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高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)

y or Friday off , what do you say ?
28. Frankly , I don\'t like the music of the 18th century . 坦白地说,我不喜欢18 世纪的音乐。
29. To be honest , I don\'t feel like eating anything today . 说真的,今天我什么都不喜欢吃。
30. Rather than take a bus , I prefer to take a plane .
● Model Dialogues (交际示范)
A:Would you like some fruit , Rose ?
B:Yes , please .
A:Which do you prefer , apples or bananas ?
B:I prefer apples to bananas . I think apples are more delicious than bananas .
A:OK , here are some apples . But I\'d rather have some bananas .
A:Do you often have sports at school ?
B:Of course . I love sports .
A:Which do you prefer , horse-riding or shooting ?
B:Shooting . Do you like shooting ?
A:I prefer horse-riding to shooting .
B:What about wrestling and sailing ?
A:Both of them are exciting , but I\'d rather watch them .
B:Me too .
A:Hello , what can I do for you ?
B:Do you have any salad ?
A:Yes . Would you like the Caesar\'s salad or fruit salad ?
B:I prefer Caesar\'s salad .
A:Anything to drink ?
B:Of course .
A:Coffee or tea ?
B:I prefer coffee .
Jane:Hello , Betty . Are you doing anything this Sunday ? How about going to see a film with me or would you rather see a play ?
Betty:To tell the truth , I\'d rather see a play . I don\'t care much for films . I hear a new play is on at the Grand Theatre .
Jane:Good . I\'ll see if I can get tickets for Sunday .
Betty:The thing I don\'t like on Sunday is that it\'s always so crowded . How about Friday or Saturday ?
Jane:That would be fine . I\'ll give you a call about the tickets later . Good-bye .
B. 单元重点新词透视
1. exciting 作形容词是指某事使人感到很激动和兴奋,意为“令人兴奋的,令人鼓舞的”,可以作定语和表语。如:
It\'s an exciting experience just to walk down a New York street . 漫步纽约街头是一件十分令人激动的经历。
Skiing is more exciting than skating . 滑雪比溜冰更激动人心。
辨析 exciting 、 excited、excitement、excite、excitedly
◇ exciting 是“令人兴奋的,令人鼓舞的”,可以作定语和表语。作表语时,其主语常常是物。
He told us a piece of exciting news .
The speech that he made last week proves exciting . 他上周做的报告证明是鼓舞人心的。
◇ excited 是“使兴奋,被感到”,在句中做表语时,其主语常常是人。
The little boys were excited very much by the story .
At such a good news , he seemed excited all the morning . 听到好消息后,他整个上午都兴奋不已。
◇ excitement 是名词,常用于固定搭配 “to one\'s excitement = to the excitement of sb”(使某人兴奋的是)。in excitement = excitedly 兴奋地。如:
He has a weak heart , and he should avoid excitement . 他心脏虚弱,应避免激动。
After the meeting , he sang in excitement on his way home . 会议结束后,在回家的途中他兴奋不已地唱个不停。
◇ excite 是动词,excitedly 是副词。如:
The news excited us . = We were excited by the news . = We were excited to hear the news .
Don\'t excite yourself . = Don\'t be excited .
It\'s nothing to get excited about . 这没有什么可激动的。
Getting / Becoming excited easily is of no use . 易激动是没有用的。
2. swift 常作形容词“快的,迅速的”,其比较级为 swifter , 其最高级为 swiftest 。
The river is too swift to swim . 这河水流太急,不能游泳。
They had a swift visit to the shop . 他们匆匆地逛了一下商店。
测试要点:辨析 swift , quick , fast , rapid
swift 所指的运动速度最高,同时强调运动的平稳潇洒和轻捷不费力气,灵巧优美。常与 quick 通用。
He are in great need of a swift horse . 你十分需要一匹骏马。
The eight-year-old boy gave me a swift / quick answer . 那个八岁的小男孩迅速地回答了我。
quick 指运动动作发生或者完成的迅速、敏捷,强调的是单一动作的突然性和短暂性。含有灵巧性。
He ate a quick breakfast and rushed off to work . 他匆匆吃了早饭就赶着上班去了。
I felt a quick pull on my fishing line . 我感到鱼线给突然拉了以下。
He is quick to understand a stranger . 他善于理解陌生人的意思。
fast 多指运动的物体,位置移动的迅速,强调物体运动的方式,具有高速运动的含义。是 slow 的反义词。
You are reading too fast for me to follow .
We must take the fast train .
My watch is fast . 我的手表快了。
He ran faster and faster along the bank of the river . 沿着河他跑的越来越快。
rapid 常和 fast 互换,但rapid 多指运动本身程度的变化,可以是人口的增加、进步的幅度等。
The improvement was very rapid . 改进极为迅速。
He made rapid progress last term .
3. medal 奖章,奖牌
In the Olympic Games the first winner will get a gold medal . 在奥运会上第一名将获得一枚金牌。
That officer received many medals for bravery . 这位军官由于勇敢而荣获许多奖章。
测试要点:会区分使用 medal (奖章,奖牌), model (模特,), metal (金属)
Can I have a look at your Medal of Freedom ? 我可以看一下你的自由勋章吗 ?
He bought his s

《高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)(第2页)》

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