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高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)

on a model of ship from the USA . 他给儿子从美国买了一个轮船模型。
Do you want to be a model when you grow up ? 你长大后想当一名模特吗 ?
China is a country with a long history . She is rich in many kinds of metals . 中国是一个拥有悠久历史的国度,中国有丰富的矿藏资源。
4. prize 奖赏,奖品。常用于动词 gain , get , receive , take , win , offer , give 等后面。
They got most of the prizes at the village flower . 他们夺得了该村花展的大部分奖项。
Winning the Nobel Prize for Physics is very difficult . 获得诺贝尔物理奖是十分困难的。
测试要点:会区别开 prize (奖品) ,praise (表扬),price (价格)
He praised her for helping his son with the homework .
The price of the car is higher here than in that shop .
5. like 喜欢,喜爱。可以作介词和动词。
◇ like someone/something表示“喜欢某人或某物”
典型用法1. like...very much表示“非常喜欢.....”。
The parents like their little son very much.
典型用法2. like...better/best 表示“更/最喜欢......”。
Mike likes maths better than chemistry.
This is the pen that he likes best.
◇ like to do/doing...表示“喜欢做某事”。
典型用法 1. like doing...表示“经常性、习惯性的动作”。
My father likes reading evening newspapers.
典型用法 2.like to do...表示“具体的或特定的动作。”
We like to have a talk with you.
◇ like someone to do...表示“希望/欢迎某人去做某件事”。
Do you like us to play together with you ?
◇ would like...表示“想要......”。
典型用法 1.would like something 表示“想要某物”。
Would you like some water ? No,thanks.
典型用法 2.would like to do...表示“想要做某事”。
◇ Mary would not like to attend such a meeting.
典型用法 3.would like someone to do 表示“想要某人去做某件事”。
I would like her to tell the truth.
The strangers would like those villagers to give them some help.
注:当第一人称 I 或we 作主语时,也可用 should like...。
◇ feel like...表示“感觉想要......”。
典型用法 1.feel like sth.表示“觉得想要某物”。
My sister felt like some sweets.
典型用法 2. feel like doing...表示“觉得想做某件事”。
What do you feel like doing before you go back ?
C. 单元重点词组扫瞄
Lesson 37
1. have sports 进行体育运动
We have sports at four in the afternoon every day .
What sports do you have at the sports meeting ?
测试要点:注意由动词 have 构成的固定词组具有特定的意义。
have a date 有约会。have a go at 试试。(Let me have a go at it , all right ? / He had several goes at it before he succeeded .) have a good / high opinion of 对……评价好。have a good time 过的愉快,玩的开心。have a rough time 日子艰难。have a hard time + doing 干……很费劲。have / run a temperature 发烧。have a work with 和……交谈。have words with sb 和某人争吵。have an effect on / upon 对……有影响。have mercy on / upon 对……产生怜悯。have no choice but to do 只有干…… 。have none of 不理睬……。have nothing to do with 与……没有关系。have something to do with 与有联系。have on 穿着,戴着,有事。(注意该词组不用进行时态。如:Today she has on a red skirt . = Today she wears a red skirt . = Today she is wearing a red skirt . = Today she is dressed in a red skirt .) have / take pity on / upon 同情,怜悯。(He said that he has no pity on people who do not try to help others . )have sports 进行体育运动。have a rest / break 休息一下。have a bad cough 咳嗽得厉害。
2. be good at 擅长
Are you good at sailing ? 你擅长赛艇吗 ?
I was never any good at dancing .
3. in fact 事实上,实际上
No one believed it but , in fact , Mary did get a good result in this exam .
He doesn\'t mind . In fact , he is very satisfied .
4. let sb know 通知某人。告诉某人
If you arrive in Beijing this afternoon , please let me know as soon as possible .
5. read out 大声念出 = read aloud
He is reading out the football results .
An important notice was read out by our monitor .
Lesson 38
1. in modern times 现代,近代
He was one of the great artists in modern times . 他是近代的伟大艺术家之一。
2. every four years 每四年,每隔三年 = every fourth year
Both Summer and Winter Olympics are held every four years . 夏季奥运会和冬季奥运会都是每四年举行一次。
注意上面的基数词和序数词。另外,“每两天”是every other day / every two days。
3. take part in 参加
He took an active part in revolution .
Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Qlympic Games .
Britain is one of the countries in which women take part in wrestling .
测试要点:辨析 take part in , attend , join , join in
take part in 表示参加某种活动并在里面以积极的态度起作用。
Do you want to take part in this discussion ?
attend 常用于参加婚礼、追悼会、课堂学习等。
I am sure he will come to attend this meeting tonight .
join in 参加游戏或小活动。常同 game 连用。
More and more countries joined in the Olympic Games .

《高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)(第3页)》

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