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高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)

3. According to the passage , we think it right for women to .
A. demand equal rights and treatment with men
B. stay at home and raise children
C. lord (统治) it over men
D. make up a large part of work force in industry
4. Women used to play the role of housewives , but now .
A. they want to hold all the important posts
B. they like to be superior to men
C. many of them are going into professions
D. they refuse to take care of their husbands and children
5. “Women can hold up half the sky”implies that .
A. women can do the same jobs as men , and they should have
B. men have to be dependent on women
C. Women are born different
D. Women are superior to men in all respects
答案:1 — 5 DBACA
Buying the Tickets with the saved Money
Mr Brown lives in Sydney . His house is about five kilometres ( 1 ) his office and the bus can ( 2 ) him there . He likes football very much and wants to ( 3 ) the football matches . His wife likes to buy nice clothes and ( 4 ) her husband give all his wages ( 工资 ) to her and he has to do ( 5 ) she says . Then she always ( 6 ) some fares ( 车费 ) back to him . Of course Mr Brown doesn\'t have any money to buy the ( 7 ) .
One evening he went to watch a football match . He bought a ticket ( 8 ) all his money and he ( 9 ) to go home ( 10 ) foot . When he ( 11 ) home , he was tired , but felt ( 12 ) . Since then he began to go to work on foot . But he is ( 13 ) to tell his wife about it .
This morning when he was having breakfast , he ( 14 ) a piece of news over the radio:the bus fares were going to ( 15 ) in price . He hurried to turn it ( 16 ) . but it was too ( 17 ) . His wife asked , “What did the radio say ? ”
He had to ( 18 ) her all he heard . Then he became sad and said , “What a pity ! ”
“You must be happy , I think , ”said his wife . “You will save some ( 19 ) . ”
“Sorry . I can\'t ( 20 ) with you , ”said Mr - Brown . I\'ll watch two matches short a month ? ”
1 . A . far B . away C . far away D . from
2 . A . send B . bring C . take D . put
3 . A . see B . look C . look at D . watch
4 . A . asks B . let C . makes D . wants
5 . A . what B . that C . which D . like
6 . A . puts B . gives C . gets D . carries
7 . A . tickets B . buses C . football D . clothes
8 . A . with B . for C . to D . by
9 . A . had B . wanted C . liked D . enjoyed
10 . A . by B . on C . with D . for
11 . A . arrived at B . got to C . reached to D . got
12 . A . worried B . sad C . happy D . interesting
13 . A . sorry B . afraid C . ready D . pleased
14 . A . heard B . listened C . saw D . wrote
15 . A . rise B . raise C . drop D . low
16 . A . over B . on C . up D . off
17 . A . hard B . heavy C . far D . late
18 . A . say B . talk C . speak D . tell
19 . A . time B . work C . idea D . money
20 . A . go B . come C . talk D . agree
答案及简析:1 . D。far 和 away 都是副词,其后不能接名词。“离……多远”可用“… ( away ) from…”来表示。 2 . C 3 . D。按照英语习惯用法,看球赛应用 watch。 4 . C 5 . A。只有连接 代词 what 表示“所……的事情”,既引导宾语从句,又在从句中作 says 的宾语,故为最佳选择。 6 . B。give back 是一动词短语,意为“归还”,这里是说妻子只从工资里留给他坐车的钱。 7 . A。这里所说的 Mr Brown 没钱购买的,只能是看足球比赛的票。 8 . A。此空填介词 with,最“用”的意思。 9 . A。只有 had to 带有客观因素,意思是“不得不”,无疑为最佳选项。 10 . B。on foot 是固定的介词短语,意为“步行”。 11 . D。get home 为习惯搭配,故选 D。 12 . C。Mr Brown 步行回到家后有点累,但由于看了比赛,心里感到很高兴。 13 . B。表明 Mr Brown 不敢步行回家,把用所有节省下来的钱买观看球赛的门票这件事告诉给自己的妻子。 14 . A。此空应填 heard , 表示“听到”。 15 . C。收音机里传出的消息内容是有关车票价格“下调”的事,故选 drop。 16 . D。turn off 是一动词短语,意为“关上 ( 收音机 ) ”。17 . D。下文妻子说的“You will save some money . ”已暗示出,她已了解消息的内容,故填 late。18 . D。talk , speak 均为不及物动词,一般不能接宾语;say 后不能接双宾语。此处用的句型是 tell sb . sth . 。 19 . D。这里 save money 和上文收音机里传出的消息 the bus fares were going to drop in price 所表达的内容相照应。 20 . D。agree with sb . 表示“同意某人的意见”。
whose 在定语从句中的用法
whose 是定语从句中一个常用的关系代词,表“ …… 的”之意;它可以指“人的”,也可以指“物的”;既可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。
〖思维一〗whose + n . 可作主语,宾语,功能与 which , whom (who )相同。如:
Mr King , whose legs were badly hurt , was quickly taken to hospital .
The boss in whose department Mr King worked had heard about the accident .
〖思维二〗whose 既可引导限制性定语从句,又可引导非限制性定语从句。如:
My uncle whose office we have just passed , is a la

《高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)(第4页)》

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