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高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)

He will join us in singing the song .
Will you join me in buying a present for her ?
Please come and join in this game . It is very interesting .
join 参加某个组织,入党、入团等。
He joined the Communist Party of China in 1980 . = He has been a party member since 1980 .
4. for centuries 好几百年来,数个世纪以来
For centuries there were no Olympic Games .
D. 单元语法学习目标
“介词 + 关系代词”引导的定语从句小结
1. 当 which 的先行词不是从句中及物动词的宾语,而是从句中不及物动词所带的介词宾语时,或者是从句中作为状语或定语用的介词短语中的介词宾语时,定语从句常用“介词 + which (whom)”来引导,不用其它关系代词,whom 指人,which 指物。例如:
The house was built on a hillside , below which was a winding valley . 那所房子建 在山坡上,在山坡的下面有一条蜿蜒的溪谷。
This is the book for which you asked .
My glasses , without which I was like a blind man , felt to the ground and broke .
Here is the young man about whom we\'ve heard so much .
By the side of the well there was a board on which were written these words :“Don\'t forget the digger when you fetch water from the well .”在井的旁边有一块木板,上面写着:“饮水莫忘挖井人。”
2. 这样的介词可以放在 whom , which 之前,也可以放在从句中原来的位置上。但含有介词的短语动词一般不可拆开,介词仍放在动词之后,不能前置。例如:
The babies (whom) the nurses look after all look happy and healthy . ( look after 为固定词组)
Is he the man (whom) you spoke to yesterday ?
Is this the knife which you\'ve looking for all day long ?
对比:This is the house in which Lu Xun once lived . = This is the house (which) Lu Xun once lived in .
3. 如果介词放在定语从句之后,关系代词 which , whom 可以用 that 来替换,亦可以省略 which , whom 。
Can you lend me the book (that ) you were talking about the other day ? (about不能放 that 前,但把 that 该为 which 时就可以了。)
The house which / that we live in is not large . = The house we live in is not large . = The house in which we live isn\'t large .
4. 关系代词前的介词选用要按习惯搭配和具体语言环境而选用,不能随心所欲。例如:
There is a book about which I told you last week . (tell sb about sth)
Everyone here knows the method with which the computer works . (with the method)
The ladder on which I was standing began to slip . (stand on)
5. 但介词却不能放在 that 之前,除非可以特殊地使用:but / except + that 。but / except + that 只能引导限制性定语从句。that 只起连接作用,不冲充当句子成分。
He stood there , doing nothing except that his mouth was open .
● 请你走出单项填空题的解题思维误区
1 . - Don\'t forget to return the dictionary to the library .
-____ .
A . I don\'t B . I won\'t C . I can\'t D . I haven\'t
本题受 Don\'t forget 的误导,常误选A。英语中的祈使句通常表示将来要发生的动作,所以答语中的“我忘不了”实际上是“我(将)不会忘记”。正确答案是B。
2 . - I wonder if your sister will go to the concert .
- If your sister does . so ____ mine .
A . is B . do C . does D . will
本题受 If you sister does 中 does 的误导,常常误选C。由于条件状语从句中常用一般现在时代替一般将来时,所以题中的 If your sister does 中的 does 实际上等于will go to the concert , 所以“我妹妹也去”应该是“Mine will go , too . ”因此正确答案是D。
3 . You should throw the old newspaper into ____ basket .
A . a paper B . paper C . papers D . the papers
通常,paper 表示“纸”,是不可数名词,前面不带a,受其误导,误选B。但本题讲的是要将旧报纸扔进纸篓。“纸”虽不可数,但“纸篓”是可数名词,因此正确答案是A。
1 .- Would you lend me your pen for a while ?
-Certainly I ____ .
A . Would B . should C . will D . shall
2 .- Could I use your bicycle ?
-Yes , of course you ____ .
A . can B . could C . will D . would
3 . I have met ____ people as Lei Feng in China .
A . many B . so many C . many such D . as many
4 . Only when she got home did she find her necklace ____ .
A . miss B . to miss C . missed D . missing
5 .- I\'ve got an extra ticket for one of you .
- Oh , really ? Whom would you like ____ with you , Tom or me ?
A . to have go B . to have gone C . having to go D . having going
NMET 单项填空的空白后有时附带着一些文字信息,通常被称为“迟到的信息”。这些“迟到的信息”有的是无关紧要的,有的则对答案的选择起着决定性的作用,忽视这样的信息,不瞻前顾后,往往要出错。如:
9 . Jenny ____ have kept her word . I wonder why she changed her mind .
A . could B . might not C . should D . would not
题中的 I wonder why she changed her mind 一句虽为迟到的信息,但它说明 she changed her mind , 也就是 she didn\'t keep her word , 据此可推断正确答案是C。
10 .- He promised to come to see you .
- But he ____ I\'ve bee

《高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)(第4页)》

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