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新教材初一 Unit 4 Food 教案

Express likes and dislikes (表达个人喜恶),如:
I like rice. I dislike hamburgers.
2.  Use adverbs of frequency (使用频率词), 如:
I usually have fish and vegetables.
3.  Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns(区别可数名词和不可数名词)如:
some rice , two apples
Understand and use the indefinite article(理解并使用不定冠词)如:
I want to buy a book.
I want to buy an e-dog.
  本单元的重点在介绍年轻人的生活方式。 围绕食物, 谈论如何拥有一些平衡的饮食结构
以保持身体匀称, 健康。 通过语言技能的训练以达到本单元的教学目标:
Listening: Guess the meanings of new words by looking at a question naire
        Develop effective listening skills to extract specific information
Speaking: Formulate questions about diets and respond appropriately
        Ask WH---questions with the right intonation
        Read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes
Reading: Guess general meanings of words from the context.
       Identify specific meanings
       Practise intensive reaching
Writing: Express factual information bout diets and lifestyles based on the model article
       Select appropriate vocabulary and sentence constructions to writ about personl details.
Topics: Food
Function: Talk about healthy food and lifestyles
Target language: It is lunchtime ,Hobo.
              Let is have a hamburger.
              You are always hungry, Eddie.
              I need a lot of energy.
              Why? You never exercise.
              Yes , I do. I walk to my bowl many times a day .
Vocabulary: hungry ,need ,never, exercise, hate, , vegetable, dancer, tired, ten ,important, healthy, change, before, seldom, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meat, top, juice, person, water, dry, ice, cream, story, glass, tea, of, course, favourite, kilo, salt, tomato, soup, less than, not…at all, try, feel, luck, carry, supermarket, large, take in, mean, fat, stay, taste
Tasks: Healthy eating.
      Task1: Writing an article on your diet
      Task2; Reading your article to a partner to check for mistakes.

第一 课时 Welcome to the unit
一, 教学目标
  1. To revise old vocabulary and learn new words about food
  2. To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food
  3. To recognize names of different food
  4. To use adjectives to describe different tastes
二, 教学目标
  1.语言功能: Talk about different foods
  2.语言目标: What food do you like ? I like hamburgers.
             What food does he/she like ?He /she likes hamburgers.
             How does it taste ? It is sweet /sour / salty/ spicy.
  3.重点词汇: rice , hamburgers ,chicken, fish, apples, oranges, vegetables, cakes, chocolates, tea ,mooncake, lemon, vinegar, hotpot, sugar, sandwich, sweet, sour, salty, spicy.
  4. 教学策略: 培养学生对同一事物要有不同的看法.
  三, 教学过程:
1. Present the new words:
  Hungry: What time is it? Oh , it is eleven. It is time for lunch . I do not have a lot for breakfast. I am hungry now. Look at the picture2 and say “ You are always hungry , Eddie ?”
Hamburger: Oh, kook at this (show a picture of hamburger ) Let me have it. Do you like eating hamburger ?
Bowl and rice : I also like having rice. Today I will have a big bowl of rice . Because I am hunger .
Exercise: What do you do after lunch? Do you run? Do you exercise ? Let us look at Eddie.
2. Talk about the pictures on P54
   1). Is Eddie always hungry?
   2). What does Eddie need?
   3). Does Eddie exercise ?
3. Part B
 1. Get ss to work in groups to make a table and tick on a table by asking :What food do you like/dislike? What food does he/she like?
      2. ask ss to report their results.
      3. If there is time , ask ss to talk about their family as well.
4. homework:
 1.I did not have breakfast this morning . I am h______ now.
2. He eats a b____ f rice each meal.
3. She e_____ in the garden for half an hour every day.
4. Let us have a h______.
5. It is good for your health to eat some fruit and v_______.
6. Eddie walks to his bowl many t______ a day.
7. He does not like fish, but he l_____ chicken .
8. Are you late for school ? N______.

