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高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)

ll ; calm B . what ; calm
C . what ; to calm D . all which ; to calm
2 . Only those(who) ____ knew well could be let in .
A . did he B . he did C . who D . he
3 .- Whom should this message be sent to ?
- My teacher is the one (for you) ____ .
A . to send it B . to be sent to C . for sending it D . to send it to
4 . How clever (it is) ____ to do so!
A . for the boy B . of the boy C . with the boy D . at the boy
5 . They don\'t realize the use (that 或 which) ____ the information .
A . we make of B . which we make
C . for our making D . for us to make
答案及说明:1 . C 2 . D 3 . D 4 . B 5 . A。第5题 A 为定语从句,动词 make 后的 use 被关系代词代替,由于关系代词作宾语被省略。
★ 句子结构还原,主要用于疑问句和省略句的题干。例如:
1 . What way are you thinking of ____ rid of rats ?
A . get B . getting C . to get D . being get
2 . Who did you ____ ____ the radio ?
A . have repaired B . have to repair
C . have repairing D . have repair
3 . If you go there tomorrow , ____ .
A . so I do B . so will I C . so I will D . so do I
4 .- Why was the meeting called ?
- ____ new officials .
A . Elect B . Electing C . To elect D . By electing
答案及说明:1 . C 2 . D 3 . B。省略后倒装。“If you go there tomorrow , I will go there , too . ” 4 . C。不定式回答“目的”或“原因”。The meeting was called to elect new officials . 再如:
- What made her so upset ?
- ____ a wonderful stamp .
A . To lose B . Lost C . Losing D . For losing
选C。回答 what 作动词 made 的主语。
● 单项填空中的合理推测
■ 根据题干特定信息进行推测
NMET 题干的设计水平和灵活性逐年提高。有关信息不仅在句子表面,也可能存在于字里行间,或存在于某一个不引入注目的单词上。所以,首先要细读题干,精心领会其意义,然后有针对性地、准确地找到某个特定信息,以此为据,推断定论。切不可读题粗略,貌然确定答案。
- Do you remember ____ he came ?
- Yes , I do , he came by car .
A . how B . when C . that D . if
从语法上看A,B都可以填,但正确答案只有一个。by car 这一特定信息暗示了问句问的是“方式”,所以A才是最佳选择。
Peter ____ come with us tonight , but he isn\'t very sure yet .
A . must B . can C . may D . will
题干后部的意思为 ? “……但他还不十分肯定;”,由此推测他不是“必须来”,不是“将会来”,也不是“能够来”,而是“可能来”,选C。再如:
- If you don\'t like the red coat , take the blue one .
- OK , but do you have ____ size in blue ? This one\'s a bit tight for me .
A . a big B . a bigger C . the big D . the bigger
题干意思是“这一件稍紧一点”,可见他想要的是尺码较大的。所以 big 要用比较级。题干的另一意思不是“要好一件更大的蓝外衣”,而是问“蓝外衣中是否有一种尺码大的”。所以不是特指,应选B。
■ 根据句子结构、语法进行推测
John plays football ____ , if not better than , David .
A . as will B . as well as C . so well D . so well as
逗号隔开的部分是插入语,也是一个省略的条件状语从句,从句中的否定与主句无关。David 是两者比较的另一方,所以同级比较句型要用 as well as。如果选A,就少了连接从句的连词。
____ from Beijing to London !
A . How long way it is B . What a long way is it
C . How long way is it D . What a long way it is
way 是可数名词首先排除A、C。此句不是问句,根据句子结构要求,要用陈述句的语序,选D。
The weather turned out to be very good , ___ was more than we could expect .
A . what B . which C . that D . it
考生对短语 turn out 不甚了解,但这不影响解题。只要以语法结构为依法。就能推断出 B是答案,因为只有 which 才能引导非限制性定语从句。turn out to be 意为“结果是……”。请再看:
There\'re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that i can\'t make up my mind ____ to buy .
A . which B . what C . how D . where
句中的 tape-recorder 和 on sale 课本上都没有直接出现过,但 buy 是一个熟知的及物动词,它需要有宾语。因此,这儿要用连接代词作宾语,首先排除C、D。再根据 which 和 what 的用法区别来取舍。在已知或有限范围的选择场合要用 which。因此该选A。tape-recorder 意思是“磁带录音机”,on sale 是“出售”。
■ 用排除法推测
If there were no examinations , we should have ____ at school .
A . the happiest time B . a more happier time
C . much happiest time D . a much happier time
It was not ____ she took off her dark glasses ____ I realized she was a famous film star .
A . until ; when B . when ; that C . until ; that D . when ; then
从结构上看这一句是强调句型,首先排除A、再仔细思考B、C。只有 until 才有这种 not 前移的用法,所以推断答案为C。

《高一英语第十单元Sports (体育运动)(第7页)》

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