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高一英语第二十五单元 At the Conference

12 . Would you wait a minute ?




1 . repeat 重说,重做

Please repeat the word .

She repeated the poem .

Don\'t repeat the same error .

〖 点拨 〗不要把 repeat 后再加 again。

2 . funny 有趣的,滑稽可笑的

What a funny story !

I don\'t think that\'s at all funny .

He is a very funny man .

〖 点拨 〗fun 是 funny 的名词,用作不可数名词。如:

What fun it is to see a film !

3 . attention 注意,关心

Pay attention to what you are doing .

We have given close attention to these needs .

They listened with great attention .

〖 点拨 〗词组:pay (much , no , little , more …) attention to注意…… 。fix one’s attention on精力集中中……。with attention = attentively聚精会神地。

4 . unable 不能的,不能胜任的

He seemed unable to understand what you said .

I am sorry to be unable to come .

〖 点拨 〗将来时和完成时一般不用 unable , 而用 not able . 另外,注意unable在句中时的反意疑问句:He is unable to help us , isn’t he ?

5 . world-famous 世界闻名的

It is a world-famous university .

6 . serious 严肃的,认真的,严重的

He looked serious .

Are you really serious when you say you\'ll help me ?

He was serious about the matter .

It was a serious accident .

7 . introduction 引进,介绍

He encouraged the introduction of new techniques .

Mary made the introductions and we all shook hands .


1 . send out 发出;分发

What a lot of invitations to send out !

Please send out the letters quickly .

2 . get through 接通 ( 电话 )

I can\'t get through . The line is busy .

I rang you up this morning , but I couldn\'t get through to you .

3 . hold on ( 电话用语 ) 别挂电话

Hold on please , I\'ll go go and see if Tom is in .

4 . ring back/call back 回电话

Can you ask her to ring me back , please ?

He rang back at nine yesterday evening , but I was still out .

5 . an invitation to …参加…的邀请

Dr Baker received an invitation to a Medical Conference .

6 . a bit 稍微;有一点儿 ( 修饰 adj . 或 adv . )

He decided to attend the meeting though he was still a bit surprised .

I\'m a bit tired , I\'m not going to watch the film .

注:a bit of + n . u 一点儿…

He gives a bit of money to his old mother every month .

7 . reply to 回答某人;回信

Dr Baker replied to the invitation , accepting it .

Please reply to my question .

Have you replied to him/to his letter ?

8 . do research in/on/into sth . 做…研究工作

I\'m doing research in ENT at Lincoln College in Tennessee .

They are doing research in/into the causes of cancer .

9 . give a talk on/about sth . 做关于……的报告

She\'s giving a talk on health tomorrow .

Would you mind giving a talk today about DNA ?

10 . out of breath = breathlessly 上气不接下气

He walked so fast that he was soon out of breath .

11 . make up —— 编造;弥补;打扮;构成

Make up a dialogue , using the following as a guide .

He made up an excuse for being late .

I have to make up the time I wasted .

The teacher helped his pupils make up the lesson they had missed .

Most young ladies like to make up ( their faces ) .

The actor made ( himself ) up for the part of an old man .

Different qualities make up a person\'s character .

This is made up of three different parts .

12 . as a guide —— 作为指南,作为向导

It may not

《高一英语第二十五单元 At the Conference(第2页)》

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