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高一英语第二十单元 Mainly Revision

解析:根据语境,尤其是 Let\'s stop here for a rest 的暗示,空白处词意应为我也不能。因为 C、D 明显与题意不符。A、B 中都有 neither,但 A 中的动词明显与前句不一致,故答案应为 B。

4 . Has ____ been decided ____ the artist will attend the meeting ?

A . it ; that B . that ; that C . it ; it D . that ; /

解析:本题测试的是主语从句及 it 的用法。根据句意可知:句子后半部分是主语从句,由 that 引导,前边用 it 作形式主语,故答案是 A。另外,也可把 It has been decided that…作为一个惯用句型记忆,表示“……已经被决定”。

5 . When I came into his room , Mr Black was reading ____ novel .

A . a new interesting historical B . an interesting historical new

C . a new historical interesting D . an interesting new historical

解析:本题测试几个形容词连用时的词序排列问题。几个形容词连用,哪个在前,哪个在后,不是随意排列的。一般情况下,紧挨名词的形容词应是说明名词的用途或说明具体内容的;前面是表示形状、状态的形容词;再前面是表示性质的形容词。本题的答案为 D。多个形容词连用时的顺序是较复杂的问题,做题时应多读几遍,认真体会语感和平时的使用习惯。

6 . What is the difference ____ the pronunciation ____ these two words ?

A . with ; in B . in ; between C . at ; among D . about ; between

解析:本题重点测试 among 和 between 的区别和 difference 后的介词搭配。句尾是“two words”,显然 A、C 搭配不当,应予排除。difference 常用介词 in 连用,表示“在……方面不同”,答案是B。再如:What\'s the difference in temperature between the day and the night ? ( 白天和夜晚的温差是多少 ? )

7 . The harder you ____ , the better progress you ____ .

A . will work ; will make B . work ; have made

C . work ; will make D . will work ; make

解析:根据句意,前一句的意思是先决条件,后一句是结果。所以,work hard 和 make progress 的动作有先后之分,故前一空用现在时,后一空用将来时。答案是 C。

B. 单元关键句型练与析

请同学们根据所给中文提示完成下列句子,注意每空填一个词 。

1 . 起初人们不喜欢她。

________ _______ _______ ______ people didn\'t like her .

2 . 其余的学生都是女孩。

________ _______ _______ the students _______ all girls .

3 . 他过去常常在六点钟起床。

He ________ _______ get up at six in the morning .

4 . 他们异口同声地说“对”。

They said “Yes”_______ _______ _______ _______ .

5 . 他教书谋生。

He makes a living _______ _______ .

6 . 别扔旧这些旧报纸。

________ _______ _______ the old newspaper .

7 . 写这封信花了我一整天的时间。

________ _______ _______ the whole day _______ _______ the letter .

8 . 据信他已去了上海了。

________ _______ _______ _______ he has gone to Shanghai .

9 . 随着城市的发展,越来越多的人来到城里。

________ _______ _______ of the city , more and more people have come to live in it .

10 . 我姐姐毕业后一直在这所中学工作。

My sister _______ _______ _______ in the high school since her graduation .

答案与简析: 1 . In/At the beginning。表示“在开始时”,“起初”用 in/at the beginning。 2 . The rest of … were/are。表示“其余的”,“剩下的”,要有 the rest of …结构。其谓语动词要视 of 后面所跟 的内容用单或复数形式。 3 . used to。表示“过去常常”用 used to do sth . 结构。 4 . at the same time。“异口同声”即同时,应用 at the same time。 5 . by teaching。表示“用……方式”,“靠……手段”应用 by doing sth . 结构。 6 . throw away。“扔掉”是一习语,用 throw away。 7 . It took me…to write。表示“干某事花了某人多少时间”用句型 It takes sb . some time to do sth . 。 8 . It is believed that。表示据说 ( 信、报到、了解…… ) ……要有“It is/was + 过去分词 ( said , believed , reported , known… ) + that”这一结构。 9 . With the development。表示“随着……”要用“with + 复合宾语结构”。 10 . Has been teaching。表示一个动作从过去某时开始,一直延续到说话时刻还在继续进行,应用现在完成进行时。


下面这篇短文共240多个词,请将它缩写成130 — 150词。将短文的第二人称改为第一人称。

If someone asks you how you can make yourself always happy , you will perhaps find that it is rather difficult for you to give him a proper answer . Do you remember an old saying : “No human being ( 人类 ) can really be happy who is not giving or trying to give happiness to others . ” ? If you are always thinking of taking more from others and giving them less , you will not be able to have happiness in your life though you are very rich .

Do you want to make yourself happy every day ? here is an easy way for you . If each of you follows it , there will soon be an end of many unhappy days of yours . When you get up early in the morning , you should decide to make the day happy one to others . It is easy to do a small thing given to one who needs it , a kind word to our unhappy neighbour , little help to a friend of your own , no matter how important .

Try to teach yourself to think first of others and last of yourself . Learn to give up your own pleasure or your own way w

《高一英语第二十单元 Mainly Revision(第6页)》

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