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高一英语第八单元Food Around The World (世界上的食物)

12 . A . at B . in C . with D . for
13. A. collecting B . buying C . seeking D . selling
14 . A . in B . with C . for D . at
15.A. As a result B . Above all C . In return D . At first
16 . A . improve B . cut C . raise D . keep
17. A . therefore B . however C . otherwise D . and so
18 . A . money B . orders C . profit D . reward
19 . A . pays B . improvement C . raises D . rise
20 . A . workers B . secretary C . machines D . products
21 . A . smiled B . sighed C . rang D . thought
22 . A . how B . that C . what D . who
23 . A . George B . Manley C . The factory D . The company
24 . A . unless B. until C . if D . even if
25 . A . over B . finished C . endless D . settled
〖答案与赏析〗1 . B 见文中第三段第一句。 2 . A where 在此引导定语从句,相当于 in which 作状语,故选 A。 3 . D 据文章意思这里表转折。 4 . C meet ,意为“满足”,常与 needs 搭配使用,meet the needs of 是“满足……的需要”之意。A . support(支撑)、B . spend(花费)、D . have(拥有)都不合题意。 5 . A 这里表原因。 6 . C A、B、D三个选项中的词均不可与数字连用。 7 . D 由文意决定。8 . B 不想搬家正是因为 George 确实喜欢这个地方。 9 . B 该句是说 George 不喜欢这一想法,这里并不涉及别人的建议问题,故C不对。A、D也不合题意。 10 . C 该句是虚拟语气,表示对将来的一种假设,故主句该用 would have to。 11 . B 下句有揭示。 12 . B in (deep) trouble 是固定搭配,意为“处于困境中”。 13 . D 这家公司的电动机之所以不好销是由于日本人正在以低价销售这种产品的原因所致,A、B、C不合题意。 14 . D (sell) at low prices 或(sell) at a low price 为固定搭配,意为“以低价(出售)”。 15 . A 此处表结果。其它三个选项不符合逻辑。 16 . B 这里指“降低价格”,符合题意,A、C、D与题意不符。 17 . C therefore(因此)、however(然而)、and so(表递进),均不合题意,故选 otherwise “否则;要不然的话”。 18 . B 下句有提示。 19 . C 据文章的意思公司是没钱给工人提高工资,而并非连工资都发不下来。 20 . A 要想使公司能正常维持下去,Manley 就必须设法留住最好的工人,后文提到的 George 就是一例。 21 . B 据上下文情景及 again 一词推断。 22 . C what 引导宾语从句,并指代 Strong 所想和 Manley 谈话的内容,语法上做介词 about 的宾语,A、B 项均不能做 about 的宾语,D意思不对。 23 . D 留不住像 George 这样的好工人,当然首先是公司的前景不妙,且文章第三段第一、二句提示有 the company,故A、B、C项均不合题意。 24 . A unless 表条件,意为“除非……”,在此符合题意。 25 . C 接踵而至的问题,自然让人感到 Manley 的麻烦似乎没完没了,A、B、D项意思正好相反,故均不合题意。
颜 色 类
1. be black and blue ---- be covered with bruises 浑身青紫,遍体鳞伤:
It was the first time I had ridden a horse and I was black and blue after it.
2. in black and white ---- written down 白纸写黑字;写下来:
Please don\'t think I mistrust you, but I would prefer to have our agreement in black and white.
3. give someone a black look ---- look angrily at sb 怒视某人:
He gave me such a black look that I decided not to mention the subject again.
4. feel blue ---- feel sad, feel miserable 忧郁的,沮丧的,烦闷的:
If you\'re feeling blue, a couple of drinks may cheer you up.
5. out of the blue ---- unexpectedly 意外的,突然地:
The news of her marriage came out of the blue.
6. have green fingers ---- be good at gardening 擅长园艺:
I can\'t tell an apple tree from a pear tree, but my wife has very green fingers.
7. be green ---- inexperienced ;easily deceived 无经验的,易受骗的:
He\'s still rather green, but a couple of years in the army will make him wiser.
8. be/go grey ---- be/become grey-haired 头发变灰白:
Although still young, he is going very grey.
9. be in the pink ---- be very well in health 非常健康:
I\'m in the pink, and hope you are too.
10. be/go purple with rage ---- be/become extremely angry 气得脸色发紫;极其生气:
When I asked him to pay me what he owed ,he went purple with rage.
11. go red ---- blush 脸红,害臊:
When asked to recite her poem, the girl went red and could not say a word.
12. see red ---- lose control of oneself through anger 气得眼睛都红了;怒不可遏:
When she sees her cat being ill treated, she sees red.
13. be in the red ---- owe money, especially to a bank 有赤字; 负有债务,亏空:
Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red.
14. get out of the red ---- get out of debt to a bank 不再欠(银行的)债,不再亏空:
I only need $1000 to get out of the red.
15. catch someone red-handed ---- catch someone in the act of committing a crime (犯罪时)当场捉住,当场捕获:
The shop detective caught him red-handed as he was slipping a packet of cigarettes into his pocket.
16. be/go white ---- be/ become pale in the face with fear 吓得脸色苍白:
When the police arrived he went white and looked around for a way to escape.
17. as white as a sheet/ghost --- very pale in the face 脸色苍白:
The injured man lay on the ground, as white as a sheet.
18. tell a white lie -- tell a lie which is regarded as harmless and excusable 讲不怀恶意的谎言:
I didn\'t want to offend him ,so I told a white lie and said I didn\'t know.

《高一英语第八单元Food Around The World (世界上的食物)(第6页)》

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