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高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)

orld which they cannot overcome . 世界上任何困难都是可以克服的。
Without air we cannot live even a few minutes .
There is no right to speak without looking into it .
You can’t make something out of nothing . (谚语) 巧妇难为无米之炊。
注意句中的定语从句中的that不要用which , 因为其先行词是不定代词nothing 。
7. Companies that make telephones and computers and so on prefer to employ women . 制造电话机、计算机等的公司更喜欢雇佣妇女。
〖明晰〗此句没有把比较级的事物说出来,但是prefer 暗含有比较的意味,其含义为更喜欢。prefer的常见搭配有:
1) prefer + n . 2) prefer + -ing 3) prefer + to do 4) prefer sb to do 5) prefer + 宾语从句(注意从句中用虚拟) 6) prefer + 名词 + to + 名词 7)prefer + -ing + to + -ing 8) prefer to do rather than do (注意在句型8) 中的than后常不加to ) 如:
Which do you prefer , tea or coffee ?
He preferred spending weekends by himself .
At the moment , I prefer not to think about the future .
I prefer you to give me some advice .
Would you prefer that I came ( = should come )on Monday ?
All of us preferred rice to noodles .
They prefer walking to cycling .
They prefer to go with us rather than stay at home
8. I don’t agree with your decision . (Lesson 75) 我不同意你的决定。
〖明晰〗agree 是个常用动词,也是高考经常考查的词汇之一。由于它的用法比较复杂,有的同学在理解和使用时经常出错。为了帮助同学们正确理解和使用这个词,现将它的用法归纳如下。
1) agree with + 名词 / 代词或从句
在这个句型中,如用人作主语,表示“同意……”,“赞成……”,后面接指人或表示“意见”,“看法”的词(如:suggestion , statement , practice , proposal );如用事物作主语,表示“与……一致(相符)”,“(气候、食物等)适合……”。例如:
We all agree with you .
I agree with most of what you said , but I don\'t agree with everything .
He doesn\'t agree with what you said at the meeting .
The verb must agree with the subject in person and number . 动在人称和数上应与主语一致。
What he said doesn\'t agree with what he did . 他言行不符。
Mutton doesn\'t agree with me . 我不能吃羊肉。
2) agree to + 名词 / 代词
agree to的意思是“同意(赞成)……”,后面接表示“建议”,“计划”,“条件”,“安排”等的词,不但表示同意,而且含有协助合作之意。例如:
They agree to our suggestion .
Does he agree to this arrangement ?
agree to 还有“答应”的意思。可表示答应某件自己实际上不赞成的事。例如:
The boss agreed to the terms only under the pressure of the workers .
agree to 也可用于被动句型,但 agree with 却不可以。例如:
Their terms have been agreed to .
3) agree on / about + 名词 / 代词
agree on 的意思是“对……取得了一致意见”,主语常常是协商一件事的人们或单位,后面常接表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动、日期、条款等名词,介词 on 有时可用 about 来替换。例如:
We all agreed on an early start tomorrow morning .
They didn\'t agree about some of the views in the book .
There is one point on which they all agree .
4) agree with sb . on sth .
这个句型的意思是“对某事跟某人意见一致”。它的相反意思的句型为:disagree with sb . about sth . “对某事跟某人意见不一致”。例如:
I agree with you on this matter .
They disagreed with you about some of the opinions in this report .
5) agree to do sth .
agree to do sth . 的意思是“同意(答应)做某事”。例如:
The worker agreed to mend the machine next Monday .
6) agree + that-clause
这个句型的意思是“同意(认为 / 承认)……”。例如:
We agree (with you) that this article is worth reading .
7) agree 作“同意”解时,也可单独使用。例如:
I asked him to go to the cinema with me and he agreed .
Women Can Hold Up Half the Sky
Today people often talk about the Women’s Liberation Movement in the 1960s and 1970s . As we know , women in the United States of America and elsewhere began to demand equal rights and treatment after that . But in China , the role of women has been changing since the founding of the People’s Republic in 1949 . Today , instead of being housewives , more and more women are going into professions (职业) , such as medicine , law , teaching and engineering . In addition , they are beginning to be found in some important posts (岗位) which used to be held entirely by men . For example , many women pilots in China are flying in the blue sky . Now . women have made up a large part of work force in the industry , and facts have shown that they are superior (占优势) to men in many ways . Although we consider that their jobs according to their interests . Women’s liberation still has a long way to go .
1. Pick out the statement which is TRUE according to the passage .
A. Women can not do the same jobs as men .
B. Every family needs a housewife .
C. Women’s liberation will lead nowhere .
D. Women like to do work outside instead of staying at home .
2. With the Women’s Liberation Movement , the prejudice (偏见) against women .
A. is becoming stronger B. is weakening
C. has completely disappeared D. has been overlooked

《高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)(第3页)》

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