
           All his hopes were destroyed.
2. ancient  adj.  ---belonging to times long past; very old  古代的; 远古的;很旧的
e.g.   an ancient city       古城
      ancient ruins         古遗址
      ancient history       古代史
      an ancient-looking hat    一顶样子很旧的帽子
3.  repair   v.t. ----restore(sth. worn or damaged) to good condition 修理
              ----put right again    补救; 纠正
       e.g.   repair the roads (a puncture, a watch, a shirt)  修路(补洞,修表,补衬衣)
            n. ----repairing or being repaired  修理
       e.g.   The road is under repair.
             The shop will be closed during repairs.
   Similar words:  fix, mend
    Grammar Exercises 1 and 2  (P47)
The 5th Period(第五课时)
Step One  Revision
    Check the homework (P47)
Step Two  Integrating skills
Reading and writing
1) Read the letter on Page 48 and learn to write a letter according to the instruction.
2) Work in pairs and fill in the blanks.
3) Write two letters to the editor using the information you fill in the blanks.
Step Three  Language points
1.  pollution  n. ---polluting or being polluted     弄脏; 污染; 污垢物
       e.g.   The environmental(airborne) pollution here is a big problem..
the pollution of the atmosphere       大气层的污染
        pollute  v.t. ---make dirty; destroy the purity or sanctity of   使脏; 染污
           e.g.   The river was polluted by the waste water from that factory.
2.  breath  n.  ---air taken into and sent out of the lungs  呼吸; 气息
           e.g.   His breath on the window melted the frost.
                 Draw in a breath of fresh country air, please.
                  bad breath
                  take a deep breath
                  take breath
                  hold one’s breath
                  lose one’s breath/out of breath
breathe  v.t. & v.i.  ---take air into the lungs and send it out again; send out; utter
    e.g.   He was breathing hard when he finished the race.
          The patient needs to breathe wholesome air.
           breathe again/freely
           breathe one’s last
           breathe upon
3.  limit  v.t. ---put a limit or limits to; be the limit of   限制;作为…的界限
       e.g.   I should limit myself to three aspects of the subject.
    limited    p.p. ---small;


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