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高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)

n alone .
A . doesn\'t B . din\'t C . won\'t D . hasn\'t
11. 本题若只注意到He promised 而忽略 I\'ve been alone 这一“迟到的信息”,就会误选答案B。I\'ve been alone 这一句表明,be 不仅过去没来,而且现在仍没来,所以正确答案是D。
12 .- Didn\'t you watch the football match yesterday ?
-____ . I would like to have seen it .
A . Yes , I did B . No , I didn\'t C . Yes , I didn\'t D . No , I did
解答本题必须重视 I would like to have seen it 这一“迟到的信息”,它相当于 I had wanted to see it , 意为“我本想观看它”,可见实际上我没看足球赛,因此正确答案是B。
13 . You ____ the plant more water . It is dead .
A . will give B . would have given
C . must give D . should have given
14 . I wish to be ____ with him . Will you go up to your own room ?
A . friendly B . alone C . down D . always
15 .- The play is often put on here , isn\'t if ?
-____ Only once five years ago .
A . Yes , it is B . Yes , it isn\'t C . No , it isn\'t D . No , it is
16 . ____ from your office to here!
A . How far is it B . What a long way it is
C . How far it is D . How long is it
17 . - Do you know ____ of them ?
- No , I only know Mr and Mrs Tom .
A . all B . both C . none D . any
18 . She spent as much time as she could ____ over her lessons .
A . go B . to go C . going D . went
本题若抓不住 She spent much time ____ over her lessons 这个主题,就排除不了 as much…as she could 这个次要信息,就会误选A。由主体句可知,正确答案是C。
19 . He hasn\'t come yet . What do you consider ____ to him ?
A . happens B . has happened C . happening D . to happen
本题若搞不清 do you consider 是插入语,就会误以为是在考查 consider 后接动名词结构,就会误选C。本题正确答案是B。
20 . So far this is the best way I\'ve thought of ____ this problem .
A . settling B . to settle C . by setting D . having settled
本题的主体是 this is the best way ____ this problem。I\'ve thought of 是修饰 way 的定语从句,不影响主体句的答案的选择。当然,若不清楚 I\'ve thought of 是定语从句的话,就会误以为是在考查 think of 后跟动名词而误选A。由主体句可知,本题正确答案是B。the way to do sth . 意为“做某事的方法”。
启示:① 学习英语要重视对结构复杂的句子的分析,从而提高对这类句子的理解能力;② 解题时遇到结构复杂的句子,要注意抓主体(抓主谓宾语),通过抓主体来排除干扰答题的次要信息,从而找出正确答案。
21 . He often leans over the fence and talks for over an hour with my father ____ gardening .
A . about B . while C . in D . as
22 . John plays football ____ , if not better than , David .
A . as well B . as well as C . so well D . so well as
23 . The students are forbidden , unless they have the library cards , ____ the reading-room .
A . entering B . enter C . from entering D . to enter
24 . With a quick kick the policeman sent the knife held in the robber\'s right hand ____ .
A . fly B . flew C . flying D . to fly
25 . Lincoln\'s stepmother did all she could ____ him .
A . help B . to help C . helping D . and helped
答案:4-8 CACDA 13-17 DBCBA 21-25 ABDCB
● 当心,解题勿受思维定式干扰 !
1 . I\'m busy now . I\'m sorry I can\'t help ____ the flowers .
A . to water B . watering C . watered D . waters
[析]正确答案A。本题易误选答案B,因为学生熟悉的是 can\'t help (忍不住,情不自禁)后接动名词。其实,本题中 help 为“帮助”之意,后面应用不定式(可省略to)作宾语。故应选A。
2 . Put the book in the same place ____ you found it .
A . as B . that C . which D . where
[析]正确答案D。本题易误选答案A或B,因为 the same…as 和 the same…that 经常被强调,而实际上 the same 修饰名词后除可接 as 或 that 外,还可以接 where , who 等引导的定语从句。分析一下题干,不难看出本题应用 where 引导定语从句,因为所设空白在从句中作状语。故选D。
3 . Nylon is used to ____ stockings .
A . made B . makes C . make D . making
[析]正确答案C。此题易误选D,因为“be (get) used to 接名词或动名词”意为“习惯于……”。但本题并非此意,谓语动词中的 ues 为“使用”之意并且是被动语态,“be used to do… (被用来做……)”。故应选C。
4 . Make a mark ____ you have a question .
A . in which B . where C . that D . for which
[析]正确答案B。此题易误选A或C,原因在于错误地把本题分析为定语从句,误译成“做一个你有问题的记号”。然而,本题系地点状语从句,应译为“在你有疑问的地方做个标记”。所以引导地点状语从句不可用“介词 + which”的答案A。故应选B。
1 . New ways have been found to prevent the river ____ .
A . polluting B . from polluting
C . against polluting D . from being polluted 《高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)(第5页)》

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