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注 释: ①童之伟 《孙志刚案提出的几个学理性问题》 《法学》 2003年第7期
②殷啸虎 《收容制度若干问题的法理分析》 《法学》 2003年第7期


(1) 《中华人民共和国国务院公报》 2003年第21号
(2) 《六问收容制度》 《南方都市报》 2003年5月27日
(3) 杨瑞春 《别了收容站》 《南方周末》 2003年6月26日
(4) 《民政部官员专访》 http://www.jcrb.com/zyw/n146/ca80719.htm
(5) 蒋德海 《违宪还是违法》 《法学》 2003年第7期
(6) 《宪法》(1982年)
(7) 《立法法》(2000年)
(8) 《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨救助管理办法》实施细则

Abstract: The replacing of The Principle of Adoption by The Principle of Aid and Help is the historical development. The Principle of Adoption is against the constitution and breaking the law; its abolishment is the protection to the constitution and the law. The implementing of The Principle of Aid and Help embodies obviously the changes of the concept administration, which is from the pasting forcing management to now the service aid. However, the negative effects such as the new public security issue and financial pressure, that bring wait insufficiently by The Principle of Aid and Help, Make us have sober understanding to their.

Key words: The Principle of Adoption The Principle of Aid and Help Against the constitution and breaking the law Progressing Insufficient

*作者简介:沈岐红(1983— ),男,河南固始县人,河南省信阳师范学院02级政法学院本科一班学生


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