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English programmes


Teaching Aims and Demands
Difficult and important teaching points
advice, special, do receive ,go with, write to, pick up, such as
  1)That’s easier said than done.
  2) Thanks. I must try to do that.
  3) Do you think that would help?
  4) You’d better find an English pen friend.
  5) Why not…?
  6) Why don’t you…?
  7) I’m sure…
  8)The more …, the…
  9)find + n. + adj.
  10)be of help


  在Lesson 45对话中,建议教师围绕如何提高学生听英语的技能的话题以及给学生播放一些英语节目为主要内容,如:
  方法二、教师组织学生观看视频内容,进行问答练习,用Why not…You’d better….Why don’t you…. 组织造句。

  本篇课文从内容上讲述了英语广播和电视节目的一些常识,而且本课着重介绍英国BBC英语广播、学习英语节目,如:语法,书面语和口语的差别,另外介绍中国中央电视台和广播电台的英语节目。在关键词语中,运用了不定式作主语,a short-wave radio, pick up等。

辨析cost, spend与pay
  a. cost (cost, cost)的主语是“物”或“事”,表示“花费”“耗费”;
  The book cost me ten yuan.
  b. spend (spent, spent)主语是“某人”,后接“钱”“时间”“精力”.
  She spends a lot of money on clothes.
  c. pay (paid, paid)主语是“某人”后接“钱”,表示“支付”之意.
  I paid two hundred yuan for the bike.
  a. advice 为不可数名词,可用some, much, a little, a piece of等修饰,但不可说an advice 或many advices. 常与动词give, take, follow, ask for等连用。
  Let me give you a piece of advice.
  b. advise 为动词,常用于以下结构中:
  I advise waiting here. (动名词作宾语)
  They advise me not to do that. (不定式作宾语补足语)
  I advise that she (should) go there at one. (接宾语从句)
辨析look for, find, find out
  1)look for (v. + prep.) “寻找”,指寻找的动作,未说明是否能找到,是延续性动词。
  —What are you looking for?
  —I am looking for my watch.
  2)find “找到”“发现”,指找到、发现的结果,是终止性动词。
  Have you found the book you need?
  3)find out (v. + adv.) “打听出”“查询出”,指经过打听询问后得知。
  —What time is the plane taking off?
  —I don’t know but I can go and find it out.
辨析another day和the other day
  1)another day 可表示近期将来的某一天,意为“改天”,也可表示过去或状态延续的“又一天”。它在句中作状语。
  She says she is coming another day instead of today.她说她今天不来,改天来。
  2)the other day 指“前几天”,“几天前”,一般用于过去时,如:
  I met her in the hospital the other day. 前几天我在医院碰见过她。
辨析on the air, in the air ,by air 和 in the open air
  on the air 意为“(正在)广播,播送”。
  What's on the air now? 正在广播什么?
  in the air指“在空中”
  Some kites are flying in the air. 一些风筝在空中飞舞。
  by air意为“乘飞机;通过航空”(=by plane).
  They often travel by air. 他们经常坐飞机旅行。
  in the open air指“在户外,在露天”。
  Grandpa walks in the open air for an hour every morning. 爷爷每天早晨在户外散步一小时。

Lesson 45
  1. The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes. 英语你听得越多,就越容易听懂。
  The more one has, the more one wants. 越是有,就越想要。
  The sooner you do it, the better it will be. 你越早做那件事就越好。(The sooner, the better 愈早愈好。)
  l) Why don’t you…? (为什么你不……?)
  2 )Why not…?(为什么不……?)
  3)You’d better…(你最好还是……)
  第二个句型实际上是第一个句型的省略。在 “Why not” 后直接跟谓语动词。Why don't you go for a walk? (Why not go for a walk?) 为什么不去散散步呢?
  第三个句型You’d better是You had better 的省略,意思是“你最好还是……”、“还是……为好”。had better是一个固定词组,had不可用 has / have代替。它的后面跟不带to的不定式,即had better do sth.,意指“(现在/将来)最好干某事”,而不指过去。它的否定形式是 had better not do sth., 也就是否定词not放在 had better之后。如:
  We'd better wait a little longer.我们最好再等一会儿。

Lesson 46
  1. If you do have difficulties, it is better to try again another day. (= …you’d better try again another day.) 如果你的确有困难,最好改天再收听。
  Do write me soon. 一定早点写封信给我。
  2. 注意构词法:
  1) “形容词+后缀ly”构成副词,如本课的clear (adj.) + ly → clearly (adv.)。又如:

注意:以y结尾的形容词加ly时,要将y变成i, 然后加ly.
2) “动词+tion”构成名词,如本课中的explain (v.) + tion→explanation (n.)。又如:
  inform (v. 告知 ) + tion → information (n.信息)
  invent (v.发明) + tion → invention (n.发明)
  congratulate (v. 祝贺 ) + tion → congratulation (n.祝贺)
  instruct (v. 指示) + tion → instruction (n. 指示)
  suggest (v. 建议) + tion→ suggestion (n. 建议)

Lesson 47
  本课及下课着重讲授和练习 it作形式主语的句型:It is (was) + adj./n. + to do sth. 除了在 Language Study中所给例句外,还可增补以下例句:
  It is necessary to ask her for help. 要求她帮忙是必要的。(=To ask her for help is necessary.)
  1)it在句中是形式主语,而真正的主语是句子后部的不定式或不定式短语(to do sth.)。
  It is easy to do, but it is difficult to understand. → To do is easy, but to understand is difficult. 做起来容易,要理解却很难。(知难行易)
  3) 但是,

《English programmes》

  • 上一篇范文: 新高一教材Unit 3 Period 5: Grammar
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