第二 课时: Reading (1)
一, 教学过程:
   1, To revise and expand words about food and lifestyles.
   2. To learn about the relationship between diet and overall health.
   3. To practice the technigue of skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for detail.
二, 教学向导:
   1. 主题: Food and lifestyles
   2. 语言目标:
      Before, I seldom ate fruit and vegetables.
      Now , I always eat an apples for breakfast , and I often drink some milk.
      I swim twice a week.
      I do not eat fast food any more .
      I usually have fish and vegetables.
   3. 重点词汇:
      Before , diet , energy, exercise, fast , food, healthy, important, lifestyle, seldom, tired, top, dancer, change, fruit, sweet, often, bread, meet, juice, person
   4. 学习策略: 快速阅读技巧.
   5. 多元智能: 配制健康 食物, 适时运动
三, 教学过程:
  1. Discussion in pairs:
     1). What food do you usually eat ?
     2). What activities do you usually do ?
 2. New words presentation:
      1). Guess the meaning of the new words according to the picture and sentences.
      2). Teach them
3. Skimming:
  Listening to tape once and find out the answers to the Qs:
      1) . What does Kitty want to do ?
      2). What does Daniel like doing ?
  Read the text by themselves .Then do a T or F.
5. Reading:
  Listen to the tape and read after the tape.
6. homework:
   1). The girl wants to be a _______( dance).
   2) We should study well and keep _____( health)
   3) The students do morning _____( exercise) every moring.
  4) Before he seldom ____( eat) fruit and vegetables.
  5) She likes _____( play) computer games and _____( chat) with her friends on the internet.
B .书面表达
   1. Good for our health
     Not good for our health

第 三课时 Reading (2)
1. revise:
   1) Revise the words by a dictation
   2) Revise the text by reading the text
2. part B
    1). Find the left words in the text , then match with the meaning in the right.
   2).  Check their answers with the whole class.
    3). Scan the text again , then finish b2.
3. part C
  1). Ask some Qs :
     How do you go to school ? What do you have for breakfast?
     How often do you play basketball /football / volleyball ?
  2). Finish C
4. Discussion :
   Let the ss discuss “What food should we eat “? And “What activities should we do”?
5. Homework:
 1. 她长大后想成为一名舞蹈家
 2. 对于人们来说健康是很重要的.
 3. 我晚饭常常吃柔和菜.
 4. 你知道吗, 甜的零食对我们没有好处.
 5. Daniel 也喜欢玩电脑游戏和朋友在网上聊天.
 6. 我爸爸每天锻炼三十分钟.

第四课时 Vocabulary
 1, Revise
   1). Revise the words by a dictation
   2). Show some pictures of food and revise them.
 2, Part A
   1). Get ss to show their food words on the board.
   2). P59, PartA, this is a fun activity to learn and revise words and spelling .Ask Ss to do the task . then check the answers with the whole class.
   3). Ask for volunteers to mixture the letter order of some words . Then ask other Ss to work out the answers.
 3, Part B
    1}. Try to bring some pictures of different of food with strong tastes. Get Ss to know the meanings of sweet ,sour, spicy.
    2). Ask Ss to do the task on their own and then check the answers with the whole class.
    3). Ask Ss to think of other foods that are salty ,sour, spicy, or sweet ,e.g. soy sauce, grapefruit, chili, and cakes.
4, Homework:
A, 根据句意,填如所缺的词:
   1. I do not like Sichuan _____. It is too ______.( hotpot, spicy)
   2. I often use _____to make salad . it is _____.( vinegar, sour)
   3. At the Mid-Autumn Festival, we eat _____. They are______.(mooncakes, sweet)
   4. He often uses _____ to cook fish , it is______.(salty, soy sauce)
   5. How does chocolate ______? It is ______.(sweet, taste)
B, 用所给单词的适当形式填空:
   1. I do not like the meat because it is _______(salt).
   2. Three are many different kinds of______ (dish) in Nanjing.
   3. When we cook fish, we often make it ______(spicy).
   4. It is not good for our teeth to eat too many _____(sweet).
   5. How _____(good) do you know the different tastes?
   6. You can buy _______(dry) bread in the supermarket.

第五课时 Grammar (1)
一, 教学目标:
   1. To recognize and use adverbs of frequency>
   2. To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.
   3. To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countables.
二,  教学向导
  1. 语法项目:
       频率副词: never, seldom ,sometimes, often, usually, always,
  2. 可数名词: a table / an apple
             Two tables/ two stories/ two watches/ photos
              / tomatoes/ knives
  3. 不可数名词: bread, water, hair, air, money, rain, tea, chicken, rice, fruit, cheese, milk, salt, sugar, vinegar, soup
  4. 不定冠词: a / an
  5. 句子结构: How often do they/ you exercise?
              How often does he /she exercise?
              Simon never/ seldom /sometimes/ often/ usually/ always plays football.
              What do we need to buy ?
              We need some chicken and some potatoes.
              I want to buy an egg/ a book.
 6.  重点单词:  ice cream, story, glass, tea, of course, favorite , kilo, salt, tomato, soup, roller, skating, noodle, carrot, potato, pot, shelf, wish, piano, knife, pancake.
 7. 学习策略:
           观察,发现, 归纳语法的能力.
8. 课前准备:
     1). 预习语法项目, 查阅资料,提出问题
    2). 收集语法项目的具体的例句
三, 教学过程:
   1. Ask Ss how often they play football , badminton , go swimming, dancing, roller-skating.
   2. Revise key words
   3. Talk about how often you do certain thing, e. g.
              I always walk to school 
              I never drive.
              I often eat fruit and salad a restaurant.
   4. Explain the meaning of different adverbs of frequency , Make sure that Ss understand the difference between usually and sometimes , Use the table on page to illustrate the difference. In addition , you coud explain the difference in terms of how often they do things every day or every week.
   5. Ask Ss to complete Part A1 individually. Then check for the correct use of adverbs of frequency.
   6. Go through the context of Part A2. Get Ss to talk about it , using adverbs of frequency.
   7. Ask Ss to complete Part A3 and then check answers as a class activity.
四, Homework:
   1. 首字母填空:
      1). Every day I make a p______ of rice.
      2). She usually needs a tomato and an egg for the s_______.
      3). Mangoes are her f________.
      4). Grandma tells the children a s_______ every day.
   2. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:
      1). They sometimes go roller ________ ( skate).
      2). Chinese like eating _______( noodle) on their birthdays.
      3). Are there any ________( knife) in the shop .
      4). We will buy some ______ ( potato) and _______( tomato).
      5). It will take you about half an hour ________(cook) the meal.

