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Rethinking Chinese Modes of Social Control and Cybercrime Prevention/李兴安法律论文网

formation posted online by blocking sites and enforcing censorship regulations, state control over the Internet is diminishing. 2) A wealth of information can be found online from foreign sites and other sources that directly contradict the party's spin on local events and crises. 3) Dissident material online can easily be distributed via e-mail. The government has already shut down several pro-democracy sites, but new ones rapidly take their place. 4) The Internet has created a shift in communication that allows people to speak en masse. Hostility towards the government can grow and pool. 5)The Internet is a powerful tool for organising and empowering forces that offer alternative ideologies to the Chinese Communist Party, such as the Falun Gong. 6) The Internet contributes to the economic independence of the people of China. The entrepreneurial, individualistic spirit that the growth of Internet commerce engenders would seem to contradict Communist principles.

Libel, rumour and superstition are also prevailing. Chinese government has already been aware of that the people will be involved in the vast expanse of the "anti-revolutionary" information and gradually change the situation that the CCP unifying the whole country under its dictatorship.

iii. Network as a route

Cyber criminals can defy the conventional jurisdictional realms of sovereign nations, originating an attack from almost any computer in the world, passing it across multiple national boundaries, or designing attacks that appear to be originating from foreign sources. Such techniques dramatically increase both the technical and legal complexities of investigating and prosecuting cybercrimes.22

Using software tools installed on a computer in a remote location, hackers can break into computer systems to steal data, plant viruses or Trojan horses, or works mischief of a less serious sort by changing user names or passwords.23

Corporations, like governments, love to spy on the enemy. Networked systems provide new opportunities for this, as hackers-for-hire retrieve information about product development and marketing strategies, rarely leaving behind any evidence of the theft.24

Piracy in China is the "revolt and attack against the software imperialism". In the websites managed by Chinese, several of new and old software can be downloaded easily. Some websites, as well as forest outlaws, are devoted to this kind of "charities", similar to providing relief to the poor. These acts, though belong to deviance and crime, producers of software shou

Rethinking Chinese Modes of Social Control and Cybercrime Prevention/李兴安法律论文网(第9页)

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