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restricted; narrow    少的;有限制的 狭小的
       e.g.   He seems to have only a limited intelligence.
4.  sincere  adj. ---(of feelings; behavior) genuine; not pretended   真挚的;真实的
       e.g.   It is my sincere belief that….
    sincerely  adv.
       e.g.   Yours sincerely/Sincerely yours.
Step Four  Practising
           Exercises 1 and 2 on Page 122 and Page 123.
The 6th Period(第六课时)
Step One  Revision
 Read out the letters they wrote to the editor.
Step Two  Checkpoint 7
Revise the grammar.
1. How to form the Present Perfect Passive Voice.
2. How to use it.
Point out the useful expressions you’ve learnt in this unit.
Step Three  Workbook
3. Do grammar exercises.
4. Integrating skills.
1)  Read the passage and fill in the information chart.
2)  Finish the exercises.
4) Writing
The 7th and 8th Periods第七,八课时)
Have an exam and explain the paper.









二。 辅导答疑:
                        Unit 7  SB1A
科目:英语                                  年级:高一
辅导答疑老师:胡章盛                        日期:November, 2003

Answer the students’ questions:
1. 问: 请问老师 “Someone broke in while I went out.”这个句子对吗?
答: 这个句子不对。正确句子应是:“Someone broke in while I was out.”
  分析:while 必须用延续性动作,go out 是非延续性动作,因此该句是错误的,但用when 或as句子就是正确的了;非延续性动作go out 可以用 be out 来代替,以表示延续性动作。
2. 问: “爬了6个小时后我们可以到达山顶。”译成“After six hours of climbing, we could reach the top of the mountain.”对吗?
  答: 这个句子应译成:“After six hours of climbing, we were able to reach the top of the mountain. ”才对。
  分析:表示过去能干某一具体的事情,不能用 could, 只能用be able to 。
3. 问: 老师,应如何分析课文中的这句话?Perhaps this is not always true, but it is true that many of the world’s greatest cities have been built on the banks of the river.
  答: (1) 本句是由连词but 连接的并列复合句,第二个分句中用了形式主语it 的句型:It is/was + adj. / n. + that - clause. 句型 It is true + that - clause. = that - clause is true. 其中it 是形式主语,代替后面的真正主语 that - clause。
  e.g.  It is important that we learn English well.
It is a great pleasure that you come to join the club.
(2) ’s常表示有生命的东西,但也表示无生命的东西的所有格,如国家、城市等实体,或拟人化的事物。
  e.g.  the country’s tax system                 death’s door
the world’s people                      one week’s time
(3) have been built 是现在完成时被动语态形式,表示“从过去某时起至今;某事曾经被做或某事持续被做”。课文中的这一句属于第一种情况。而下一句属于第二种情况。
  e.g.  The story has been told from generation to generation.
4. 问: 老师,“她出事了。”用英语“Something has been happened to her.”对吗?
  答: 这样说不对。应为:“ Something has happened to her.”
5. 问: 在“We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we would do everything we can to save our city!”中can 后面为何接to save?
  答: 你的问题提得很好。
  分析:这是个并列复合句。and 后面的分句是个省略句完整的句子为:We would do everything that we can do to save our city!其中that we can do 是定语从句,修饰先行词everything。hat 在引导从句的同时还充当do的宾语,因此可以省略;由于从句的谓语动词与主句的谓语动词相同,所以从句中的do也可以省略。can与后面的不定式to save our city在结构上没有连接关系,不定式在句中作目的状语。该句可归结为do everything (that ) one can (do) to do sth. =do what we can (do) to do sth.。
  e.g.  We should do everything we can to learn English well.
       =We should do everything we can to learn English well.(do后面接宾语从句)

The Exam Paper   Unit 7 (SB1A)
命题人: 胡章盛

I.选择填空:  (1 × 15=15分)
1. ---Every year I go back home in Dalian by train.
---Why not ______ by water for a change?
A. to try going     B. trying to go      C. to try and go    D. try going
2. The house needs ______. The man wants to ______ orders for building materials.
A. decorating…put in B. decorate…put away C. to decorate…put down D. decorate...put out
3. We all know that the clock is used to ______ us the time.
A. have told       B. telling        


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