第六课时: Grammar (2)
   一, 教学过程:
       1. Explain the difference between countable and uncountable nouns by using the pictures on page 62 . Bring in some pictures to provide more examples to help Ss understand this concept .Go through the table on P62.
       2. Ask Ss to read the conversation in PB2 in pair. Ss change roles and read the conversation a second time.
       3. Ask Ss to write the nouns in the correct column of the table and add two more items to each list.
       4. Note that some words can go in either list depending on the content.
e.g. Would you like some cake?
   I have a cake and a glass of milk for breakfast.
  I often have some chicken in a restaurant.
  There are some chickens in the ard.
  I like fruit, so I often buy all kinds of fruit.
  Let’s buy some carrots.
  I like to eat carrot.
  She has black hair.
  There is a hair in my soup.
  One orange juice = one glass of orange juice
  Two coffees = two cups of coffee
5. Ask Ss to go over Part B again. Make sure they know how to from the plural form of countable nouns . Tell them to pay special attention to the different ways of changing the singular form to the plural form.
6. Explain the table in Part C and the difference between a and an.
7. Ask Ss to do the exercise in Part C and then check answers as a class activity .Read the sentences aloud , paying special attention to the initial sound of each noun and the elision when thenoun starts with a vowel sound and is preceded by an , an egg.
8. Work in pairs to read out the conversation and then get some pairs to act out the conversation or their own.
              二, Homework:
                  A.   汉译英:
                   1. 我经常放学后去图书馆.
                   2. 他很少去看电影.
                   3. 李蕾总是七点半做作业.
                   4. 我们有时玩电脑游戏.
                   5. 我妈妈通常星期天去购物.
                   6. 我爸爸从来不煮饭.
                  B.   用 a /an 填空:
                   1. There is _______ ‘ h ‘ and ‘ s ‘ in the work ‘ fish ‘.
                   2. Do you have ______ pen?
                   3. I want to eat _______ orange.
                   4. There are 60 minutes in _______ hour.
                   5. Does your father work in ______ university?

