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高一英语第八单元Food Around The World (世界上的食物)

⒈ 看介词与定语从句中有关动词是否有搭配关系。如:
She paid the man from whom she had borrowed some money . ( = She paid the man . She had borrowed some money from him . )(注意:borrow sth . from sb . 这一搭配关系)
In the dark street , there wasn\'t a single person to whom she could turn for help (NMET 92)(注意:turn to sb . for help 这一搭配关系)
⒉ 看介词与定语从句的先行词是否有搭配关系。如:
The dog died because there was no way in which it could be brought back to the earth .
此句相当于:The dog died . There was no way it could be brought back to earth . (注意:in the way , in this / that way 这一搭配关系)又如:
He will never forget the day on which he joined the Party .(介词 on 与先行词 day 的搭配关系)
⒊ 看介词与定语从句中的形容词是否有搭配关系。如:
China is a large country with a long history of which we are greatly proud .(注意:be / feel proud of 这一习惯搭配)
The two things of which they felt very proud were Jim\'s gold watch and Della\'s hair .(1998年上海高考试题)
⒋ 若表示“所有关系”或“整体中的一部分”,则用介词 of 。如:
I live in this room , the window of which faces south . ( = I live in this room , whose window faces south . )(表示“所有关系”)
There are over 3,000 workers in that factory , eighty-five percent of whom are women . ( =There are … , and eighty-five percent of them are women . 表示“整体中的一部分”)
China has hundreds of islands , the largest of which is Taiwan . (表示“整体中的一部分”)
● 定语从句的关联词活用例析
1 . I\'ll never forget the summer holidays (which / that) I spent on the seashore .
2 . I\'ll never forget the summer holidays when I worked by the seaside .
3 . He is going to work on the island which / that needs him most .
4 . He is going to work on the island where he is most needed .
分析:在例1句子中,关联词 which / that 在从句中作及动动词 spent 的宾语,可省略;在例2句中,关联词 when 在从句中作时间状语;在例3中,关联词 which\'that 在从句中作主语,不能省略;在例4句子中,关联词 where 在从句中作地点状语。
结论:定语从句的重点是如何选择关联词(关系代词或关系副词)。若关联词在从句中作状语,就应使用关系副词;否则就应使用关系代记号。关系副词 when , where , why 的使用,并不决定于其先行词是表时间、地点或原因的词,而是取决于关联词在从句中充当哪种语法成分。只有当关联词在从句中作时间、地点或原因状语时,才能分别使用关系副词 when , where , why 或者用 in / at / on which 代替 when , 用 in / at which 代替 where , 用 for which 代替 why;若关联词在从句中作主语、宾语,则应用关系代词 which 或 that。
1 . I still remember the day ____ I first came to the college .
A . on which B . in which C . at which D . which
2 . They wll never forget the day ____ they got married .
A . that B . which C . in which D . when
3 . He makes good use of the time ____ he can spare .
A . when B . that C . in that D . in which
4 . The factory ____ his mother works is in the east of the city .
A . that B . which C . on which D . where
5 . The place ____ interested me most was the Children\'s Palace .
A . which B . where C . what D . in which
6 . That is the reason ____he wasn\'t here yesterday .
A . why B . which C . on which D . in which
7 . That is the reason ____ he can\'t say .
A . why B . that C . what D . in which
1 . A on which 可用 when 代替,在定语从句中起时间状语的作用。 2 . D 关系副词 when 在从句中作时间状语,可用 on which 代替。 3 . B 关系代词 that 在定语从中作及物动词 spare 的宾语,可用 which,也可省略。 4 . D 关系副词 where 在从句中作地点状语,可用 in which 代替。 5 . A 关系代词 which 在从中作主语,可用 that 代替。 6 . A 关系副词 why 在从中作原因状语,可用 for which 代替。 7 . B 关系代词 that 在从句中作及物动词 say 的宾语,可用 which 代替,也可省略。
● 谈谈被动语态的三种特殊情况
主动语态变被动语态的“三步曲”是:一、将主动语态的宾语变为被动语态的主语;二、谓语动词改为被动形式;三、如需强调动作的执行者;用介词 by 引出。那么,下面的三个问题也值得我们重视。
1 . 宾语为抽象名词或处所名词。如:
She always worries about her health . 她总是担心她的健康。
His friends left Beijing by train yesterday . 昨天他的朋友们坐火车离开了北京。
2 . 宾语为反身代词或相互代词。如:
They are teaching themselves English . 他们正在自学英语。
We should learn from each other . 我们应该互相学习。
3 . 宾语为行为者身上的某部位或某器官。如:
At last he put his hands up .
4 . 宾语为表示某组织机构的词组。如:
His father joined the Party two years ago . 他父亲两年前入了党。
5 . 谓语部分为一个不可分割的动词短语。如:
Then he made faces and jumped like a monkey . 接着他做鬼脸并象猴子一样地跳。
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《高一英语第八单元Food Around The World (世界上的食物)(第3页)》

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