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高一英语第二十五单元 At the Conference

be a good thing to take your friend\'s experience as a guide .

I hope this hand book will serve you as a good guide for learning English .

13 . say to oneself —— 自言自语,暗自思量

“That\'s funny ! ”said Dr Baker to himself .

“What shall I do next ? ”she said to herself .

He said to himself that there was something wrong .

I woke up at six and said to myself , “It\'s still early . ”

14 . make oneself known to sb . —— 向 ( 某人 ) 作自我介绍

If Dr Baker is in the hall , will he please make himself known to me ?

When I saw the new teacher , I made myself known to him .

Could you make yourself known to us ?

15 . be lucky to —— 幸运地,碰巧地

You are lucky to be alive after being in that accident .

You are lucky to own a car .

However , we are lucky to have another world - famous expert here at the conference .

He was lucky enough to meet with an old friend .

16 . go over to —— 走到 ( 某人或某物 ) 去

Dr Baker got up and went over to the organizer .

He went over to the other side of the street .

We went over to the next town to the game .

〖 点拨 〗go over to 与 go over 的意思不一样。go over 是“重复,重温,仔细检查”等意思。如:

Let\'s go over the lesson again .

They went over their lessons together at night .

Would you mind going over this work for me ?


1 . Will he please make himself known to me ? 请他向我自我介绍一下好吗 ?

make oneself known to sb . 是“向某人作自我介绍。”类似用法还有:make oneself heard ( 使别人听到自己的声音 ) , make oneself understood ( 使别人懂得自己的意思 ) 等。例如:

When you speak English , be sure to make yourself understood .

I didn\'t succeed in making myself understood .

She couldn\'t make herself heard .

He made himself heard across the room .

You must make yourself respected .

2 . Dr Baker replied to the invitation , accepting it . 贝克博士还是答复了请柬,接受了邀请。

accepting it 是现在分词短语,表示伴随动作,相当于 and accepted it , 又如:

He ran up to her breathing heavily .

My train starts at six , arriving in Beijing at ten .

注意同义词 accept 与 receive 的区别:

receive ( 收到,得到 ) ,只表示客观的收到某物,与主观愿望无关。

accept ( 接受 ) 表示主观上乐意接受。如:

I received his offer , but did not accept it .

He received an invitation to the party and was glad to accept it .

3 . Will : Does she have your number ? 威尔:她有你的 ( 电话 ) 号码吗 ?

Mary : Perhaps not . It\'s 6674044 .

玛丽:也许没有。我的号码是 6674044 .

Perhaps not 是一个否定式的省略句。从上文来看,它应是“Perhaps she doesn\'t have my number . ”的省略。类似的否定性省略还有:

Of course not/Certainly not/Surely not 等。

这种省略的肯定式为:Perhaps so 也许是/Quite so 确是这样/Just so 正是这样/Certainly ( 当然是 ) 等等。例如:

Do they have lunch at school ?

Perhaps so ( not ) /Certainly ( not ) .

Will you be free tomorrow ?

Of course ( not ) /Perhaps so ( not ) .

4 . There must be some mistake . 准是出了什么差错了。

some 在此处的意思是“某一个”,用在单数名词前,表示未知的或说话者不愿特别说明的人、地、物等。例如:

Some person at the door is asking to see you .

I remember having read that article in some magazine .

I hope you\'ll come to see me some afternoon .

There must be some reason for what he\'s done .

We expect him back some time next week .

I suggest that we go to some park to spend our weekend .

5 . Would you mind giving a talk today about DNA ? 今天能否请你做一个关于 DNA 的报告 ?

Would you mind doing sth . ? 是一个日常交际用语,表示礼貌地提出请求。

注意在回答中,要对 mind 进行回答,因此“No”,是“不介意”,也就是同意做;而“Yes , ”“I\'m afraid . . . not”则是“介意”,也就是不行。

— Would you mind opening the door for me ? 请你帮我打开门好吗 ?

— No , of course not . /I\'m afraid I can\'t . 当然可以。/恐怕不行。

《高一英语第二十五单元 At the Conference(第3页)》

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