第七课时 : Integrated skills (1)
                  1. To listen for specific details.
                  2. To obtain special information about a person` s lifestyle.
                  3. To select information from a questionnaire and listen in order to complete a report on another Ss` lifestyle.
                  4. To talk about food and diet.
                  5. To introduce and consolidate common intonation pattern with wh--- Qs .
                  6. To ask Wh---- Qs about food items.
             二, 教学向导:
                 1. 语言技能: Reading: 看懂调查问卷
                            Writing:  写调查报告
                            Listening: 听懂别人的提问和对话
                            Speaking: 谈论正确的生活方式
                            Pronunciation: 注意降调
                 2. 重点词汇: less than , not at all , try, feel, luck, supermarket, carry, biscuit, total, point, questionnaire, congratulations, partner, overall.
                 3. 学习策略: 通过调查问卷, 确立正确的生活方式.
                 4. 多元智能: 制作调查问卷, 了解健康和体育相关的知识.
             三, 课前准备:
                 1. 复习已学过的食物的词汇, WH----句型和各种活动词组.
                 2. 制作一份调查问卷。
                 1. Arouse Ss’ interest in different lifestyles, food and health issues .Talk about the importance of doing exercise, sleeping and eating fruit and vegetables. Elicit information about your Ss’ lifestyles.
                     e. g How much TV do they watch?
                     How much time do they spend playing computer games?
                     How many snacks do they eat every day?
                 2. Get Ss to do the questionnaire in Parts A1 and A2.
                   Ss study the questionnaire individually. Check for general understanding and confirm the meanings of adverbs of frequency, individually and in pairs.
                 3. Play the recording. Ask Ss to listen for specific information about Hu Wen’ s lifestyle and tick the correct boxes. Then check answers as a class activity.
                 4. As Ss to enter Hu Wen’s score and their own score in the table in Part A3 Ss analyze the health scores for Hu Wen and themselves .Read out the three categories. Ask Ss to put up their hands for each category. Count the number of Ss in each category to see how healthy or unhealthy the class in.
                 5. Ask Ss to work and understand the Qs in PA4 before they interview their partners. Pay attentions to intonation.
                 6. Ask Ss to complete the report in PA5 . Use the information obtained from the Qs in Pa4. Ask Ss to put up their reports, together with the class profile, for classroom display.
               五, Homework:
                  一, 根据句子的意思和所给的单词的首字母填空:
                    1. A q______ is a list of questions for finding out information.
                    2. Do you know anything about the Get F_____ Club.
                    3. Dogs like eating b_______.
                    4. His father is l_____ than fifty years old.
                    5. Work in pairs and ask your p______ the following questions.
                  二, 按照要求改写句子:
                 1. How much TV do you watch every day?( 改为同义句)
                   _____ ______ do you watch T V every day?
                 2. He doesn’t sleep more than ten hours every night? (改为同义句)
                   He sleeps ______ ______ ten hours every night?
                 3. They always eat fruit and vegetables. (提问)
                    _____ ______ _____ they eat fruit and vegetables?
                 4. I am listening to an interview with one of the club members.( 改复数句)
                   _____ _____ listening to an interview with one of the club members.
                 5. She exercises three to six times a week.(改疑问句)
                   _____ she _____ three to six times a week?
第八课时 : Integrated skills (2)
              一, 教学过程:
                1. Ask Ss to work in pairs practice saying Meiling and Ricky’s conversation. Remember that Ss should be able to role----play this conversation with fluency , eye contract and appropriate intonation . Tell them pay attention to the linking of words when speaking.
                2. Ask Ss to work in pairs and talk about their own diet.
                3. Ask some pairs to present their conversation to the class.
4. Ask Ss to listen to the Qs on the tape and find out the intonation from Wh---Qs . Then explain that we drop our voice at the end of a Wh---Qs to indicate that we have finished speaking.
5. Write or dictate the following Sts on the Bb .let Ss to practice:
         How many apples do you eat every day?
         How often do you go swimming ?
         How often do you go to restaurants?
         When do you chat on ICQ?
         What is your favorite food?
         What are you going to eat?
         Why do you eat hamburgers every day?
         Why do you eat so many snacks?
         Who eats fruit every day?
         Who eats vegetables?
               6. Ask Ss to place the downward arrow on the last word of each Qs.
                 Ss then read out the Qs loud to practice intonation.
                 Ask some pairs to come to the front of the classroom and present the conversation.
         二 , Homework:

第九课时: Study skills and main task
         一 , 教学目标:
              1. To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing.
              2. To write an article for a website based on personal in formation.
              3. To revise the use of adverbs of frequency and the names of common food items with the help of pictures.
              4. To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes.
              5. To revise key vocabulary using a crossword puzzle.
              6. To review the simple present tense.
        二, 教学向导:
              1. 主题: Healthy eating
              2. 语言目标: I am fit and healthy.
                          I think I need ….
                          I always / usually / … have…for breakfast/ lunch/ supper/ dinner.
                          This gives sb…calories to do sth /for sth
                          I like … because they’ re / it’s good for…
                          I take in ….I need vitamins to…..
                          It’s important to do sth….
              3. 重点词汇: large, take in , mean, fat, stay, taste, healthy, always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, hamburger, rice, apple lemon, water, fish, orange, juice, coke, pork, green tea, …..
              4.学习策略: 复习巩固, 综合应用,自我评述.
        三 , 教学过程:
              1. Ask Ss why they eat types of food and why they should or should not change their diets. Tell Ss to look at the calories and vitamins chart in PA on P67.
              2. Ss read Millie’s article on P868
              3. Ask Ss to use Millie’s article and substitute the underlined phrases with their own information . Encourage Ss to include additional information or chang the model Ss if they can make their own.
              4. Get Ss to present their artiues.
              5. It is important to develop Ss’ self study in this section.
              6. Ask Ss to complept Pa on their own . Ss then correct their own work and record their in pairs.
              7. Tell Ss about crossed puzzles. Ask Ss to do the crossword puzzle using different food items.
       四, Homework:
              以 My Food and Lifestyle 为题 ,写一篇短文, 介绍what you eat and how you live.

《新教材初一 Unit 4 Food 教案

  • 上一篇范文: 初一Where is my backpack?教学案例
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