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高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)

wyer . 我的叔叔是个律师,刚才我们经过他的办公室 。
Once there was a wise king whose name was Alfred . 从前有一个叫阿尔弗雷德的英国国王。
〖思维三〗whose 代指“……的”,既可以指人,也可以指物。如:
Look at the building , whose roof is white . 看那栋楼,楼顶的颜色是白的。
The girl lives in the house , whose windows face south . 那个女孩住在这所房子里,房子的窗户是朝南开的。
〖思维四〗whose 表所属关系指物时,可与 of which 转换,词序一般是:名词+ of which
Look at the building , the roof of which ( = whose roof )is white .
The girl lives in the house , the windows of which ( = whose windows )face south .
〖思维五〗whose 不可与 of which (whom )转换的情况。
当 of 不具有“所属”含义时,(如在 hear of , be proud of , be fond of , be full of 等短语中,of 均不表“所属”关系),只能用 of which (whom) 或 which (whom , who )… of ,切不可盲目用 whose 。如:
Mary has been married to a scientist of whom you may have heard . (… < who / whom > you may have heard of … .) 玛丽嫁给了一位科学家,你可能听说过这个人。
She has a clever boy of whom she is proud .她有一个为之骄傲的聪明儿子。
〖思维六〗whose 在定语从句中,有“所属”含义,一般不再与其它限定词罗列使用。
当 whose 表“所属”含义时,其本身就是一个限定词,相当于 one\'s (具体讲是:my , his , her ,
its , our , your , their …),而限定词不可罗列在一起使用, whose 也不例外。如:
John , of whom my aunt is a distant cousin by marriage , comes to see us sometimes . 约翰有时来看看我们,他是我姑姑的一个远房亲戚。
1 . Those boy students are going to call on woman scientists tomorrow .
2 . To my great surprising , he didn\'t feel surprised at his failure .
3 . She pretended sleeping when I entered .
4 . Ms King cut her hair , bought some men\'s clothes , used a man\'s name and finally getting a job in Mr Pattis\'s company .
5 . I don\'t want to see the boy his father is now in prison .
6 . It\'s sure that there is nothing that a woman can\'t do .
7 . The room , its windows face south , is our classroom .
8 . So as to get a job , Ms King had to lie to the Notco Company .
9 . It\'s stupid for you to say so .
10 . He replied with a loud smile , “It was Tom who gave me that book . ”
答案与解析: 1 . 把 woman 改为 women。当一个名词被 man 被 woman 修饰时,在变复数时,应把两个词同时变成复数形式。 2 . 把 surprising 改为 surprise。to one\'s surprise ( 令某人感到惊奇的是……) 是一固定短语,介词后用 surprise 的名词形式。 3 . sleeping 改为 to be sleeping . pretend 可接动词不定式作宾语,但不可接动名词作宾语。 4 . getting 改为 got。由 finally 前的并列连词 and 可知,此处应该是与 cut,bought , used 并列的谓语动词。 5 . his 改为 whose。在定语从句中,指人时要用关系代词 whose 或 of whom 表“……的”之意。his 不能用来连接句子。 6 . sure 改为 certain。certain 的主语可以指人也可以指物,而 sure 的主语只能指人。 7 . its 改为 whose . its 不可充当连词连接句子,whose 是关系代词,表“……的”,在定语从句中作定语,既可指人也可指物。此处相当于“of which”。 8 . So as to 改为 In order to。两者均可作目的状语,但 so as to 不可置于句首。 9 . for 改为 of。在 It\'s + adj . + prep . + sb . + to do sth . 句型中,当形容词是表示人的性质,表示称赞或责备某人做了某事时,介词要用 of。能这样用的形容词还有 clever , nice , stupid , foolish , brave , wise , kind , cruel 等。 10 . 删去 loud . smile“微笑”一般是无声地,与 loud“大声地”矛盾。
1 . — How are you , Tom ?
— I\'m ____ . Thank you .
A . right B . all right C . good D . not bad
2 . He advised ____ early .
A . to start B . starting C . we would start D . had started
3 . Something has gone ____ with my watch .
A . mistake B . mistaken C . matter D . wrong
4 . She turned red ____ what he said .
A . because B . at C . because of D . at
5 . I have been there ____ times .
A . scores of B . score of C . two scores D . scores
6 . The prisoner tried to ___ but was caught by the policeman .
A . escape B . flee C . escaping D . fleeing
7 . I don\'t think Jim saw me , he ____ into space .
A . just stared B . was just staring C . has just stared D . had just stared
8 . It was ____ late to catch a bus after the party , therefore we called a taxi .
A . too very B . much too C . too much D . far
答案及简析:1 . B . How are you ? 是询问健康状况的日常用语,四个选项只有 all right 是回答健康状况良好的,故为最佳选择。 2 . B . advise 表示“忠告”、“建议”的意思,其后可接名词、动名词、宾语 + 不定式,宾语 + 疑问词 + 不定式,也可接从句,这时从句的谓语动词要用虚拟语气。 3 . D . go wrong 是一动词短语,意为“出毛病”,“不对头”,其中 go 是表示变化的系动词,形容词 wrong 作表语,构成系表结构。 4 . C . because 和 because of 都有“因为”的意思,because 是连词,引导状语从句;because of 是短语介词,的后接名词性短语,其后接从句,必须由疑问词引导。 5 . A . 名词 score 表示“二十”的意思,用作此意时单数同形,而 scores of = a lot of,表示 “大量的”“许多的”。 6 . A . escape 和 flee 都是逃跑的意思,但前者强调逃跑后的结果,后者表示逃跑的行为本身,常含有惧怕的意思,该句逃跑的用法属于前者。 7 . B . 根据 I don\'t think Jim was me 的语境可以判断出,当时 Jim 正在凝视天空,表示过去某一段时间正在进行的动作要用过去进行时。 8 . B . much too 意为“太”,“非常”,用作副词词组,修饰形容词、副词,用来加强语气;too much 作“太多”解,可用作名词词组;用作形容词词组,修饰不可数名词;用作副词词组修饰不及物动词。题干中形容词 late 表明,正确答案为 B。

《高一英语第十九单元Jobs (工作)(第5页)》

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