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高一英语第五单元Why do you do that ?

them,意思是“在…中有一些(人或物)”,表示肯定的意思。而few of them相当于almost none of them意思是“在……中没有几个(人或物)”,表示否定的意思。后面都跟复数的可数名词,例如:?
I know a few of these people.这些人当中我认识几位。?
I know few of these people.这些人当中没几个我认识的。?
I met a few of my old friends there.我在那见到了几位老朋友。?
I met few of my old friends there.我在那里没有见到几个老朋友。?
the rest意思是“其余的;其它的”当它作主语时,谓语动词应视情况而定;它代替的是不可数名词要用动词单数形式,如代替的是可数名词的复数形式则应用动词的复数形式。例如:?
I will take two and the rest are yours.我拿这两个,剩下的都是你的。?
Take what you want and throw the rest away.把你所要的拿去,其余的切掉。?
Pour me a glass of water and the rest is yours.给我倒一杯水,剩下的是你的。?
About one third of the students in our class are from Beijing and the rest are from Shanghai and Tienjing.我们班大约三分之一的学生是北京人,其余的来自于上海和天津。?9.People had to walk many kilometers in order to fetch wood.村民们为了砍柴要走很多公里的路程。?
fetch的意思是“去取来”,“去把…拿来”,(go for and bring back sb/sth)接来(人),取来(物),
例如:Will you please fetch me a cup of tea?请你给我拿杯茶来好吗??You\'d better fetch a doctor at once.你最好立刻去请一位医生来。?Please fetch the children from school.请到学校去把孩子们接来。?
Shall I fetch you your hat from the next room?要我去隔壁房间把你的帽子拿来吗??
注意bring, take, carry和fetch的不同含义。bring是“带来”;take是“拿去”、“带去”;carry是“携带”,既可是“带去”,也可是“带来”,没有方向性;fetch是“去拿来”,包含一去一来的意思。表示既去取又拿回的两上动作。例如:Please bring your dictionary here next time when you come to school.?
Remember to take your school bag with you when you go to school.?
She never carries any money on her.她身上从不带钱。?
Please fetch me some chalk from my office.请去办公室给我拿几支粉笔来。?
10.Trees were cut but none were planted.(过去)只砍树不植树。?
None of them has(have) come back yet.他们当中还没有一个人回来。?
None of this money is yours.这笔钱没有一点是你的。?
I want to drink some water, but there is none in the house.?
None of the answers is (are) correct.这些答案中没有一个是正确的。?
11.The villagers did not allow them to do this.村民们没有允许他们这样做。allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事。?
We do not allow people to smoke in the bus.我们不允许人们在公共汽车里抽烟。?
Those books are not allowed to be taken out of the reading room.?
Please allow me to introduce myself to you .充允许我向你们大家做一自我介绍。?
12.They began to understand how important the forest is.他们开始懂得森林是多么地重要。?
begin to do 也可用begin doing,都是开始做某事的意思。例如:?
They began to work as soon as they got there.他们一到了那里就开始工作了。?
They began working as soon as they got there.(同上句意思一样)?
但在以下三种情况下,begin 的后面通常只用to do sth ,而不用doing sth.
1 表示思维、意识活动;
2 表示自然现象;
3 begin用进行时态时。例如:?
Only them did I begin to realize that I was wrong.只是在那时我才意识到我错了。(此句表思维意识活动)?
We were about to leave when it began to rain.我们正要动身,这时天开始下起雨来。(自然现象)?
When I got to the classroom, professor Wang was beginning to teach the lesson.
13.Today there is a forest programme in 70villages in this area. Meetings are held in order to explain the programme to the villagers.目前这个地区的70个村庄有一项造林计划,他们开会向村民们宣讲这个计划。?
There is an interesting programme on television tonight.今晚有一个很好看的电视节目。
What is the programme for tomorrow?明天计划做什么??
2)explain sth to sb 向某人解释某事。?
Please explain to me the meaning of the poem .请给我解释一下这首诗的意思。?
The teacher explained the rule to the students.老师向学生解释了这条规则。?
14.It is operated by the women of the area .这个计划是由这地区的妇女来完成。?
This machine doesn\'t operate well.这台机器运转不好。?
Do you know how to operate the machine?你知道怎样操作这台机器吗??
The doctors decided to operate on the child at once.?
医生们决定立刻给这个小孩做手术。(operate on sb为某人做手术)?
15.Twice a year, large teams of women plant thousands of trees.?
每年一次once a year(不说one time a year)?
每年二次twice a year(不说two times a year)?
每年三次three times a year(三次以上用times)?
还可以用day, week, month等词替换year, 如once a day一天一次,twice a week一周二次,three times a month每月三次。?
17.They also make sure the cows do not knock them down or eat the leaves.?
knock down意思是“撞倒,打倒”,例如:?
The taxt knocked the little boy down.出租车把小男孩撞倒了。?
He was knocked down by a truck.他被一辆大卡车撞倒了。?
He knocked his opponent down.他将他的对手击倒。?
18.Anybody who breaks the rule is punished.谁破坏了这个规则,谁就受到惩罚。?
1)rule n.(what one must, or must not do in a game, at school, at work,etc.)?

《高一英语第五单元Why do you do that ?(第2页)》

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