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高一 A world of fun Period 1

Period 1

Warming-up & Listening


1. Talk about amusement parks and our experiences.

2. Learn to express likes and dislikes about the amusing activities.

3. Be able to listen for information and understanding.


1. Presentation

This world is full of fun. All of us like to have fun. Most of us have ever been to parks, zoos. Today we are going to learn something about amusement parks.

2. Ask the students to look at the four pictures on page 64, and then answer the following questions.

(1) Have you ever been to an amusement park? What did you do and see there?

(2) Have you tired any of the things in the pictures? Would you like to try them? Why or why not?

(3) Why do people like or dislike the activities in the pictures?

(三) 教学过程

Step 1 Warming-up

Task one Listen and guess

Students listen to the tape-recorder which is about a roller coaster coming down sharply.

Question 1. Where are the people?

2. What is happening?

Using the sentence structure: They are on a roller coaster advancing fast.

3. How did they feel?

Task Two Talk about our own experiences

1. Make a list of at least four things in groups.

2. Report to the class.

Questions: Have you ever been to an amusement park? What did you see?

Have you ever tried sitting in a roller coaster?

How did you feel?

Do you like it? Why?

Task Three Watch pictures and practice

1. Look at the pictures and fill in the blanks.(Individual work)

Do you like these activities? Why / Why not?

2. Do an interview to find others’ ideas. Students may go around (Pair work):

The dialogue can be like this:

Student A: Hello ... Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Student B: Oh, yes. I have tried…

Student A: Do you like it?

Student B: Sure. I like it because it’s really exciting and …

3. Some students tell about their interviews. (Individual work)

Task Four Talk about other amusement activities found in funfairs.

Students tell about other activities, such as rock-climbing, rafting, skiing, surfing, skydiving and so on. They can draw simple pictures to describe the activities. (Class work)


Everyone may experience the things in the pictures in our daily life. I hope all of you can do what you like!

Step2 Listening

Pre-Task Talk about a theme park

Lead-in: A theme park must have a special theme.

Pre-listening: Go over the questions or sentences that have something to do with the listening materials at P.64 and P65 and guess in pairs if possible.

While-listening: 1. Listen for the first time with the book closed

2. Listen again with the book open and individually answer the questions and complete the sentences at P.64 and P.65.

3. Check the answers in pairs.

4. Fill in the following form.

Which of the parks do you think is better?

Your reason and ideas

Post-listening questions:

Has anything similar that happened to you? What was the situation? How did you deal with it? In what way?

Step3 Summary

1. Summary:

T: In this period, we have talked and heard a lot about amusement parks. You may realize what amusing activities mean to people.

Talks of amusement parks should accompany you all the way in life, not just limited in class. Do you think so?

2. Homework

a. Recall all the new words and expressions that occur in this period.

b. Finish the exercise Talk on the workbook.

c. Write about your own experiences in a theme park.

《高一 A world of fun Period 1》

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