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高一英语第二十五单元 At the Conference

科目 英语
年级 高一
文件 high1 unit25.1.doc
标题 At the Conference
章节 第二十五单元
关键词 高一英语第二十五单元



Ⅰ . 词汇学习

send out , get through , ring back , repeat , funny , lady , attention , unable , world - famous , serious , introduction , college , joke , note , organize , medical , attend , organizer , gentleman , earn , suppose , out of breath , conference , a . m . , p . m . , make up , expert , throat

Ⅱ . 交际英语


1 . Can you ring up … ? 2 . I can\'t get through .

3 . The line\'s busy . 4 . I\'ll try again later .

5 . Could I speak to …, please ? 6 . Hold on , please .

7 . Can I take a message ? 8 . This is … speaking .

9 . Can you ask … to ring me back , please ? 10 . I\'ll ask … to call you .

Ⅲ . 语法学习

情态动词 must , may , might , can\'t , could …


1 . must 用于肯定句,作“准是;一定是;一定是;相必是”解,对当前发生的情况作出非常肯定的推测。

must 用来表示有把握的肯定推测, ( 否定推测用 can\'t , 不能用 mustn\'t ) 其推测原因往往是根据某项客观存在的条件产生的。

The man talking to the students in the classroom must be a teacher .

2 . can\'t 或 couldn\'t 作“不可能,想必不会”解,以对当前发生的事作出否定的推测,表示出惊异,怀疑的情绪。

He can\'t be waiting for us at the school gate since he is ill .

3 . might , may , could 用于肯定,但它表示一种不太肯定的说法。译成“也许;可能”。这几个词同 must 相比,表示“无客观条件线索”的推测。

She might ( may , could ) be in the classroom .



※ 想,认为 ( = guess , think ) 。

1 . 后接从句。

I suppose we\'re too late to catch the 9 : 30 train .

John supposed that he could find a job soon .

I don\'t suppose it\'s the rush hour yet .

I don\'t suppose she\'ll agree with us on the matter .

2 . 后接名词/代词 + 不定式 ( 不定式多为 to be ) 。

I suppose him to be around fifty . ( = I suppose that he is around fifty . )

She is supposed to be an expert in this field .

The work is not as simple as it was supposed to be .

这里值得注意的是 be supposed to… , 常常表示“应该……”。

He is supposed to be here on time .

We are supposed to help each other .

We are not supposed to smoke on the bus .

3 . 与 so , not 连用。

— Will she come with us ?

— Yes , I suppose so .

— Will it rain ?

— No , I suppose not . /I don\'t suppose so .

4 . 用于插入语。

You don\'t mind my smoking here , I suppose .

What do you suppose is the right way out of difficulty ?

※ 假定,设想 ( = be thought , take it as a fact ) 。

1 . 后接名词/代词 + 不定式 ( 不定式为 to be ) 。

Suppose the poor girl to be your daughter . ( = Suppose that the girl is your daughter . )

Let\'s suppose the news to be true . ( = Let\'s suppose that the news is true . )

2 . 后接从句。常用 Suppose… 或 Let us suppose … 的句式。

Suppose the earth is flat .

Let us suppose that his statement is right .

此句型常用来表示建议,意思是“……怎么样 ? ”,“何不…… ? ”

Suppose we put off the meeting till tomorrow .

Suppose we go for a picnic tomorrow .

另外,suppose/supposing 置于句首时可表示条件,意思是“假如”,“万一”,“倘若”等,相当于 if。

Suppose/Supposing it rains tomorrow , what shall we do ?



1 . A minute , please . 2 . Just a minute .

3 . Just a moment . 4 . One moment , please .

5 . Hang on a moment , please . 6 . Hang on a minute , please .

7 . Don\'t hang up , please . 8 . Hold on , please .

9 . Hold on a second , please . 10 . Hold the line , please .

11 . Would you hold the line a moment ?

《高一英语第二十五单元 At the Conference》

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