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高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链)

a friend of hers , but she didn\'t seem to accept it .
6 . “拜访”:call at , call on , drop in ( on/at ) , visit , pay a visit ( to )
〖明晰〗( 1 ) call at 后接地点,表示到某处去拜访某人。如:
She asked him to call at Brown\'s Hotel to see her daughter .
You\'d better call at his office .
( 2 ) call on 比较正式,后接人作宾语,指进行短暂的社交或公务关系的访问,有时也有 call upon。如:
After we moved into the new home , our neighbours came to call on us .
( 3 ) drop in 则一般表示非正式的走访,顺便拜访,事先不打招呼。如果后跟人,介词用 on ; 如果后跟地点,介词用 at。如:
He dropped in on us last Sunday .
Now and then they would drop in at the houses and chat with the workers .
( 4 ) visit 正式用语,可以表示进行时间较长的访问。既可指进行友好或社交性的访问,也可指因职务关系而进行的访问。如:
When does she visit you again ?
The doctor regularly visited her in the afternoon .
( 5 ) pay a visit ( to ) “对……进行访问;去看望……”,此处 visit 是名词,该词组与 visit 同义。如:
Perhaps we\'ll pay a visit to China from March 16 to 23 .
7 . pay back , pay for , pay off , pay out
〖明晰〗( 1 ) pay back“偿还,偿付;报复”。pay 本身即有“付清、付帐”的意思,加 back 后更强调“偿还”的意思。如:
It\'s high time he paid you back the money he owes you .
( 2 ) pay for “付款,偿付”。如:
How much did you pay for the recorder ?
( 3 ) pay off“还清债务,付掉”。如:
I\'ll pay off my debt with this check .
( 4 ) pay out“付出”。如:
They paid out $550 that month .
8. SEEC 高一册第18单元第69课有这样一个句子:
I\'m sorry , but I don\'t think I know you .
你。从译文可以看出,该句否定词 not 否定的不是 think 而是 know,这就是我们常说的
※ 从主句转移至从句。
(1) 从主句转移至 that ( that 可以省略 ) 引起的宾语从句。如:
I don\'t think that he\'ll accept your invitation . 我认为他不会接受你的邀请。
I don\'t believe he told a lie . 我相信他没有说谎。
(2) 从主句转移至 because 引起的原因状语从句。如:
He didn\'t go to see the movie because he liked it . 他不是因为喜欢那部影片才去看它的。
(3) 从主句转移至 as 引起的方式状语从句。如:
She didn\'t do her job as I had told her .
※ 以谓语为枢纽,在句子成分之间相互转移。从其它成分转移至谓语。
(1) 从主语转移至谓语。如:Nothing has happened .
(2) 从宾语转移至谓语。如:I know none of them .
※ 从谓语转移至其它成分。
(1) 部分否定时,从谓语转移至主语。如:All the necklaces were not made of diamond . 并非所有的项链都由钻石制成。
(2) 从谓语转移至状语。如:Don\'t go there so early .
(3) 从复合谓语的前半部分转移至后半部分。如:
The news doesn\'t seem to be true .
9. L . 69 ( P . 13 ) 中有:She married a man with a lot of money . ( 她嫁给了一位富翁。 ) 句中的 marry 一词,意为“与 ( 某人 ) 结婚;娶;嫁”。但它的用法及搭配远不止这些。
〖明晰〗 ※ marry vt . “与 ( 某人 ) 结婚”;“娶 ( 某人 ) 为妻”;“嫁给 ( 某人 ) ”。用于指配偶的情况,需要接宾语。如:
He is going to marry Miss Alice .
Mary married a Frenchman .
※ marry vi . “结婚”,只表示婚姻状况,常有副词修饰。如:
The doctor married late in life . 这医生结婚很晚。
The famous actress never married .
※ be ( get ) married to sb . “与……结婚”。表示已婚状态。如:
She was married to a foreigner .
Sharon has been married to Peter for 10 years .
※ be married 表示已婚状态,常与一段时间状语连用。如:
Will and Paula have been married for three years .
Lizzy , Gary and Bot are all married .
※ marry vt . “把某人嫁给……”或“给某人娶……”。如:
She has married all her daughters . 她已把她的女儿都嫁出去了。
Her parents want to marry her to a rich businessman . 她的父母要把她嫁给一个富商。
※ marry vt . ( 指牧师、官员等 ) “为……主婚。如:
Which priest is going to marry the couple of you ? 哪位牧师为你们俩主婚 ? An old friend married them . 一位老朋友为他们证婚。注意:
1 ) marry 作“嫁;娶”解时,为终止性动词,不可与表示一般时间的状语连用;若表示结婚有一段时间时,应用 be get married . 如:
When did she marry ? 应改为:When did she get married ?
2 ) 问现在的婚姻状态时,可说:Is she married ( a single ) ? 不可说:Has she marrie
d ? /Do you marry ? /Have you married ? 应改为:Are you married ? /Have you got married ?
3 ) 表示一个人何时结婚时应用:
— When were they married ?
— He was married in 1980 .
—When did you get married ?
—I got married in 1983 .
4 ) 表示“和某人结婚”,不可受汉语影响用 with,而用 to ; 也可什么介词都不用,但应注意句型搭配。如:
① She married with a doctor . ( × )
She married a doctor . ( √ )
② She was married with a doctor . ( × )
She was married to a doctor . ( √ )
Guy De Maupassant (莫泊桑)
Maupassant was born in France in 18050. His parents separated when he was about six, and he went to live with his mother. At the age of thirteen , he was sent to school, but was forced(被迫) to leave th

《高一英语第十八单元The Necklace (项链)(第3页)》

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