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Lesson 6

Lesson 6

教学目的(Teaching Objectives)

  (1)掌握重点单词和词组hurry up. go the wrong way, be tired。
  (2)熟练掌握be going to 结构的用法

教具(Properties) 教学磁带,图片和卡片。Properties: tape recorder, calendar. .

教学过程(Teaching Procedures)

 Step 1 Organizing the class
  Greeting end a duty report

 Step 2 Review
  1. To say sentences according to the calendar about Charlie’s holiday plan.
  eg. Charlie is going to catch the nine o’clock train to his uncle’s home. etc.

 Step 3 Leading - in
  T: Last lesson, we have known the students are going to have a field trip to mountain. Today we’re going to see what they met on their trip.
  Do you think they have a good time? Are there any problems? (Encourage students to guess about their trip.)
  Students Listen to the tape with their books closed and try to write down the problems. Call one student to write on the blackboard.

 Step 4 Presentation
  A: they go to the top of the mountain to have a picnic.
  B: they have no problem getting there.

  To draw a mountain on the blackboard, teach the phrase “on the top of” pointing to the top and “at the foot of the mountain” pointing to the loot of it “To have a picnic means to carry your food. and eat in out doors” “To trip over sth means to fall down because of sth”
  e.g. I want to climb to the top of the mountain first.
  Tomorrow we are going to have a picnic in a park.” “The boy trips over a lying tree.

Step 5 Practice
   Students listen and read the article.
   Then they ask and answer about the problems in pairs “What s the matter with Jill?”
   “She often goes the wrong way.” etc.

Step 6 Practice
  Students guess what the people in each picture are going to say. Then check the answers.
  Then students try to find ways to help them. They work in small groups.

  If time permits, they act it out as a role play.

Step 7 Exercises in class
  Ed trips over his shoes, so he has to 1 . Jiang Wei is very tired, he wants to 2 . Li Mu has too many things in his bag and it’s too heavy, he needs 3 . Katy wants to hike quickly, she always says 4 . But Jill often goes 5 .

Answers:1. Wear his shoes 2. have a rest 3. help 4. hurry up! 5. the wrong way

Step 8 Homework

1.Do the exercise 2 in page 78 of the textbook

2.To make a role play according to the pictures.

Step 9 The design of the blackboard

Lesson six

be going to

be doing

the word and phrase.

the pictures of the text.

《Lesson 6》


  • 上一篇范文: Lesson 15
  • 下一篇范文: Lesson 1

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