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高一英语第二十四单元The Secret of Farming

crawled out from under the table .

2 . except + 介词短语。

except 后常接介词 at , by , from , in , on , to 等引导的短语。

I never saw Mr White except at parties .

You could never have lost your way , except by your own carelessness .

I take no orders , except from the king .

I can take my holidays at any time , except in August .

No admittance , except on business .

We went nowhere , except to school .

3 . till / until + 介词短语。

till / until 后总是接介词 after 引导的短语。

I stayed till after ten o\'clock .

It was not till after midnight that my visit came to an end .


【 学法指要 】


1 . loaf 一个面包,一条面包

He bought two loaves of bread .

〖 点拨 〗loaf 的复数为 loaves .

2 . grain 谷物,谷类,谷粒

China grows most of the grains of the world .

The chickens ate the grains of corn on the ground .

a few grains of rice 几颗米 / grains of wheat 麦粒

3 . wine 酒,葡萄酒,果酒

I am no judge of wine .

Do you prefer French wine or Italian wine ?

4 . develop 发展,开发

He developed the little shop into a big store .

The city has developed into the center of industry .

We must develop the natural resources of our country .

〖 点拨 〗developing 发展中的,developed 发达的

5 . experience ( 不可数 ) 经验、 ( 可数 ) 经历

He has no experience in teaching English .

She was a housewife of experience .

He had a pleasant experience .

6 . keep ( kept , kept ) 培育,饲养,养活

He made a living by keeping bees .

He keeps a large family .

7 . condition 条件,状况

They were working in difficult conditions .

Health is one of the conditions of success in life .

The road is in good condition .

8 . rough 粗糙的,不平的

My hands are rough with work .

The road is very rough .


1 . be made from / be made of / be made up of / be made in / make A from B / be made into

be made from “由……制成”,指从成品上看不出原材料是什么 ( 改变了本质 ) 。如:

Paper is made from wood .

Wine is made from rice .

be made of “由……制成”,指用原材料制成东西后,从成品上还能看得出原料是什么 ( 不改变木质,只改变了形状 ) 。如:

The bridge is made of steel .

Cloth is made of cotton , wool , silk and other materials .

A be made into B . 意为把 A 制成 B,A 指原料,B 指成品,制出的成品可以是看得出原材料的,也可以是看不出原材料的。如:

Wood can be made into paper / desk .

Now chemists make coal tar into hundreds of useful things .

be made up of —— 由……构成 / 组成

A car is made up of many different parts .

This medical team is made up of ten famous doctors .

be made in 指“在 ( 某地 ) 制造”,如:

This TV set is made in China .

2 . knock sth . out of ……把某物从……中敲出来

In the following spring , the seeds should be knocked out of the seed-heads and sown . 到第二年春天把种子从谷穗里敲出来,然后再播种。

He knocked the gun out of the enemy\'s hand . 他打掉了敌人手中的枪。

The sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth . 我突然的一击把两颗牙齿从他口里打了出来。

knock 构成的短语还有 knock at ( 敲…… ) ,knock against ( 撞击 ) , knock down ( 撞倒 ) ,knock over ( 撞翻 ) 等。

Who is knocking at / on the door ?

The child knocked his head against the wall .

The cow knocked the basket over .

3 . point out 指出;使注意

1 ) point out that ……

He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil . 他指出,播种前清除杂草是很重要的。

At the meeting , he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place .

《高一英语第二十四单元The Secret of Farming(第2页)》

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