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高一Great women Period 4 教学设计

Period 4



1. at the end of 在…末端;在….尽头

At the end of the street, you will see a Chinese restaurant.

The computer is widely used at the end of last century.

2. be about to do “即将….”表示更近的将来,不能和表示将来的具体时间连用,但be going to 可以同表将来的时间状语连用。如:

We are going to have a meeting tomorrow.(但不可说,we are about to have a meeting tomorrow.)

3. around the corner 同very near 临近

4. struggle through 挣扎着度过(难关)

Struggle with/against 同…做斗争

Struggle for …为…而挣扎

Struggle to one’s feet 挣扎的站起来

5. find oneself 发现自己在(某个地方、某种状态)

5. in crease 增加

Increase +to +n

Increase+ n.+to+n.

6. die down 同become less strong or violent指“风、火、光、兴奋等”渐弱,渐息;(声音)静下来。例如:

The fire is dying down. Please get more coal. 火快要熄了,请再弄些煤来。

It took a long time for the excitement to die down.激动的心情要很长时间才能平息下来。

比较:die out=(of families , races,costoms and ideas)to disappear completely.(家族、种族)灭亡,灭绝;(风俗、习惯等)消失,消灭。例如:

Die out =(of families ,races, customs and ideas) to disappear completely.


The practice of educating the oldest son to be a priest is dying out.

7. threaten to do 吓唬说要……

8. be thankful for …感谢;庆幸。例如:

You should be thankful for your good fortune.你应该庆幸你的好运道。

9. value 同to consider(someone or something) to be of great worth 认为…很有价值。例如:

I’ve always valued your friendship very highly. 我总是把你的友谊看得很重。

10. come to terms with 同give in屈服

11. Bear (bore,borne/born ) 承担;支撑;忍受忍耐。(常与can could连用于疑问句及否定句中)例如:

I can’t bear the pain any more. 我痛得在也忍不住了。

I can’t bear living alone.(= I can’t bear to live alone)一个人独居我受不了。


1. … and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.

2. I had traveled only two hours one day. When the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds became too strong.

3. A few days later, I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis.

4. In her television shows she makes it possible to talk about great moments and difficulties in people’s lives.

5. Being black and a woman made life even more difficult in American at that time.

6. For many women such hardship would be too heavy to bear.


What was she like?

What was she good at?

What has become of her?

She seems to me be the kind of woman who…

I think she is the kind of person who…

She could be… people like her…

You can see that …

She might be …

She looks as if …

She doesn’t seem…


1) Subject –verb –agreement

1. Anther journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.

2. But changes were just around the corner.

3. The boy’s team has some good players, but the girl’s was a better team.

4. My dog team were not with me to pull my sled.

2) Collective nouns

Band club company minority police party public audience

《高一Great women Period 4 教学设计》

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