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Lesson 34

Lesson 34

  Teaching Objective: Read a passage about the memory robot invent.

  Properties: Tape recorder, pictures

  Language Focus: bad memory all the time = always watch sb. do

  Teaching Procedures:

  I. Revision

  Ask the students to recall Mr. Mott’s robot: its appearance, functions, etc.

  II. Leading - in

  1. In the last period, we learnt something about Mr. Mott’s robot, today we’ll know more about it.

  2. Talk about students’ writings. In the last period, Ss were assigned a writing. After correcting, the teacher summarizes the Ss’ writings.

  What can robots do and why are they useful?

  III. Reading

  1. Ask Ss to read the text by themselves and finish Ex. 2

  2. Check the answers

  3. Chain reading the text again

  4. Language points

  (1) invent v - invention n.

  Light is invented by Edison. Light is Edison's invention.

  (2) had memory/poor memory

eg. My brother has a poor/bad memory, but I have a very good memory.

  (3) all the time = always

  eg. It seems that she's studying all the time.

  (4) watch sb. doing

  eg. Every morning, I can hear my neighbour sing in the kitchen.

I saw him running on the playground when I came into the school.

  All the students watched their chemistry teacher doing the experiment carefully in the lab when the bell rang.

  5. Retell the lesson

  IV. Exercise in class

The Memory Robot

  Susan 1 the memory robot, because her husband, Mr. Mott 2 a very 3 memory. The memory robot followed Mr. Mott 4 . It listened to everything he 5 and saw everything he 6 It watched him 7 to his students, 8 his meals, and 9 at night. In a word, the memory robot know 10 about Mr. Mott, 80 did Mr. Mott’s wife.

  1. A. invents B. invented c. inventing

  2 .A. have B. had C .having

  3. A. good B. bad C. well

  4. A. all the time B. at times C. sometimes

  5. A. says B. said C. saying

  6. A.does B. did C. doing

  7. A.talk B. talked C. talking

  8. A. eat B. ate C. eating

  9. A. sleep B. slept C. sleeping

  10. A. nothing B. anything C. everything

Key: 1B 2B 3B 4A 5B 6B 7A 8A 9A 10C

  V. Homework

  1. Wb

2.Retell the lesson

VI. The design of the blackboard

《Lesson 34》


  • 上一篇范文: Lesson 41
  • 下一篇范文: What do you like?-Lesson 99

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