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高一英语第二十四单元The Secret of Farming

ew _____ .

( 3 ) This figure is a false _____ . Take _____ back and show me a real _____ .

3 . turn over / on / off / to / down / up

( 1 ) The oil lamp was turned _____ and a fire started .

( 2 ) Whenever I turned _____ him , he would turn _____ my demand .

( 3 ) Whoever leaves last is to turn _____ the lights .

4 . point out / to / at

( 1 ) It is impolite to point your fingers _____ people while speaking .

( 2 ) We must point it _____ that the old temple is still in danger .

( 3 ) The hands of the clock are pointing _____ 12 sharp .

5 . agree with / to / on ( about )

( 1 ) What he said doesn\'t agree _____ the fact .

( 2 ) We agree _____ him _____ ploughing more deep , but we don\'t agree _____ some other views of his .

6 . go against / with

( 1 ) Don\'t go _____ science or do anything _____ your will .

( 2 ) Brown shoes don\'t go well _____ a black suit .

7 . next , near

( 1 ) She had no idea where Coke lived except that his house was _____ a church .

( 2 ) The Ertan Power Station , _____ to the Changjiang Three-Gorge Project , is the greatest one of China at present .

答案与简析: 1 . ( 1 ) of ( 2 ) up of ( 3 ) from ( 4 ) into ( 5 ) out of。make 与上述介词或介词词组搭配时分别表示:make of 指原材料能辨认,make from 指原材料不能辨认,make up of “由多个元素组成”,make into “把……制作成……”,make out of “把……改制 ( 或翻新 ) ;用……制造出……”。 2 . ( 1 ) that ( 2 ) ones ( 3 ) one , it , one。指代前面提到的事、物时三者的特征是:it 指同类同物;one 指同类异物,泛指且可数,其复数形式是 ones ; that 强调同类异物,特指,不可数。 3 . ( 1 ) over ( 2 ) to , down ( 3 ) off。turn over “打翻,翻阅,翻身”,turn to “转向,求助于”,turn down “拒绝、关小”,turn off “关掉”,其反义词是 turn on。 4 . ( 1 ) at ( 2 ) out ( 3 ) to。point at “指 ( 着 ) ”,或用某物对准某人或某物,较具体;point to “指 ( 朝 ) 向”,对象较笼统,也用于钟指针的指向;point out “指出”。 5 . ( 1 ) with ( 2 ) with , on , to。agree with “同意 ( 某人 ) ,与……一

致”;agree on “就……达成一致”。 6 . ( 1 ) against , against ( 2 ) with。go against “违背,不一致”,go with “与……一致,与……相配”。 7 . ( 1 ) near ( 2 ) next。作“邻近”讲时,near 直接充当介词,next 必须与介词 to 连用,next to 还可指“仅次于”;此外,near 作副词时也可与 to 连用,但只能表空间位置的“靠近”。

【 创新园地 】

假如你是 Miss Smith 的学生,上星期你们班进行了一次郊游。郊游前,Miss Smith 在通知全班学生时,与 Jack 有一段对话。请你用自己的话把这段对话内容转述给你朋友听。(字数:100 — 120)

A Dialogue

Miss Smith:You know we are going for an outing tomorrow . But is everyone sure of the time and place we are to meet ?

Jack:I\'m not , Madam .

Miss Smith:I thought it might be you . Now I\'ll repeat . We\'ll meet at 9∶30 at the bus station . One more thing is that each of you should bring a bottle of hot drink and some sandwiches .

Jack:Madam , will the work we\'ve been doing have to be finished this evening ?

Miss Smith:Of course it must . There certainly won\'t be much time before we go out . By the way , have you got a map and can you understand it ?

Jack:Well , that\'s just what is worrying me most . I\'m sorry to say I can\'t even make out where the school is .


Last week we went for an outing . The day before Miss Smith asked us to remember the time and place we were to meet . But she found Jack had forgotten everything , so she told us again to meet at 9∶30 at the bus station . She also told each of us to bring a bottle of hot drink and some sandwiches .

Then Jack asked if all the work would have to be finished that evening . Miss Smith told him that there certainly wouldn\'t be much time before going out and we had to get everything ready that evening . Then she went on to ask if Jack had a map and if he could understand it . Poor Jack said that it was just what was worrying him most . He couldn\'t even make out where the school was .

《高一英语第二十四单元The Secret of Farming(第6页)》

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