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高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链)

拨〗jewellery是不可数名词,可以借助piece来表达可数的概念。如:Some of my jewelry is missing .
1. after all毕竟,到底;别忘了(该词组用语提醒对方或者表示转折)
Don’t be so hard on him . After all , he is only six years old .
I thought he would be against my plan , but he did his best to carry it out after all .
2. all these years这么多年
3. this once就这么一回;仅此一次
4. call on sb拜访某人。call at +地点是“去某地看看”。如:
So I called on you and asked if I could borrow some jewellery .
She always called at the doctor’s on the way to work .
另外,call on sb to do是“号召某人干……”。
5. bring out取出
I’d like you to bring them out .
6. try on试穿。但try out检验。
Never buy shoes without trying them on first .
7. have a very good time过得十分愉快
8. without luck真倒霉
9. be exactly like丝毫不差地像
10. day and night = night and day夜以继日地
11. pay back偿还;还钱
If you lent money from him , don’t forget to pay them back to him recently .
12. at most = at the most至多;充其量
The job will be finished in ten days at the most .
注意其反义词组是:at least = at the least
13. match A and / with B“把A和B配合”
Does this tie match with my suit ?
14. invite sb to + 地点“邀请某人去……”
15. the Lost and Found失物招领处
16. describe sth to sb向某人讲讲……
17. the entrance to / of …通向……的入口
18. live a hard life过着艰难的日子
19. set one’s mind to / on sth = set one’s heart to / on sth一心扑在……
Nothing in the world is difficult if you set your mind to it .
20. look back over / on回顾;回想过去。look forward to + 名词或者动名词“渴望……”。
21. from house to house挨家挨户
He went from house to house to pay New Year calls .
22. drink to为……干杯;为……祝福
They drink to each other’s health and wish each other good luck .
Let’s drink to your success .
注意:“为……的健康干杯”也可以用drink sb’s health
1 . I was the only person in my office who was invited . 我是我的办公室里唯一的一个受邀请的人。
〖明晰〗当先行词前有 the only , the very , all , every , any , on 等修饰时,引导定语从句的关系代词只能用 that ( 这是相对 which 而言的 ) ,它在从句中作主语或宾语。但是,如果先行词指的是“人”,通常要用 who。例如:
Tom is the very man who I\'m going to employ .
This watch is the same one that I\'m looking for .
2 . You tried it on and it looked wonderful on you . 你戴上项链试了试,它戴在你身上好看极了。
〖明晰〗 ( 1 ) try on 意为“试穿 ( 衣服、鞋等 ) ;试戴 ( 帽子、手套、首饰等 ) ”,on 为副词,若代词作其宾语,需置于 try 和 on 之间,如本句中的 tried it on。例如:
Please try on this pair of new shoes and see whether they fit you or not .
Here is a skirt . Try it on , Mary .
( 2 ) 该句中的两个 on 都有“穿、戴”之意,但是,第一个 on 是副词,第二个 on 是介词,其后要跟宾语。又如:
The foolish King had nothing on that day .
She had a beautiful hat on her head .
3 . It cost us thirty - six thousand francs . 它 ( 那条项链 ) 花了我们三万六千法郎。
〖明晰〗cost 意为“花费”,指花费金额、费用、时间、劳力等,不可用于被动语态,其主语是表示物或事的词。又如:
Such a difficult job costs a lot of time and effort .。
This dictionary cost me nearly 100 yuan .
当 cost 表示“价值多少钱”时,可与 be worth 换用。例如:
This pen costs ( = is worth ) 20 yuan .
( 1 ) 主语 ( 物 ) + costs sb . + 钱 + to do sth .
( 2 ) 主语 ( 人 ) + pay + 钱 + for sth .
( 3 ) 主语 ( 人 ) + spend + 钱 + on sth .
( 4 ) It takes sb . + 钱 + to do sth . = It takes + 钱 + for sb . to do sth .
( 5 ) 主语 ( 人 ) + buy sth . for + 钱。
It will cost you $500 to repair the car .
I paid 1000 yuan for a secondhand computer .
Every month she spends one-third of her salary on books .
It took him a lot of money to buy her a new coat . = It took a lot of money for him to buy her a new coat .
He bought the bag for $20 .
4 . recognize与know
〖明晰〗 ( 1 ) recognize “认出,辨认出;承认,认可;认识到”,建立在原来认识的基础
She had changed so much that I could hardly recognize her .
They recognized this man without difficulty .
( 2 ) know 也有“认出,认识”之意,常和 from 连用,其含义为“辨认,区别”。
They\'re twins and it\'s almost impossible to know one from the other .
It is not always easy to know right from wrong .
注意:recognize 为短暂性动词,不能与延续的时间状语连用;如需表示长时期相识时,可用动词 know 取代 recognize .
5 . accept , receive与get
〖明晰〗( 1 ) accept “接受,答应”,主要表示主观上的同意接受,着重主语的态度。
He has accepted the doctor\'s advice to give up smoking .
( 2 ) receive , get 都可表示“收到”,强调客观,并不涉及主观上是否愿意接受。如:
Mary received/got a gift from

《高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链)(第2页)》

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