。[5](P70)[7](P34)[4](P180)[8](P26)[9](P27)[10](P7 0)
意思实现的特征在于:其一,承诺无须通知;其二,受到严格限制,要求是根据交易 习惯或者根据要约人预先的声明;其三,合同自出现认定承诺意思的事实或行为时(承 诺意思实现时)成立。依学者通常所举事例,比如客人用电报预订旅店房间,旅店老板 将客人的姓名登记入预订客房名单,将要约人实物要约寄来的书籍签名于书页以示所有 ,均属依意思实现而成立合同。
CISG第18条第3款规定:如果根据该项要约或依照当事人之间确立的习惯作法或惯例, 受要约人可以做出某种行为,例如与发运货物或支付价款有关的行为,来表示同意,而 无须向要约人发出通知,则承诺于该项行为做出时生效,但该项行为必须在上一款所规 定的期间内做出(注:CISG art.18 par.3:However,if,by virtue of the offer or as a result of practices which the parties have established betweenthemselves of of usage,the offeree may indicate assent by performing an act, such as one relating to the dispatch of the goods or payment of the price,without notice to the offeror,the acceptance is effective at the moment the act is performed,provided that the act is performed within the period oftime laid down in the preceding paragraph.)。
PICC第2·6条第3款基本相似,规定:但是,如果根据要约本身,或依照当事人之间建 立的习惯做法或依照惯例,受要约人可以通过做出某行为来表示同意,而无须向要约人 发出通知,则承诺于做出该行为时生效(注:PICC art.2·6 par 3:However,if,byvirtue of the offer or as a result of practices which the parties haveestablished between themselves or of usage,the offeree may indicate assentby performing an act without notice to the offeror,the acceptance iseff
PECL第2:205条第3款在合同成立的时间上有所不同,规定:如果根据要约、当事人之 间业已确立的习惯做法或者惯例,受要约人可以履行某种行为来对要约作出承诺而无须 通知要约人,合同自开始履行该行为时成立(注:PECL art.2:205 par.3:If by virtue of the offer,of practices which the parties have established betweenthemselves,or of a usage,the offeree may accept the offer by performing anact without notice to the offeror,the contract is concluded when theperformance of the act begins.)。
“意思实现”在《合同法》之前的中国大陆立法中并没有规定,这一概念只是出现在&n 《默示的承诺与意思实现(第2页)》
意思实现的特征在于:其一,承诺无须通知;其二,受到严格限制,要求是根据交易 习惯或者根据要约人预先的声明;其三,合同自出现认定承诺意思的事实或行为时(承 诺意思实现时)成立。依学者通常所举事例,比如客人用电报预订旅店房间,旅店老板 将客人的姓名登记入预订客房名单,将要约人实物要约寄来的书籍签名于书页以示所有 ,均属依意思实现而成立合同。
CISG第18条第3款规定:如果根据该项要约或依照当事人之间确立的习惯作法或惯例, 受要约人可以做出某种行为,例如与发运货物或支付价款有关的行为,来表示同意,而 无须向要约人发出通知,则承诺于该项行为做出时生效,但该项行为必须在上一款所规 定的期间内做出(注:CISG art.18 par.3:However,if,by virtue of the offer or as a result of practices which the parties have established betweenthemselves of of usage,the offeree may indicate assent by performing an act, such as one relating to the dispatch of the goods or payment of the price,without notice to the offeror,the acceptance is effective at the moment the act is performed,provided that the act is performed within the period oftime laid down in the preceding paragraph.)。
PICC第2·6条第3款基本相似,规定:但是,如果根据要约本身,或依照当事人之间建 立的习惯做法或依照惯例,受要约人可以通过做出某行为来表示同意,而无须向要约人 发出通知,则承诺于做出该行为时生效(注:PICC art.2·6 par 3:However,if,byvirtue of the offer or as a result of practices which the parties haveestablished between themselves or of usage,the offeree may indicate assentby performing an act without notice to the offeror,the acceptance iseff
ective when the act is performed.)。
PECL第2:205条第3款在合同成立的时间上有所不同,规定:如果根据要约、当事人之 间业已确立的习惯做法或者惯例,受要约人可以履行某种行为来对要约作出承诺而无须 通知要约人,合同自开始履行该行为时成立(注:PECL art.2:205 par.3:If by virtue of the offer,of practices which the parties have established betweenthemselves,or of a usage,the offeree may accept the offer by performing anact without notice to the offeror,the contract is concluded when theperformance of the act begins.)。
“意思实现”在《合同法》之前的中国大陆立法中并没有规定,这一概念只是出现在&n 《默示的承诺与意思实现(第2页)》