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高一英语第二十四单元The Secret of Farming

2 ) point …… out 或 point out …指出 ( 某人或某事 )

He quickly pointed out a mistake .

Can you point out the finest pictures to me ? = Can you point me out the finest pictures ?

4 . turn over 翻转

The soil should also be turned over with a fork so that the weeds would be destroyed . 我应当把耙子翻地,以除杂草。

The doctor turned him over and looked at his back .

The oil lamp was turned over and a fire started .

5 . go against 违背;不利于

If you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year , you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good . 如果你违背自然,不适时耕作,你就得付出更多的劳动,而成果却不见得好。

If you do that , you\'ll go against your parents\' wishes .

His opinion is going against us .

The game went against Tom\'s team .

6 . year after year与 year by year

1 ) year after year 年复一年地;一年又一年 ( 侧重重复的动作 )

Do not plant , for example , rice year after year in the same field . 例如,在同一块田里不要年复一年地种稻谷。

Year after year we have had a Christmas card from Dick .

2 ) year by year 逐年 ( 随着年数的推移逐渐变化,侧重变化性 )

The boy grows tall year by year .

7 . agree to do sth . 同意做某事

Do they agree to sow wheat close together ? 他们同意密植小麦吗 ?

agree 也可作不及物动词,既可以单独使用又可以与不同的介词如 with / to / on 等连用。

He doesn\'t agree ( with me ) .

They agreed to my suggestion at last .

We agreed on an early start .

8 . now and then ( = at times ) 有时;不时地

Is it necessary to remove weeds now and then ?

We go to the cinema now and then .


1 . year after year 年复一年地,逐年,年年

Don\'t plant rice year after year in the same field .

Year after year pollution is worsening .

We have been to that place for a holiday year after year .

Year after year I have had a birthday present from my parent .

注意:year by year 也是“逐年地,年复一年”之意。但 year after year 有强调“重复”之意,而 year by year 则有强调“逐年变化”之意。如:

They kept up a steady rise in production year by year .

Production costs go down year by year .

The boy grows taller year by year .

2 . agree to do sth . —— 同意做某事

They agreed to leave at once .

辨析:①agree to sth . 是“同意 ( 赞成 ) 某事”,后面接表示“提议”、“办法”、“计划”等词。如:

I agree to the proposal ( the plan ) .

Do you agree to this arrangement ?

Mary\'s father has agreed to her marrying John .

②agree on sth . 指“ ( 对事情 ) 意见一致”,主语常是协商人或单位,后面常接表示具体协议的文件、计划、行动等名词。如:

Both parties agree on these terms .

After discussion the two sides agree on a cease - fire .

We agreed on making an early start .

③agree with 指“同意”,“赞成”某人的“意见”,“看法”。它还有“与……一致”“ ( 气候,食物等 ) 适合”的意思:如:

We all agree with her .

I quite agree with what you say .

The verb must agree with the subject in person and number .

Your story agrees with what I have already heard .

That fish I had for supper doesn\'t agree with me .

The climate here doesn\'t agree with him .

His words do not agree with his actions .

3 . While people in other countries in the world were trying to catch wild animals and birds . . .

When you plough the soil , plough deeply the first time and less deeply the second time .

辨析:while , when 与 as 的句法作用

三者均可引导时间状语从句,但涵义不尽相同。while 的含义是“during the time that”表示时段或过程,强调主句与从句的行为或状态同时发生或存在,从句的谓语动词必须是延续性的。

* While I was reading , the telephone rang .

When 的含义是“at or during the time that”既可用于指时间一点 ( 从句谓语需用终止性动词 ) ,也可用于指时间段 ( 从句谓语需用延续性动词 ) 。换言之,有时可与 while 通用,有时则不可。例如:1 ) When ( While ) I was busy in the kitchen , someone knocked at the door . 2 ) When ( 不用 While ) I woke up , Mum was preparing breakfast .

as 常与 when 或 whi

《高一英语第二十四单元The Secret of Farming(第3页)》

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