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)refer to表示“查阅”、“提到”、“谈到”、“指的是”等。如:
When you meet a new word, you can refer to the dictionary. 遇到生词时,你可以查阅词典。
The speaker referred to his notes several times during the speech. 那位演讲者在演讲过程中几次参看讲稿。
What I have to say refers to all of you.我要说的话涉及到你们大家。
13. struggle with 与…斗争
struggle 常用作不及物动词,与介词 with, for或 against连用。如:
She struggled with/against the thief for a while.他与小偷搏斗了一会儿。
He has been struggling for success in his business. 为了事业成功,他一直努力奋斗着。
14.spends a lot of time watching TV. 花费大量时间看电视
spend time/money on sth.表示“在某方面花费时间/钱”,介词 on后接名词或代词;
spend time/money (in) doing sth.表示“花费时间/钱做某事”,介词 in可以省略,后接动名词。如:
He doesn\'t spend much time on his homework. 他花在作业上的时间不多。
How much did you spend buying / in buying the new computer?买这台新电脑花去你多少钱?
15.be far away from的用法
be far away(from...)意为“(距离……)遥远”,是模糊说法。若 away前有表示具体距离的短语时,far必须去掉。试比较:
The school is far away (from here) .学校(离这儿)很远。
The airport is about 20 kilometres away from our company. 机场距离我们公司为 20公里。
16.Looking up at.. .makes you feel so small.抬头仰望…使你感到自己很渺小。
look up意为“抬头看;仰望;(在字典里)查阅”等。如:
He looked up and found many birds flying in the sky.他抬头看,发现许多鸟儿在空中飞翔。
If you meet new words, look them up in the dictionary. 如果你遇到生词,可以查阅词典。
2)动名词可以在句中充当主语、宾语、表语等。这里“Looking up at...”短语作主语。再如:
I believe traveling in space will be easy then. 我相信到那时太空旅游会容易些。(作主语)
I\'m 16 and I like dancing and computers.我16岁,喜欢跳舞和电脑。(作宾语)
My interests are reading novels, playing football and singing songs.我的兴趣是看小说,踢足球和唱歌。(作表语)
17. They are not at all afraid of people. 它们一点也不怕人。
1) not... at all意为“一点也不;根本不”,起加强语气的作用。如:He doesn\'t smoke at all. 他从来不吸烟。
I\'m not at all sorry I came, I\'m glad! 我来了一点也不遗憾,我很高兴。
2) be afraid of 意为“害怕,担心”,后接名词、代词或现在分词;后接从句时,省略of。如:
He is afraid of his own shadow. 他连自己的影子都害怕。 I\'m afraid that I don\'t understand you.抱歉,我不明白你的意思。
18.take a photo of 给…照相
take a photo of 还可以说 take photos /picture of, of后接拍照的对象。如:
They had many photos taken on the Great Wall. 他们在长城上拍了很多照片。
Can I take a photo of you? 我可以给你照张相吗?
19. on the way to + 名词/代词;on the way + 副词“在去…途中”
on the way to. . .意为“在路上”、“在途中”,to后接名词或代词;后接副词时,不可有to。如:On the way, a young man waved to me.路上,一个年轻人挥手招呼我。On the way home, he asked Jenny if she had enjoyed the speech. 在回家的路上,他问詹妮是否喜欢这次讲演 I fell on the way to school. 我在上学的路上跌倒了。
20. Don\' t forget to bring your camera. 别忘记带上相机。
forget 意为“忘记”,后可接名词、代词、不定式或现在分词形式。注意:forget to do 表示“忘记去做(还没有做)”, forget doing表示“忘记做了某事(已经做过)”。如:I have forgotten her name.我忘记了她的名字。
She nearly forgot to give him a tip for his service. 她几乎忘记给他的服务付小费。
I shall never forget hearing her singing that song.我永远不会忘记听她唱那支歌时的情景。
【语法点评] 定语从句常见错误例析
定语从句是中学英语中较难掌握的从句之一,其规则繁杂,难以记忆,因而同学们在运用过程中常出现错误。现归类分析如下: 一、关系代词错用 A) that和 which
1. 误 : I\' ve read all the books which you lent me. 正 : I\' ve read all the books that you lent me.
析:定语从句的先行词被all,some,any,no,little,few,much,very等修饰时,关系代词要用 that。
2.误: This is the last lesson which Mr Green taught us.正 : This is the last lesson that Mr Green taught us.
3. 误: Is there anything else which I can do for you?正: Is there anything else that I can do for you?
4. 误: They talked about the persons and things which they remembered in the old days.
正 : They talked about the persons and things that they remembered in the old days.
5. 误 : My hometown is no longer the place which it used to be. 正: My hometown is no longer the place that it used to be.
6. 误; Dinner starts with a small dish, that is often called a starter.正 : Dinner starts with a small dish, which is often called a starter.
7. 误: He lives in the room, the window of that faces the south.正 : He lives in the room, the window of which faces the south.
B) who 和 whom
8. 误 : The man with who I worked has left.正: The man with whom I worked has left.
析:关系代词 who指人,作主语; whom也指人,但作宾语。在“介词十关系代词”结构中,先行词是人,关系词用whom;先行词是物,关系词用which
9. 误: The student is standing there is our monitor.
正: The student who/that is standing there is our monitor.正 : The student standing there is our monitor.
f 析:定语从句中关系代词作主语时不能省略。这里也可以把定语从句改为现在分词形式作定语。


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