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se of… )意思是“由于”例如:
  As a result of fog the flight was delayed. 由于有雾,航班误点了。
  He got a rist as the result of his hard work. 由于他工作勤奋,所以他长了工资。
  Thousands of people lost their lives as the result of the war.由于那场战争,成千上万的人民丧失了生命。
  另:在本句中“To water the vegetable garden”,water一词是用作动词。在英语中有些词虽然词形相同,但词类发生变化,由某一词类(如名词)变成另一词类(如动词)。如下下列句子中Pump, water即有名词,也有动词的用法。well即可用作副词,也可用作名词。
  There is a pump is the village.it works very well.we often pump water from the well to water the vegetable garden.
  12、Americans eat a lot of meat too much in my opinion.美国人吃肉很多,依我看吃得太多了。
  in my opinion =in my view意思是“在我看来,依我看”。近似于I fhink/guess/feel/suppose(我想、我认为、我觉得)等表达形式,都是用来表示个人的看法或意见等。
  what was the nicest part of your holiday in your opinion?
  In my opinion ,autumn is the best season in beijing.在我看来,秋天是北京最好的季节。
  In charlie\'s opinion ,Americans should eat less meat.在查理看来,美国人应该少吃一点肉。
  In my opinion and in the opinion of most people.it is a very sound investment.照我的和大多数人的看法,这是一项很可靠的投资。
  13、In your letter you asked about the time in different areas of the states.
  There are five different time areas in the states 美国有5个不同的时区。
  以上两句中的The states都是指The United States of America .美国,美利坚众国略作U.S.A或U.S.。
  下句In my state中的state 是指写信人所在的那个州,这时state的开头字母不大写。另外, time areas和 time zones同义都是指时区。
  14、Please give my regards to your parents.请代我向你父母问好。
  Regard vt. 是动词,作“认为,视为”解。regard sb as a hero 认为某人是英雄。 regard sth as a crime 把某事看作是一种罪恶。例如:
  He is regarded as the best dentist in town..他被看作是域里最好的牙医。
  在名中regards 是名词,作“问候,致意”解。give my regards /love /best wishes to sb作“代我向某人问好”解。remember me to sb 也有同义。例如:
  Please give my best wishes to your wife (=Please remember me to your wife.)请代向你妻子问好。
  15、Best wishes. 祝好。
  该句通常用于信尾,谨致问候之意,还可以说best regards 祝好!Wishing you good luck /success! 祝你走运/成功!


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