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牛津英语高一(上) chapter one

release a bomb
v. allow (news) to be known 发布新闻
allow (a film) to be exhibited or (goods) to be placed on sale
recently released films/ discs

18. magically adv.---in a strange way which we cannot explain 神奇地
magic n.& a. 魔法; 有魔力的(作定语)
magical a. 有魔力的(作定语或表语)
magician n. 魔术师
The magician pulled a white rabbit out of his hat magically.

19. burst v. ---break violently; move suddenly 冲,胀裂
Some of the crowd burst through the force and ran onto the football pitch.
burst into + n./burst out + gerund
burst into tears/ laughter (burst out crying/ laughing) (突然)哭了/笑了
burst into/ out of the room
burst in 插嘴 Don’t bet him burst in.
突然出现 He will be bursting in on us at any moment.
Language Points in Reading
1. Underneath the building there was a strange, dark lake. 倒装
2. In the middle of this lake was an island, and on that island, one hundred years ago, lived the phantom. 倒装
3. Strong enough to kill with his hands, and yet he loved music and sang with a wonderful voice.
4. By now, a group of other people had reached the Phantom’s house, and burst in, ready ot kill him.
Difficult Sentences in Reading
1. The Paris Opera House was a huge building, with seventeen floors, of which seven were below the ground.
of which seven were below the ground 非限制性定语从句 which指代seventeen floors
2. sing with a wonderful voice 用完美的嗓音唱
3. Christine’s kiss made him cry with joy. Christine的吻令他喜极而泣

Period 4

一、 倒装的种类
1. 完全倒装 (complete inversion)
整个谓语动词全部移到前面 (主谓一致)
e.g. Here comes the bus.
“ …” said John. = he said.
On the stair lay a bottle of aspirins.

2. 部分倒装 (partial inversion)
e.g. Will you go with me?
Only in this way can we learn English well.

二、 倒装结构的用法
1. 疑问句 ( partial inversion)
e.g. Has he seen John? But: I wondered whether he’d seen John. 间接疑问

2. 虚拟条件状语从句 (partial inversion)
e.g. If I were you→ Were I you (present)
Had I known what was going to happen, I would never have left her alone.
(=If I had known) (past)
Should he come tomorrow, he would help us with our work. (future)
(=If he should come tomorrow)

3. 在地点状语之后 (常跟come, lie, stand, walk, live, …) (complete inversion)
e.g. On the floor lay a bottle of aspirins.
In front of the hall stood a girl, waving to us.
*On our way home, we saw a big hall, in front of which stood a girl.
Round the corner walked a large policeman.

4. 在以here, there或out, in, up, down, away, back, then, now等副词打头的句子里 (complete inversion)
e.g. There come, be, lie, happen, appear, seem, stand, exist…
e.g. Here is a ticket for you.
Now comes your turn to recite the text.
Out rushed the student.
But: 主语是代词就不倒装
Here you are. There she comes.

5. 在so, nor, neither放在句首的句子中 (partial inversion)
e.g.. He has finished his work. So have I.
He can’t operate the recorder. Nor can I. (= I can not either)
She takes an active par in labour. So does everyone of us.
She doesn’t know it, nor does she care. (= she doesn’t care, either)
But: “ I think we should go and check in at the hotel now,” my dad said, and so we did.
She works hard at English. So she does.
“ That’s Isabel, look!” “So it is!”
后面的句子只是单纯重复前面一句的意思, 不表示也适合于另一个人或物

6. 在Only所修饰地副词,介词短语或状语从句放在句首的句子中 (partial inversion)
e.g. Only then did I realize what had happened.
Only after a year did I begin to see the results of my work.
Only when the war was over was he able to go to university.
But: Only you can solve the problem.
And: not only… but also后
e.g. Not only does he study hard, but also he is active in all kinds of activities.

7. 在以not only, never, seldom, rarely, little, nowhere, by no means, not until, no, not
hardly (scarcely)…when, no sooner… than等表示否定意义的副词获词组开头的句子中
1) 频率副词 (never, seldom, rarely, always, often)
e.g. Never have I read such a good book.
Seldom has he met us lately.
2) no sooner (past perfect)… than (past),

《牛津英语高一(上) chapter one(第2页)》

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